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 In the foyer six stories below; Celestine's rescuers had; after much coaxing; persuaded the woman out of the labyrinth and into the light。 Weak though she'd been when Clem had entered her cell; she'd resisted his consolations for a good while; telling him that she wanted no part of them。 She preferred to remain underground; she said; and perish there。
 His experience on the streets had given him a way with such recalcitrance。 He didn't argue with her; nor did he leave。 He bided his time at the threshold; telling her she was probably right; there was nothing to be gained from seeing the sun。
 After a while she balked at this; telling him that wasn't her opinion at all and if he had any decency about him he'd give her some fort in her distress。 Did he want her to die Uke an animal; she said; locked away in the dark? He then allowed that the fault was his; and if she wanted to be taken up into the outside world; he'd do what he could。
 With his tactic successful; he sent Monday off to bring Jude's car to the front of the tower and began the business of getting Celestine out。 There was a delicate moment at the door of the cell when the woman; setting eyes on Jude; almost recanted her desire to leave; saying she wanted no truck with this tainted creature。 Jude kept her silence; and Clem; tact personified; sent her up to fetch blankets from the car while he escorted Celestine to the stairs。 It was a slow business; and several times she asked him to stop; holding on to him fiercely and telling him that she wasn't trembling because she was afraid; but because her body was unused to such freedom; and that if anybody; particularly the tainted woman; was to remark on these tremors; he was to hush them。
 Thus; clinging to Clem one moment; then demanding he not lean on her the next; slowing at times; then rising up with preternatural strength in her sinews the instant after; Roxborough's captive quit her prison after two centuries of incarceration; and went up to meet the day。
 But the tower's sum of surprises; whether above or below; was not yet exhausted。 As Clem escorted her across the foyer; he stopped; his eyes on the door ahead; or rather on the sunlight that poured through it。 It was laden with motes: pollen and seeds from the trees and plants outside; dust from the road beyond。 Though there was scarcely a breeze outside; they were in lively motion。
 〃We've got a visitor;〃 he remarked。
 〃Here?〃 Jude said。
〃Up ahead。〃
 She looked at the light。 Though she could see nothing that resembled a human form in it; the particles were not moving arbitrarily。 There was some organizing principle among them; and Gem; it seemed; knew its name。
 〃Taylor;〃 he said; his voice thick with feeling。 〃Taylor's here。〃
 He glanced across at Monday; who without being told stepped in to take Celestine's weight。 The woman had been hovering on unconsciousness again; but now she raised her head and watched; as did they all; while Clem started to walk towards the light…filled door。
 〃It's you; isn't it?〃 he said softly。
 In reply; the motion in the light became more agitated。
 〃I thought so;〃 Clem said; ing to a halt a couple of yards from the edge of the pool。
 〃What does he want?〃 Jude said。 〃Can you tell?〃
 Clem glanced back at her; his expression both awed and afraid。
 〃He wants me to let him in;〃 he replied。 〃He wants to be here。〃 He tapped his chest。 〃Inside me。〃
 Jude smiled。 The day had brought little in the way of good news; but here was some: the possibility of a union she'd never have believed possible。 Still Clem hesitated; keeping his distance from the light。
 〃I don't know if I can do it;〃 he said。
 〃He's not going to hurt you;〃 Jude said。
 〃I know;〃 Clem said; glancing back at the light。 Its gilded dust was more hectic than ever。 〃It's not the hurt。。。〃
 〃What then?〃
 He shook his head。
 〃I did it; man;〃 Monday said。 〃Just close your eyes and think of England。〃
 This earned a little laugh from Clem; who was still staring at the light when Jude voiced the final persuasion。
 〃You loved him;〃 she said。
 The laugh caught in Clem's throat; and in the utter hush that followed he murmured; 〃I still do。〃
 〃Then be with him。〃
 He looked back at her one last time and smiled。 Then he stepped into the light。
 To Jude's eyes there was nothing so remarkable about the sight。 It was just a door; and a man stepping through it into sunlight。 But there was significance in it now she'd never understood before; and as she stood witness a warning of Oscar's returned to her head; spoken as they'd prepared to leave for Yzordderrex。 She'd e back changed; he'd said; seeing the world she'd left with clearer eyes。 Here was proof of that。 Perhaps sunlight had always been numinous; and doorways signs of a greater passage than that of one room to another。 But she'd not seen it; until now。
 Clem stood in the beams for perhaps thirty seconds; his hands palm up in front of him。 Then he turned back towards her; and she saw that Taylor had e with him。 If she'd been asked to name the places where she saw his presence; she couldn't have done so。 There was no change in his physiognomy; no particular in which they could be seen; unless it was in signs so subtle…the angle of his head; the fixedness of his mouth…that she couldn't distinguish them。 But he was there; no doubt of it。 And so was an urgency that had not been in Clem a minute before。
 〃Take Celestine out of here;〃 he said to Jude and Monday。 〃There's something terrible going on upstairs。〃
 He left the doorway; heading for the stairs。
 〃Do you want help?〃 Jude said。
 〃No。 Stay with her。 She needs you。〃
 At this; Celestine uttered her first words since leaving the cell。 〃I don't need her;〃 she said。
 Clem reeled around on one heel; ing back to the woman and putting his nose an inch from hers。
 〃You know; I'm finding you hard to like; madam!〃 he snapped。
 Jude laughed out loud; hearing Tay's irascible tones so clearly。 She'd forgotten how his and Clem's natures had dovetailed; before sickness had taken the piss and vinegar outofTay。
 〃We're here because of you; remember that;〃 Tay said。 〃And you'd still be down there picking the fluff from your navel if Judy hadn't brought us。〃
 Celestine narrowed her eyes。 〃Put me back; then;〃 she said。
 〃Just for that〃…Jude held her breath; he wouldn't; surely? … 〃I'm going to give you a big kiss and ask you very politely to stop being a cantankerous old bag。〃 He kissed her on the nose。 〃Now let's get going;〃 he said to Monday; and before Celestine could summon a reply he headed to the stairs and was up them and out of sight。
 Exhausted by his outpouring of pain; Sartori turned from Gentle and began to wander back to the chair where he'd been sitting at the start of their interview。 He idled as he went; kicking over those servile scraps that came to dote on him and pausing to look up at Godolphin's gutted body; then setting it in motion with a touch; so that its bulk eclipsed and uncovered him by turns; as he went to his little throne。 There were peripeteria gathered around in a sycophantic horde; but Gentle didn't wait for him to order them against him。 Sartori was no less dangerous for the despair he'd jus
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