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r for him to ignore the vaguest signpost to the miraculous。 He'd asked the woman what Lord this was that was ing; and she'd replied; quite sensibly; that it didn't matter。 Why should she care what Lord it was; she said; as long as He came?
 Now it was an hour before dawn; and he was trudging across Waterloo Bridge because he'd heard the psychopathic Tolland had usually kept to the South Bank and something odd must have happened to drive him across the river。 A faint clue; to be sure; but enough to keep Clem walking; though hearth and pillow lay in the opposite direction。
 The concrete bunkers of the South Bank plex had been a favorite bete grise of Taylor's; their ugliness railed against whenever the subject of contemporary architecture came up in conversation。 The darkness presently concealed their drab; stained facades; but it also turned the maze of underpasses and walkways around them into terrain no bourgeois would tread for fear of his life or his wallet。 Recent experience had taught Clem to ignore such anxieties。 Warrens such as this usually contained individuals more aggressed against than aggressive; souls whose shouts were defenses against imagined enemies and whose tirades; however terrifying they might seem emerging from shadow; usually dwindled into tears。
 In fact; he'd not heard a whisper from the murk as he descended from the bridge。 The cardboard city was visible where its suburbs spilled out into the meager lamplight; but the bulk of it lay under cover of the walkways; out of sight and utterly quiet。 He began to suspect that the lunatic Tolland was not the only tenant who'd left his plot to travel north and; stooping to peer into the boxes on the outskirts; had that suspicion confirmed。 He headed into shadow; fishing his pencil torch from his pocket to light the way。 There was the usual detritus on the ground: spoiled scraps of food; broken bottles; vomit stains。 But the boxes; and the beds of newspaper and filthy blankets they contained; were empty。 More curious than ever; he wandered on through the rubbish; hoping to find a soul here too weak or too crazy to leave; who could explain this migration。 But he passed through the city without finding a single occupant; emerging into what the planners of this concrete hell had designed as a children's playground。 All that remained of their good intentions were the grimy bones of a slide and a jungle gym。 The paving beyond them; however; was covered in fresh color; and advancing to the spot Clem found himself in the middle of a kitsch exhibition: crude chalk copies of movie…star portraits and glamour girls everywhere underfoot。
 He ran the beam over the ground; following the trail of images。 It led him to a wall; which was also decorated; but by a very different hand。 Here was no mere copyist's work。 This image was on such a grand scale Clem had to play his torch beam back and forth across it to grasp its splendor。 A group of philanthropic muralists had apparently taken it upon themselves to enliven this underworld; and the result was a dream landscape; its sky green; with streaks of brilliant yellow; the plain beneath orange and red。 Set on the sands; a walled city; with fantastical spires。
 The torch beam caught a glint off the paint; and Clem approached the wall to discover that the muralists had only recently left off their labors。 Patches of the paint were still tacky。 Seen at close quarters; the rendering was extremely casual; almost slapdash。 Barely more than half a dozen marks had been used to indicate the city and its towers; and only a single snaking stroke to show the highway running from the gates。 Moving his beam off the picture to illuminate the way ahead; Clem realized why the muralists had been so haphazard。 They had been at work on every available wall; creating a parade of brightly colored images; many of which were far stranger than the landscape with the green sky。 To Clem's left was a man with two cupped hands for a head; lightning jumping between the palms; to his right a family of freaks; with fur on their faces。 Farther on was an alpine scene; fantasticated by the addition of several naked women; hovering above the snows; beyond it a skull…strewn veldt; with a distant train belching smoke against a dazzling sky; and beyond that again; an island set in the middle of a sea disturbed by a single wave; in the foam of which a face could be discovered。 AH were painted with the same passionate haste as the first; which fact lent them the urgency of sketches and added to their power。 Perhaps it was his exhaustion; or simply the bizarre setting for this exhibition; but Clem found himself oddly moved by the images。 There was nothing ingratiating or sentimental about them。 They were glimpses into the minds of strangers; and he was exhilarated to find such wonders there。
 With his gaze following the journey of pictures; he'd lost all sense of his own direction; but when he turned out his torch to look for the lamplight he saw a small fire burning up ahead; and in lieu of any other beacon he made his way towards it。 The fire makers had occupied a small garden laid amid the concrete。 It had perhaps once boasted a rose bed or flowering shrubs; benches; perhaps; dedicated to some dead city father。 But now there was only a pitiful lawn; which barely greened the dirt it peered from。 Gathered upon it were the tenants of the cardboard city; or some part of their number。 Most were asleep; bundled up in their coats and blankets。 But five or six were awake; standing around the fire and passing a cigarette between them as they talked。
 A dreadlocked black squatted on the low wall beside the garden's gate and; spotting Clem; rose to guard the entrance。 Clem didn't retreat。 There was no threat visible in the man's posture; nor anything but calm in the garden beyond。 The sleepers did so quietly; their dreams seemingly kind。 And the debaters around the fire spoke in whispers。 When they laughed; which they did now and then; it wasn't the hard; desperate noise he'd heard among these clans; but light。
 〃Who are you; man?〃 the black asked him。
 〃My name's Clem。 I got lost。〃
 〃You don't look like you been sleepin' rough; man。〃
 〃I haven't。〃
 〃So why you here?〃
 〃Like I said: I got lost。〃
 The man shrugged。 〃Waterloo Station's over in that direction;〃 he said; pointing roughly back the way Clem had e。 〃But you got a long wait for the first train。〃 He caught Clem's glance into the garden。 〃Sorry; man; you can't e in。 If you got a bed; go to it。〃
 Clem didn't move; however。 Something about one of the men at the fire; standing with his back to the gate; rooted him to the spot。
 〃Who is that; who's talking now?〃 he asked the guard。
 The man glanced around。 〃That's the Gentile;〃 he said。
 〃The Gentile?〃 he said。 〃Surely you mean Gentle。〃
 He hadn't raised his voice in order to name the man; but the syllables must have carried on the tranquil air; because as they went from Clem's lips the speaker stopped talking and slowly turned towards the gate。 With the fire burning at his back his features were hard to make out; but Clem knew he'd made no error。 The man turned back to his fellow debaters and said something to them Clem didn't catch。 Then he le
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