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 〃Does she know who the enemy's going to be?〃 〃No。 But it'll be a hard battle; and if you care for these people you won't put them in the front line。 They'll be there when the war's over。〃
 Gentle pondered this for a time。 Finally; he said; 〃So they'll be the peacemakers。〃
 〃Why not? They can spread the good news。〃
 Gentle nodded。 〃I like that;〃 he said。 〃And so will they。〃
 〃So shall we go and find Judith?〃
 〃I think that'd be wise。 But first; I have to say goodbye。〃
 The day came with them as they retraced their steps along the bank; and by the time they reached the underpass the shadows were no longer black but gray…blue。 Some of the beams had found their way through the concrete bridges and barricades and were edging towards the threshold of the garden。
 〃Where did you go?〃 Irish said; meeting his Gentile at the gate。 〃We thought you'd slipped away。〃
 〃I want you to meet a friend of mine;〃 Gentle said。 〃This is Clem。 Clem; this is Irish; this is Carol and Benedict。 Where's Monday?〃
 〃Asleep;〃 said Benedict; the sometime guard。
 〃What's Clem short for?〃 Carol asked。
 〃I've seen you before;〃 she said。 〃Didn't you used to bring round soup? You did; didn't you? I never forget faces。〃
 Gentle led the way through the gate and into the garden。 The fire was almost out; but there were enough embers to thaw chilled fingers。 He squatted down beside the fire and poked at it with a stick to stir some flame; beckoning Clem to warm himself。 But as Clem bent to do so he stopped。
 〃What is it?〃 Gentle said。
 Clem's eyes went from the fire to the bundled forms still slumbering all around: twenty or more; still lost in dreams; though the light was creeping over them。
 〃Listen;〃 he said。
 One of the sleepers was laughing; so softly it was barely audible。
 〃Who is that?〃 Gentle said。 The sound was contagious and brought a smile to his face。
 〃It's Taylor;〃 Clem said。
 〃There's no one here called Taylor;〃 Benedict said。
 〃Well; he's here;〃 Clem replied。
 Gentle stood up and scanned the sleepers。 In the far corner of the garden Monday was lying flat on his back; with a blanket barely covering his paint…spattered clothes。 A beam of morning light had found its straight; bright way between the concrete pillars and was settled on his chest; catching his chin and his pale lips。 As if its gilding tickled; he laughed in his sleep。
 〃That's the boy who made the paintings with me;〃 Gentle said。
 〃Monday;〃 Clem remembered。
 〃That's right。〃
 Clem picked his way through the dormitory to the youth's side。 Gentle followed; but before he reached the sleeper the laughter faded。 Monday's smile lingered; however; the sun catching the blond hairs on his upper lip。 His eyes didn't open; but when he spoke it was as if he saw。
 〃Look at you; Gentle;〃 he said。 〃The traveler returned。 No; I'm impressed; really I am。〃
 It wasn't quite Taylor's voice…the larynx shaping it was twenty years too young…but the cadences were his; so was the sly warmth。
 〃Clem told you I was hanging around; I presume。〃
 〃Of course;〃 Clem said。
 〃Strange times; eh? I used to say I'd been born into the wrong age。 But it looks as though I died into the right one。 So much to gain。 So much to lose。〃
 〃Where do I begin?〃 Gentle said。
 〃You're the Maestro; Gentle; not me。〃
 〃Maestro; am I?〃
 〃He's still remembering; Tay;〃 Clem explained。
 〃Well; he should be quick about it;〃 Taylor said。 〃You've had your holiday; Gentle。 Now you've got some healing to do。 There's a hell of a void waiting to take us all if you fuck up。 And if it es〃…the smile went from Monday's face…〃if it es there won't be any more spirits in the light; because there won't be any light。 Where's your familiar; by the way?〃
 〃The mystif。〃
 Gentle's breath quickened。
 〃You lost it once; and I went looking for it。 I found it too; mourning its children。 Don't you remember?〃 ' 〃Who was this?〃 Clem asked。
 〃You never met it;〃 Taylor said。 〃If you had; you'd remember。〃
 〃I don't think Gentle does;〃 Clem said; looking at the Maestro's troubled face。
 〃Oh; the mystifs in there somewhere;〃 Taylor said。 〃Once seen; never forgotten。 Go on; Gentle。 Name it for me。 It's on the tip of your tongue。〃
 Gentle's expression became pained。
 〃It's the love of your life; Gentle;〃 Taylor said; coaxing Gentle on。 〃Name it。 I dare you。 Name it。〃
 Gentle frowned and mouthed silence。 But finally his throat gave up its hostage。 〃Pie 。。。〃 he murmured。
 Taylor smiled through Monday's face。 〃Yes。。。 ?〃
 〃Pie 'oh' pah。〃
 〃What did I tell you? Once seen; never forgotten。〃
 Gentle said the name again and again; breathing it as though the syllables were an incantation。 Then he turned to Clem。
 〃That lesson I never learned;〃 he said。 〃It came from Pie。〃
 〃Where's the mystif now?〃 Taylor asked。 〃Do you have any idea?〃
 Gentle went down on his haunches beside Tay's sleeping host。 〃Gone;〃 he said; closing his hands around the sunlight。
 〃Don't do that;〃 Taylor said softly。 〃You only catch the dark that way。〃 Gentle opened his hand again and let the light lie on his palm。 〃You say the mystifs gone?〃 Tay went on。 〃Where; for God's sake? How can you lose it twice?〃
 〃It went into the First Dominion;〃 Gentle replied。 〃It died and went where I couldn't follow。〃
 〃I'm sorry to hear that。〃
 〃But I'll see it again; when I've done my work;〃 Gentle said。
 〃Finally; we get to it;〃 Tay said。
 〃I'm the Reconciler;〃 Gentle said。 〃I've e to open the Dominions 。。。〃
 〃So you have; Maestro;〃 Tay said。
 〃。。。 on Midsummer Night。〃
 〃You're cutting it fine;〃 Clem said。 〃That's tomorrow。〃
 〃It can be done;〃 Gentle said; standing up again。 〃I know who I am now。 He can't hurt me any more。〃
 〃Who can't?〃 Clem asked。
 〃My enemy;〃 Gentle replied; turning his face into the sunlight。 〃Myself。〃
 After only a few days in this city that enemy; the sometime Autarch Sartori; had begun yearning for the languid dawns and elegaic dusks of the Dominion he'd left。 The day came altogether too quickly here and was snuffed out with; the same alacrity。 That would have to change。 Among his plans for the New Yzordderrex would be a palace made of mirrors; and of glass made possessive by feits; that would hold the glory of these inkling dawns and protract them; so that they met the glow of dusk ing in other directions。 Then he might be happy here。
 There would be; he knew; little in the way of resistance to his taking of the Fifth; to judge by the ease with which the members of the Tabula Rasa had succumbed to him。 All but one of them was now dead; cornered in their burrows like rabid vermin。 Not one had detained him more than minutes; they had given up their lives quickly; with few sobs and still fewer prayers。 He wasn't surprised。 Their ancestors had been strong…willed men; but even the most pungent blood thinned over generations; and the children of their children of their children (and so on) were faithless cowards。
 The only surprise he'd had in this Dominion; and it was a sweet one; was the woman whose bed he was returning to: the peerless and eternal Judith。 His first taste of her had been in Quaisoir's chambers when; mistaking her for the woman he'd married; h
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