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 〃When I should be taking them from you; you mean? Since when were you so damn perfect?〃 He made no reply; and she took his silence as further sign of his new high…mindedness。 〃Oh; so you're not going to stoop to mudslinging; is that it?〃
 〃We'll debate it later;〃 he said。
 〃Debate it?〃 she mocked。 〃What are you going to give us; Maestro; an ethics lesson? I want to know what makes you so damn rare。〃
 〃I'm Celestine's son;〃 he said quietly。
 She stared at him; agog。 〃You're what?〃
 〃Celestine's son。 She was taken from the Fifth…〃
 〃I know where she was taken。 Dowd did it。 I thought he'd told me the whole story。〃
 〃Not this part?〃
 〃Not this part。〃
 〃There were kinder ways to tell you。 I'm sorry I didn't find one。〃
 〃No;〃 she said。 〃Where better?〃
 Her gaze went back up the stairs。 When she spoke again; which was not for a little time; it was in a whisper。
 〃You're lucky;〃 she said。 〃Home and Heaven are the same place。〃
 〃Maybe that's true for us all;〃 he murmured。
 〃I doubt it。〃
 A long silence followed; punctuated only by Monday's forlorn attempts to whistle on the step outside。
 At last; Jude said; 〃I can see now why you're so desperate to get all this right。 You're。。。 how does it go? 。。。 you're about your Father's business。〃
 〃I hadn't thought of it quite like that。。。。〃
 〃But you are。〃
 〃I suppose I am。 I just hope I'm equal to it; that's all。 One minute I feel it's all possible。 The next。。。〃
 He studied her; while outside Monday attempted the tune afresh。
 〃Tell me what you're thinking;〃 he said。
 〃I'm thinking I wish I'd kept your love letters;〃 she replied。
 There was another aching pause; then she turned from him and wandered off towards the back of the house。 He lingered at the bottom of the stairs; thinking he should probably go with her; in case Sartori's agent was hiding there; but he was afraid to bruise her further with his scrutiny。 He glanced back towards the open door and the sun… 〃 light on the step。 Safety wasn't far from her; if she needed it。
 〃How's it going?〃 he called to Monday。
 〃Hot;〃 came the reply。 〃Clem's gone to fetch some food and beer。 Lots of beer。 We should have a party; boss。 We fuckin' deserve it; don't we?〃
 〃We do。 How's Celestine?〃
 〃She's asleep。 Is it okay to e in yet?〃
 〃Just a little while longer;〃 Gentle replied。 〃But keep up the whistling; will you? There's a tune in there somewhere。〃
 Monday laughed; and the sound; which was utterly monplace of course; yet as unlikely as whale song; pleased him。 If Little Ease was still in the house; Gentle thought; his malice could do no great harm on a day as miraculous as this。 forted; he set off up the stairs; wondering as he went if perhaps the daylight had shooed all the memories into hiding。 But before he was halfway up the flight; he had proof that they hadn't。 The phantom form of Lucius Cobbitt; conjured in his mind's eye; appeared beside him; snotty; tearful; and desperate for wisdom。 Moments later; the sound of his own voice; offering the advice he'd given the boy that last; terrible night。
 〃Study nothing except in the knowledge that you already knew it。 Worship nothing。。。〃
 But before he'd pleted the second dictum; the phrase was taken up by a mellifluous voice from above。
 〃。。。 except in adoration of your true self。 And fear noth…。 ing。。。〃
 The figment of Lucius Cobbitt faded as Gentle continued to climb; but the voice became louder。
 〃。 。 。 except in the certainty that you are your enemy's begetter and its only hope of healing。〃
 And with the voice came the realization that the wisdom he'd bestowed on Lucius had not been his at all。 It had originated with the mystif。 The door to the Meditation Room was open; and Pie was perched on the sill; smiling out of the past。
 〃When did you invent that?〃 the Maestro asked。
 〃I didn't invent it; I learned it;〃 the mystif replied。 〃From my mother。 And she learned it from her mother; or t her father; who knows? Now you can pass it on。〃
 〃And what am I?〃 he asked the mystif。 〃Your son or ; your daughter?〃
 … Pie looked almost abashed。 〃You're my Maestro。〃
 〃Is that all? We're still masters and servants here? Don't
 … say that。〃
 : 〃What should I say?〃 〃What you feel。〃
 〃Oh。〃 The mystif smiled。 〃If I told you what I feel we'd be here all day。〃
 The gleam of mischief in its eye was so endearing; and the memory so real; it was all Gentle could do to prevent himself crossing the room and embracing the space where his friend had sat。 But there was work to be done…his Father's business; as Jude had called it…and it was more pressing than indulging his memories。 When Little Ease had been ousted from the house; then he'd return here and search for a profounder lesson: that of the workings of the Reconciliation。 He needed that education quickly; and the echoes here were surely rife with exchanges on the subject。
 〃I'll be back;〃 he said to the creature on the sill。
 〃I'll be waiting;〃 it replied。
 He glanced back towards it; and the sun; catching the window behind; momentarily ate into its silhouette; showing him not a whole figure but a fragment。 His gut turned; as the image called another back to mind; with appalling force: the Erasure; in roiling chaos; and in the air above his head; the howling rags of his beloved; returned into the Second with some words of warning。
 〃Undone;〃 it had said; as it fought the claim of the Erasure。 〃We are。。。 undone。〃
 Had he made some placating reply; snatched from his lips by the storm? He didn't remember。 But he heard again the mystif telling him to find Sartori; instructing him that his other knew something that he; Gentle; didn't。 And then it had gone; been snatched away into the First Dominion and silenced there。
 His heart racing; Gentle shook this horror from his head and looked back towards the sill。 It was empty now。 But … Pie's exhortation to find Sartori was still in his head。 Why had that been so important? he wondered。 Even if the mystif had somehow discovered the truth of Gentle's origins in the First Dominion and had failed to municate the fact; it must have known that Sartori was as much in ignorance of the secret as his brother。 So what was the knowledge the mystif had believed Sartori possessed; that it had defied the limits of God's Kingdom to spur him into pursuit?
 A shout from below had him give up the enigma。 Jude was calling out to him。 He headed down the stairs at speed; following her voice through the house and into the kitchen; which was targe and chilly。 Jude was standing close to the window; which had gone to ruin many years ago; giving access to the convolvulus from the garden behind; which having entered had rotted in a darkness its own abundance had thickened。 The sun could only get pencil beams through this snare of foliage and wood; but they were sufficient to illuminate both the woman and the captive whose head she had pinned beneath her foot。 It was Little Ease; his oversized mouth drawn down like a tragic mask; his eyes turned up towards Jude。
 〃Is this it?〃 she said。
 〃This is it。〃
 Little Ease set up a round of thin mewling as Gentle approached; which it turned into words。 〃I didn't do a thing! You ask her; ask her please; ask her 
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