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on't want to lose you again。〃
 IN ANY OTHER PLACE BUT THIS; Gentle might have been frustrated by the sight of so many sealed doors; but as Lazarevich led him closer to the Pivot Tower the atmosphere grew so thick with dread he was glad whatever lay behind those doors was locked away。 His guide spoke scarcely at all。 When he did it was to suggest that Gentle make the rest of the journey alone。
 〃It's a little way now;〃 he kept saying。 〃You don't need me any more。〃
 〃That's not the deal;〃 Gentle would remind him; and Lazarevich would curse and whine; then head on some distance in silence; until a shriek down one of the passages; or a glimpse of blood spilled on the polished floor; made him halt and start his little speech afresh。
 At no point in this journey were they challenged。 If these titanic halls had ever buzzed with activity…and given that small armies could be lost in them; Gentle doubted that they ever had…they were all but deserted now。 Those few servants and bureaucrats they did encounter were busy leaving; burdened with hastily gathered belongings as they hurried down the corridors。 Survival was their foremost priority。 They gave the bleeding soldier and his ill…dressed panion scarcely a look。
 At last they came to a door; this one unsealed; which Lazarevich refused point…blank to enter。
 〃This is the Pivot Tower;〃 he said; his voice barely audible。
 〃How do I know you're telling the truth?〃
 〃Can't you feel it?〃
 Now it was remarked upon; Gentle did indeed feel a subtle sensation; barely strong enough to be called a tingle; in his fingertips; testicles; and sinuses。
 〃That's the tower; I swear;〃 Lazarevich whispered。
 Gentle believed him。 〃All right;〃 he said。 〃You've done your duty; you'd better go。〃
 The man grinned。 〃You mean it?〃
 〃Oh; thank you。 Whoever you are。 Thank you。〃
 Before he could skip away; Gentle took hold of his arm and drew him close。 〃Tell your children;〃 he said; 〃not to be soldiers。 Poets; maybe; or shoeshiners。 But not soldiers。 Got it?〃
 Lazarevich nodded violently; though Gentle doubted he'd prehended a word。 His only thought was of escape; and he took to his heels the moment Gentle let go of him and was out of sight in two or three seconds。 Turning to the beaten brass doors; Gentle pushed them a few inches wider and slipped inside。 The nerve endings in his scrotum and palms knew that something of significance was nearby… what had been subtle sensation was almost painful now… even though his eyes were denied sight of it by the murk of the room he'd entered。 He stood by the door until he was able to grasp some sense of what lay ahead。 This was not; it seemed; the Pivot Tower itself but an antechamber of some kind; as stale as a sickroom。 Its walls were bare; its only furniture a table upon which a canary cage lay overturned; its door open; its occupant flown。 Beyond the table; another doorway; which he took; led him into a corridor; staler still than the room he'd left。 The source of agitation in his nerve endings was audible now: a steady tone that might have been soothing under other circumstances。 Not knowing which direction it was ing from; he turned to his right and crept down the corridor。 A flight of stairs curved out of sight to his left。 He chose not to take them; his instinct rewarded by a glimmer of light up ahead。 The Pivot's tone became less insistent as he advanced; suggesting this route was a cul…de…sac; but he headed on towards the light to be certain Pie was not being held prisoner in one of these antechambers。
 As he came within half a dozen strides of the room somebody moved across the doorway; flitting through his field of vision too quickly to be seen。 He flattened himself against the wall and edged towards the room。 A wick; set in a bowl of oil on a table; shed the light he'd been drawn to。 Beside it; several plates contained the remains of a meal。 When he reached the door he waited there for the man…the night watch; he supposed…to e back into view。 He had no wish to kill him unless it was strictly necessary。 There'd be enough widows and orphans in Yzordderrex by tomorrow morning without his adding to the sum。 He heard the man fart; not once but several times; with the abandon of someone who believed himself alone; then heard him open another door; his footsteps receding。
 Gentle chanced a glance around the doorjamb。 The room was empty。 He quickly stepped inside; intending to take from the table the two knives that were lying there。 On one of the plates was an already rifled assortment of candies。 He couldn't resist。
 He picked the most luscious and had it to his mouth when the man behind said; 〃Rosengarten?〃
 He looked around; and as his gaze settled on the face across the room his jaw clenched in shock; breaking on the candy between his teeth。 Sight and sugar mingled; tongue and eye feeding such a sweetness to his brain he reeled。
 The face before him was a living mirror: his eyes; his nose; his mouth; his hairline; his bearing; his bafflement; his fatigue。 In everything but the cut of his coat and the muck beneath his fingernails; another Gentle。 But not by that name; surely。
 Swallowing the sweet liqueur from the candy; Gentle very slowly said; 〃Who 。。。 in God's name 。。。 are you?〃
 The shock was draining from the other's face; and amusement replacing it。 He shook his head。 〃。 。 。 damn kreauchee 。。。〃
 〃That's your name?〃 Gentle replied。 〃Damn Kreauchee?〃
 He'd heard stranger in his travels。 But the question only served to amuse the other more。
 〃Not a bad idea;〃 he replied。 〃There's enough in my system。 The Autarch Damn Kreauchee。 That's got a ring to it。〃
 Gentle spat the candy from his mouth。 〃Autarch?〃 he said。
 The amusement fled from the other's face。 〃You've made your point; wisp。 Now fuck off。〃 He closed his eyes。 〃Get a hold of yourself;〃 he half whispered。 〃It's the fucking kreauchee。 It's happened before; it'll happen again。〃
 Now Gentle understood。 〃You think you're dreaming me; don't you?〃 he said。
 The Autarch opened his eyes; angered to find the hallucination still hanging around。 〃I told you…〃 he said。
 〃What is this kreauchee? Some kind of alcohol? Dope? Do you think I'm a bad trip? Well; I'm not。〃
 He started towards the other; who retreated in alarm。
 〃Go on;〃 Gentle said; extending his hand。 〃Touch me。 I'm real。 I'm here。 My name's John Zacharias; and I've e a long way to see you。 I didn't think that was the reason; but now I'm here; I'm sure it was。〃
 The Autarch raised his fists to his temples; as if to beat this drug dream from his brain。
 〃This isn't possible;〃 he said。 There was more than disbelief in his voice; there was an unease that was close to fear。 〃You can't be here。 Not after all these years。〃
 〃Well; I am;〃 said Gentle。 〃I'm as confused as you; believe me。 But I'm here。〃
 The Autarch studied him; turning his head this way and that; as though he still expected to find some angle from which to view the visitor that would reveal him as an apparition。 But after a minute of such study he gave it up and simply stared at Gentle; his face a maze of furrows。
 〃Where did you e from?〃 he said slowly。
 〃I think you know;〃 Gentle replied。
 〃The Fif
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