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We can live as brother and sister; can't we? That doesn't sound so bad; now; does it?〃
 〃No;〃 she said; fighting the urge to spit her disgust in his face。 〃No; it doesn't。〃
 〃Well; look; why don't you wait for me downstairs? I've got a bit of business left to do here。 Rituals have to be observed。〃
 〃Whatever you say;〃 she replied。
 She left him to his farewells; whatever they were; and headed back to the stairs。 The rumbling that had caught his attention had ceased; but she hurried down the concrete flight with high hopes。 The cell was open; she knew it。 In a matter of moments she'd set her eyes on the Goddess and; perhaps as importantly; Celestine would set her eyes on Jude。 In one sense; what Dowd had expressed above was true。 With Oscar dead; she was indeed free from the curse of her creation。 It was tune to know herself and be known。
 As she walked through the remaining room of Roxborough's house and started down the stairs into the cellar; she sensed the change that had e over the maze below。 She didn't have to search for the cell; the energy in the air moved like an invisible tide; carrying her towards its source。 And there it was; in front of her: the cell wall a heap of splinters and rubble; the gap its collapse had made rising to the ceiling。 The dissolution she'd initiated was still going on。 Even as she approached; further bricks fell away; their mortar turned to dust。 She braved the fall; clambering up over the wreckage to peer into the cell。 It was dark inside; but her eyes soon found the mummified form of the prisoner; lying in the dirt。
 There was no movement in the body whatsoever。 She went to it and fell to her knees to tear at the fine threads that Roxborough or his agents had bound Celestine with。 They were too tough for her fingers; so she went at them with her teeth。 The threads were bitter; but her teeth were sharp; and once one succumbed to her bites others quickly followed。 A tremor passed through the body; as if the captive sensed liberation。 As with the bricks; the message of unmaking was contagious; and she'd only snapped half a dozen of the threads when they began to stretch and break of their own volition; aided by the motion of the body they'd bound。 Her cheek was stung by the flight of one; and she was obliged to retreat as the unfettering spread; the threads describing sinuous motions as they broke; their severed ends bright。
 The trdmors in Celestine's body were now convulsions; growing as the ambition of the threads increased。 They weren't simply flying wildly; Jude realized; they were reaching out in all directions; up towards the ceiling of the cell and to its walls。 Stung by them once; the only way she could avoid further contact was by backing away to the hole through which she'd e and then out; stumbling over the rubble。
 As she emerged she heard Dowd's voice; somewhere in the labyrinth behind her。 〃What have you been doing; lovey?〃
 She wasn't quite sure; was the truth。 Though she'd been the initiator of this unbinding; she wasn't its mistress。 The cords had an urgency of their own; and whether it was Celestine who moved them; or Roxborough who'd plaited into them the instruction to destroy anyone who came seeking his prisoner's release; they were not about to be placated or contained。 Some were snatching at the edge of the hole; dragging away more of the bricks。 Others; demonstrating an elasticity she hadn't expected; were nosing over the rubble; turning over stones and books as they advanced。
 〃Oh; my Lord;〃 she heard Dowd say; and turned to see him standing in the passageway half a dozen yards behind her; with his surgeon's knife in one hand and a bloody handkerchief in the other。
 This was the first sight she had of him head to foot; and the burden of Pivot shards he carried was apparent。 He looked utterly maladroit; his shoulders mismatched and his left leg turned inward; as though a shattered bone had been badly set。
 〃What's in there?〃 he said; hobbling towards her。 〃Is this your friend?〃
 〃I suggest you keep your distance;〃 she said。
 He ignored her。 〃Did Roxborough wall something up? Look at those things! Is it an Oviate?〃
 〃What then? Godolphin never told me about this。〃
 〃He didn't know。〃
 〃But you did?〃 he said; glancing back at her as he advanced to study the cords; which were emerging all the time。 〃I'm impressed。 We've both kept our little secrets; haven't we?〃
 One of the cords reared suddenly from the rubble; and he jumped back; the handkerchief dropping from his hand。 It unfolded as it fell; and the piece of Oscar's flesh Dowd had wrapped in it landed in the dirt。 It was vestigial; but she knew it well enough。 He'd cut off the curiosity and carried it away as a keepsake。
 She let out a moan of disgust。 Dowd started to stoop to pick it up; but her rage…which she'd concealed for Celes…tine's sake…erupted。
 〃You scumbag!〃 she said; and went at him with both hands raised above her head; locked into a single fist。
 He was heavy with shards and couldn't rise fast enough to avoid her blow。 She struck the back of his neck; a clout that probably hurt her more than him; but unbalanced a body already too asymmetrical for its own good。 He stumbled; prey to gravity; and sprawled in the rubble。 He knew his indignity; and it enraged him。
 〃Stupid cow!〃 he said。 〃Stupid; sentimental cow! Pick it up! Go on; pick it up! Have it if you want to。〃
 〃I don't want it。〃
 〃No; I insist It's a gift; brother to sister。〃
 〃I'm not your sister! I never was and I never will be!〃
 Mites were appearing from his mouth as he lay on the rubble; some of them grown fat as cockroaches on the power he carried in his skin。 Whether they were for her benefit or to protect him against the presence in the wall she didn't know; but seeing them she took a step away from him。
 〃I'm going to forgive you this;〃 he said; all magnanimity。 〃You're overwrought; I know。〃 He raised his arm。 〃Help me up;〃 he said。 〃Tell me you're sorry; and it's forgotten。〃
 〃I loathe everything you are;〃 she said。
 Despite the mites; it was self…preservation that made her speak; not courage。 This was a place of power。 The truth would serve her better here than a lie; however politic。
 He withdrew his arm and started to haul himself up。 As he did so she took two steps forward and; picking up the bloodied handkerchief; claimed with it the last of Oscar。 As she stoofl up again; almost guilty at what she'd done; she caught sight of a motion in the wall。 A pale form had appeared against the darkness of the cell; as ripe and rounded a form as the wall that framed it was ragged。 Celestine was floating; or rather was borne up as Quaisoir had been borne up; on ribbons of flesh; the filaments that had once smothered her clinging to her limbs like the remnants of a coat and draped around her head as a living hood。 The face beneath was delicately boned; but severe; and what beauty it might have possessed was spoiled by the dementia that burned in it。 Dowd was still in the process of rising and turned to follow Jude's astonished gaze。 When he set eyes on the apparition his body failed him; and he fell back onto the rubble; belly down。 From his mite…spawning mouth came one terrified word。
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