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ng a letter of introduction from Casanova…caught by two beasts whose skulls were as flat as spades and whose translucent skin had given Sartori a terrible glimpse of their victim's agony as his head was taken down the throat of one while his legs were devoured by the other。
 But it was the death of Roxborough's sister that Gentle remembered with profoundest horror; hot least because the man had been at such pains to keep her from ing and had even abased himself to the Maestro; begging him to talk to the woman and persuade her to stay away。 He'd had the talk; but he'd knowingly made his caution a seduction…almost literally; in fact…and she'd e to see the Reconciliation as much to meet the eyes of the man who'd wooed her with his warnings as for the ceremony itself。 She'd paid the most terrible price。 She'd been fought over like a bone among hungry wolves; shrieking a prayer for deliverance as a trio of Oviates drew out her entrails and dabbled in her open skull。 By the time the Maestro; with Pie 'oh' pah's help; had raised sufficient feits to drive the entities back into the circle; she was dying in her own coils; thrashing like a fish half filleted by a hook。
 Only later did the Maestro hear of the atrocities visited on the other circles。 It was the same story there as in the Fifth: the Oviates appearing in the midst of innocents; carnage ensuing; which was only brought to a halt when one of the Maestro's assistants drove them back。 With the exception of Sartori; the Maestros themselves had all perished。
 〃It would be better if I'd died like the others;〃 he said to Lucius。
 The boy tried to persuade him otherwise; but tears overwhelmed him。 There was another voice; however; rising from the bottom of the stairs; raw with grief but strong。
 〃Sartori! Sartori!〃
 He turned。 Joshua was there in the hallway; his fine powder…blue coat covered with blood。 As were his hands。 As was his face。
 〃What's going to happen?〃 he yelled; 〃This storm! It's going to tear the world apart!〃
 〃No; Joshua。〃
 〃Don't lie to me! There's never been a storm like this! Ever!〃
 〃Control yourself…〃
 〃Jesus Christ our Lord; forgive us our trespasses。〃
 〃That's not going to help; Joshua。〃
 Godolphin had a crucifix in his hand and put it to his lips。
 〃You Godless trash! Are you a demon? Is that it? Were you sent to have our souls?〃 Tears were pouring down his crazed face。 〃What Hell did you e out of?〃
 〃The same as you。 The human hell。〃
 〃I should have listened to Roxborough。 He knew! He said over and over you had some plan; and I didn't believe him; wouldn't believe him; because Judith loved you; and how could anything so pure love anything unholy? But you hid yourself from her too; didn't you? Poor; sweet Judith! How did you make her love you? How did you do it?〃
 〃Is that all you can think of?〃
 〃Tell me! How?〃
 Barely coherent in his fury; Godolphin started up the stairs towards the seducer。
 Gentle felt his hand go to his mouth。 Godolphin halted。 He knew this power。
 〃Haven't we shed enough blood tonight?〃 the Maestro said。
 〃You; not me;〃 Godolphin replied。 He jabbed a finger in Gentle's direction; the crucifix hanging from his fist。 〃You'll have no peace after this;〃 he said。 〃Roxborough's already talking about a purge; and I'm going to give him every guinea he needs to break your back。 You and all your works are damned!〃
 〃Even Judith?〃
 〃I never want to see that creature again。〃
 〃But she's yours; Joshua;〃 the Maestro said flatly; descending the stairs as he spoke。 〃She's yours forever and ever。 She won't age。 She won't die。 She belongs to the family Godolphin until the sun goes out。〃
 〃Then I'll kill her。〃
 〃And have her innocent soul on your blotted conscience?〃
 〃She's got no soul!〃
 〃I promised you Judith to the lash; and that's what she is。 A religion。 A discipline。 A sacred mystery。 Remember?〃
 Godolphin buried his face in his hands。
 〃She's the one truly innocent soul left among us; Joshua。 Preserve her。 Love her as you've never loved any living thing; because she's our only victory。〃 He took hold of Godolphin's hands and unmasked him。 〃Don't be ashamed of our ambition;〃 he said。 〃And don't believe anyone who tells you it was the Devil's doing。 We did what we did out of love。〃
 〃Which?〃 Godolphin said。 〃Making her; or the Reconciliation?〃
 〃It's all One;〃 he replied。 〃Believe that; at least。〃
 Godolphin claimed his hands from the Maestro's grip。 〃I'll never believe anything again〃 he said and; turning his back; began his weary descent。
 Standing on the stairs; watching the memory disappear; Gentle said a second farewell。 He had never seen Godolphin again after that night。 A few weeks later the man had retreated to his estate and sealed himself up there; living in silent self…mortification until despair had burst his tender heart。
 〃It was my fault;〃 said the boy on the stairs behind him。
 Gentle had forgotten Lucius was still there; watching and listening。 He turned back to the child。
 〃No;〃 he said; 〃You're not to blame。〃
 Lucius had wiped the blood from his chin; but he couldn't control his trembling。 His teeth chattered between his stumbling words。 〃I did everything you told me to do;〃 he said。 〃I swear。 I swear。 But I must have missed some words from the rites or。。。 I don't know。。。 maybe mixed up the stones。〃
 〃What are you talking about?〃
 〃The stones you gave me; to replace the flawed ones。〃
 〃I gave you no stones; Lucius。〃
 〃But Maestro; you did。 Two stones; to go in the circle。 You told me to bury the ones I took; at the step。 Don't you remember?〃
 Listening to the boy; Gentle finally understood how the Reconciliation had e to grief。 His other…born in the upper room of this very house…had used Lucius as his agent; sending him to replace a part of the circle with stones that resembled the originals (forging ran in the blood); knowing they would not preserve the circle's integrity when the ceremony reached its height。
 But while the man who was remembering these scenes understood how all this had e about; to Maestro Sartori; still ignorant of the other self he'd created in the womb of the doubling circle; this remained an unfathomable mystery。
 〃I gave you no such instruction;〃 he said to Lucius。
 〃I understand;〃 the youth replied。 〃You have to lay the blame at my feet。 That's why Maestros need adepts。 I begged you for the responsibility; arid I'm glad to have had it even if I failed。〃 He reached into his pocket as he spoke。 〃Forgive me; Maestro;〃 he said and; drawing out a knife; had it at his heart in the space of a thunderclap。 As the tip drew blood the Maestro caught hold of the youth's hand and; wrenching the blade from his fingers; threw it down the stairs。
 〃Who gave you permission to do that?〃 he said to Lucius。 〃I thought you wanted to be an adept?〃
 〃I did;〃 the boy said。
 〃And now you're out of love with it。 You see humiliation and you want no more of the business。〃
 〃No!〃 Lucius protested。 〃I still want wisdom。 But I failed tonight。〃
 〃We all failed tonight!〃 the Maestro said。 He took hold of the trembling boy and spoke to him softly。 〃I don't know how this tragedy came about;〃 he said。 〃But I sniff more than your shite in the a
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