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usiness。 He pushed his brother to the sill and hauled him up over it。 Sartori reached for a handhold and snatched at the fallen drape; but its folds were of little use。 The cloth tore as he tipped backwards; carried over the sill by his brother's arms。 Even then he fought to keep himself from falling; but Gentle gave him no quarter。 Sartori flailed for a moment; scrabbling at the air。 Then he was gone from Gentle's hands; his scream going with him; down and down and down。
 Gentle didn't see the fall and was glad of it。 Only when the cry stopped did he retreat from the window and cover his face; while the circle of the sun blazed blue and green and red behind his lids。 When he finally opened his eyes; it was to devastation。 The only whole thing in the room was Clem; and even he was the worse for wear。 He'd picked himself up and was watching the Oviates; who'd fought so vehemently for a piece of light; withering for excess of it。 Their matter was drab slough; their skitters and flights reduced to a wretched crawling retreat from the window。
 〃I've seen prettier turds;〃 Gem remarked。
 Then he started around the room; pulling all the rest of the drapes down; the dust he raised making the sun solid as it came and leaving no shadow for the peripeteria to retreat to。
 〃Taylor's here;〃 he said; when the job was done。
 〃In the sun?〃
 〃Better than that;〃 Clem replied。 〃In my head。 We think you need guardian angels; Maestro。〃
 〃So do I;〃 said Gentle。 〃Thank you。 Both。〃
 He turned back to the window and looked down at the wasteland into which Sartori had fallen。 He didn't expect to see a body there; nor did he。 Sartori hadn't survived all those years as Autarch without finding a hundred feits to protect his flesh。
 They met Monday; who had heard the window breaking above; ing up the stairs as they descended。
 〃I thought you was a goner; boss;〃 he said。
 〃Almost;〃 came the reply。
 〃What do we do about Godolphin?〃 Clem said as the trio headed down; together。
 〃We don't need to do anything;〃 Gentle said。 〃There's an open window…〃
 〃I don't think he's going to be flying anywhere。〃
 〃No; but the birds can get to him;〃 Gentle said lightly。 〃Better to fatten birds than worms。〃
 〃There's a morbid sense in that; I suppose;〃 Clem said。
 〃And how's Celestine?〃 Gentle asked the boy。
 〃She's in the car; all wrapped up and not saying very much。 I don't think she likes the sun。〃
 〃After two hundred years in the dark; I'm not surprised。 We'll make her fortable once we get to Gamut Street。 She's a great lady; gentlemen。 She's also my mother。〃
 〃So that's where you get your bloody…mindedness from;〃 Tay remarked。
 〃How safe is this house we're going to?〃 Monday asked。
 〃If you mean how do we stop Sartori getting in; I don't think we can。〃
 They'd reached the foyer; which was as sun…filled as ever。
 〃So what do you think the bastard's going to do?〃 Clem wondered。
 〃He won't e back here; I'm sure of that;〃 Gentle said。 〃I think he'll wander the city for a while。 But sooner or later he'll be driven back to where he belongs。〃
 〃Which is where?〃
 Gentle opened his arms。 〃Here;〃 he said。
 There was surely no more haunted thoroughfare in London that blistering afternoon than Gamut Street。 Neither those locations in the city famous for their phantoms; nor those anonymous spots…known only to psychics and children… where reveuants gathered; boasted more souls eager to debate events in the place of their decease as that backwater in Clerkenwell。 While few human eyes; even those ready for the marvelous (and the car that turned into Gamut Street at a little past four o'clock contained several such eyes); could see the phantoms as solid entities; their presence was clear enough; marked by the cold; still places in the shimmering haze rising off the road and by the stray dogs that gathered in such numbers at the corners; drawn by the high whistle some of the dead were wont to make。 Thus Gamut Street cooked in a heat of its own; its stew potent with spirits。
 Gentle had warned them all that there was no fort to be had at the house。 It was without furniture; water; or electricity。 But the past was there; he said; and it would be a fort to them all; after their time in the enemy's tower。
 〃I remember this house;〃 Jude said as she emerged from the car。
 〃We should both be careful;〃 Gentle warned; as he climbed the steps。 〃Sartori left one of his Oviates inside; and it nearly drove me crazy。 I want to get rid of it before we all go in。〃
 〃I'm ing with you;〃 Jude said; following him to the door。
 〃I don't think that's wise;〃 he said。 〃Let me deal with Little Ease first。〃
 〃That's Sartori's beast?〃
 〃Then I'd like to see it。 Don't worry; it's not going to hurt me。 I've got a little of its Maestro right here; remember?〃 She laid her hand upon her belly。 〃I'm safe。〃
 Gentle made no objection but stood aside to let Monday force the door; which he did with the efficiency of a practiced thief。 Before the boy had even retreated down the steps again; Jude was over the threshold; braving the stale; cold air。
 〃Wait up;〃 Gentle said; following her into the hallway;
 〃What does this creature look like?〃 she wanted to know。
 〃Like an ape。 Or a baby。 I don't know。 It talks a lot; I'm certain of that much。〃
 〃Little Ease 。。 … 。〃
 〃That's right。〃
 〃Perfect name for a place like this。〃
 She'd reached the bottom of the stairs and was staring up towards the Meditation Room。
 〃Be careful;〃 Gentle said。
 〃I heard you the first time。〃
 〃I don't think you quite understand how powerful…〃
 〃I was born up there; wasn't I?〃 she said; her tone as chilly as the air。 He didn't reply; not until she swung around and asked him again。 〃Wasn't I?〃
 Nodding; she returned to her study of the stairs。 〃You said the past was waiting here;〃 she said。
 〃My past too?〃
 〃I don't know。 Probably。〃
 〃I don't feel anything。 It's like a bloody graveyard。 A few vague recollections; that's all。〃
 〃They'll e。〃
 〃You're very certain。〃
 〃We have to be whole; Jude。〃
 〃What do you mean by that?〃
 〃We have to be 。。。 reconciled 。 。 。 with everything we ever were before we can go on。〃
 〃Suppose I don't want to be reconciled? Suppose I want to invent myself all over again; starting now?〃
 〃You can't do it;〃 he said simply。 〃We have to be whole before we can get home。〃
 〃If that's home;〃 she said; nodding in the direction of the Meditation Room; 〃you can keep it。〃
 〃I don't mean the cradle。〃
 〃What then?〃
 〃The place before the cradle。 Heaven。〃
 〃Fuck Heaven。 I haven't got Earth sorted out yet。〃
 〃You don't need to。〃
 〃Let me be the judge of that。 I haven't even had a life I could call my own; and you're ready to slot me into the grand design。 Well; I don't think I want to go。 I want to be my own design。〃
 〃You can be。 As part of…〃
 〃Part of nothing。 I want to be me。 A law unto myself。〃
 〃That isn't you talking。 It's Sartori。〃
 〃What if it is?〃
 〃You know what he's done;〃 Gentle replied。 〃The atrocities。 What are you doing taking lessons from him?〃
 〃When I should be taking them from you; you mean? Since when were you so damn perfect?〃 He made no reply; 
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