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 〃Just trying to keep the conversation light。 You seem very agitated。 There's no need。 You're not going to e to any harm; unless you defy my Maestro。〃
 〃The very man。 He knew you'd e here; you see。 He said you'd pine and you'd preen; and how very right he was。 But then I'm sure he'd have done the same thing。 There's nothing in your head that isn't in his。 Except for me; that is。 I must thank you for being so prompt; by the way。 He said I'd have to be patient; but here you are; after less than two days。 You must have wanted these memories badly。〃
 The creature went on in similar vein; burbling at the back of Gentle's head; but he was barely aware of it。 He was concentrating on what to do now。 This creature; whatever it was; had tricked its way into him…Open your head and heart; it had said; and he'd done just that; fool that he was: opened himself up to its possession…and now he had to find some way to be rid of it。
 〃There's more where those came from; you know;〃 it was saying。
 He'd temporarily lost track of its monologue and didn't know what it was prattling about。
 〃More of what?〃 he said。
 〃More memories;〃 it replied。 〃You wanted the past; but you've only had a tiny part of a tiny part。 The best's still to e。〃
 〃I don't want it;〃 he said。
 〃Why not? It's you; Maestro; in all your many skins。 You should have what's yours。 Or are you afraid you'll drown in what you've been?〃
 He didn't answer。 It knew damn well how much damage the past could do if it came over him too suddenly; he'd laid plans for that very eventuality as he'd e to the house。
 Little Ease must have heard his pulse quicken; because it said; 〃I can see why it'd frighten you。 There's so much to be guilty for; isn't there? Always; so much。〃
 He had to be out and away; he thought。 Staying here; where the past was all too present; invited disaster。
 〃Where are you going?〃 Little Ease said as Gentle started towards the door。
 〃I'd like to get some sleep;〃 he said。 An innocent enough request。
 〃You can sleep here;〃 his possessor replied。
 〃There's no bed。〃
 〃Then lie down on the floor。 I'll sing a lullaby。〃
 〃And there's nothing to eat or drink。〃
 〃You don't need sustenance right now;〃 came the reply。
 〃I'm hungry。〃
 〃So fast for a while。〃
 Why was it so eager to keep him here? he wondered。 Did it simply want to wear him down with sleeplessness and thirst before he even stepped outside? Or did its sphere of influence cease at the threshold? That hope leapt in him; but he tried not to let it show。 He sensed that the creature; though it had spoken of entering his head and heart; did not have access to every thought in his cranium。 If it did; it'd have no need of threats in order to keep him here。 It would simply direct his limbs to be leaden and drop him to the ground。 His intentions were still his own; even if the entity had his memories at its behest; and it followed therefore that he might get to the door; if he was quick; and be beyond its grasp before it opened the floodgates。 In order to placate it until he was ready to make his move; he turned his back on the door。
 〃Then I suppose I stay;〃 he said。
 〃At least we've got each other for pany;〃 Little Ease said。 〃Though let me make it clear; I draw the line at any carnal relations; however desperate you get。 Please don't take it personally。 It's just that I know your reputation; and I want to state here and now I have no interest in sex。〃
 〃Will you never have children?〃
 〃Oh; yes; but that's different。 I lay them in the heads of my enemies。〃
 〃Is that a warning?〃 he asked。
 〃Not at all;〃 it replied。 〃I'm sure you could acmodate a family of us。 It's all One; after all。 Isn't that right?〃 It left off its voice for a moment and imitated him perfectly。 〃We'll not be subsumed at our deaths; Roxborough; we'll be increased to the size of Creation。 Think of me as a little sign of that increase; and we'll get along fine。〃
 〃Until you murder me。〃
 〃Why would I do that?〃
 〃Because Sartori wants me dead。〃
 〃You do him an injustice;〃 Little Ease said。 〃I've no brief as an assassin。 All he wants me to do is keep you from your work until after midsummer。 He doesn't want you playing the Reconciler and letting his enemies into the Fifth。 Who can blame him? He intends to build a New Yzordderrex here; to rule over the Fifth from pole to pole。 Did you know that?〃
 〃He did mention it。〃
 〃And when that's done; I'm sure he'll embrace you as a brother。〃
 〃But until then…'〃
 〃…I have his permission to do whatever I must to keep you from being a Reconciler。 And if that means driving you insane with memories…〃
 〃…then you will。〃
 〃Must; Maestro; must。 I'm a dutiful creature。〃
 Keep talking; Gentle thought; as ifwaxed poetic describing its powers of subservience。 He wouldn't make for the door; he'd decided。 It was probably double… or treble…locked。 Better that he went for the window by which he'd entered。 He'd fling himself through if need be。 If he broke a few bones in the process; it'd be a small price to pay for escape。
 He glanced around casually; as if deciding where he was going to lay his head; never once allowing his eyes to stray to the front door。 The room with the open window lay ten paces at most from where he stood。 Once inside; there'd be another ten to reach the window。 Little Ease; meanwhile; was lost in loops of its own humility。 Now was as good a time as any。
 He took a pace towards the bottom of the stairs as a feint; then changed direction and darted for the door。 He'd made three paces before it even realized what he was up to。
 〃Don't be so stupid!〃 it snapped。
 He'd been conservative in his calculation; he realized。 He'd be through the door in eight paces; not ten; and across the room in another six。
 〃I'm warning you;〃 it shrieked; then; realizing its appeals would gain it nothing; acted。
 Within a pace of the door; Gentle felt something open in his head。 The crack through which he allowed the past to trickle suddenly gaped。 In a pace the rivulet was a stream; in two; white waters; in three; a flood。 He saw the window across the room; and the street outside; but his will to reach it was washed away in the deluge of the past。
 He'd lived nineteen lives between his years as Sartori and his time as John Furie Zacharias; his unconscious programmed by Pie to ease him out of one life and into another in a fog of self…ignorance that only lifted when the deed was done; and he awoke in a strange city; with a name filched from a telephone book or a conversation。 He'd left pain behind him; of course; wherever he'd gone。 Though he'd always been careful to detach himself from his circle; and cover his tracks when he departed; his sudden disappearances had undoubtedly caused great grief to everyone who'd held him in their affections。 The only one who'd escaped unscathed had been himself。 Until now。 Now all these lives were upon him at once; and the hurts he'd scrupulously avoided caught up with him。 His head filled with fragments of his past; pieces of the nineteen unfinished stories that he'd left behind; all lived with the same infantile greed for sensation that had marked his existence as John Furie Zacharias。 In every one of the
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