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a suicide。 He picked up his pace; his momentum moving steadily larger stones as he went。 Though there was no sign that the mystif was in any hurry; he feared that once it was in the equivocal region between solid ground and nothingness; it would be irretrievable。
 〃Pie!〃 he yelled as he went。 〃Can you hear me? Please; stop!〃
 The words went on clouding and clothing him; but they had no effect upon Pie until Gentle turned his requests into an order。
 〃Pie 'oh' pah。 This is your Maestro。 Stop。〃
 The mystif stumbled as Gentle spoke; as though his demand had put an obstacle in its way。 A small; almost bestial sound of pain escaped it。 But it did as its sometime summoner had ordered and stopped in its tracks like a dutiful servant; waiting until the Maestro reached its side。
 Gentle was within ten paces; now; and saw how far advanced the process of unknitting was。 The mystif was barely more than a shadow among shadows; its features impossible to read; its body insubstantial。 If Gentle needed any further proof that the Erasure was not a place of healing; it was in the sight of the uredo; which was more solid than the body it had fed upon; its livid stains intermittently brightening like embers caught by a gusting wind。
 〃Why did you leave your bed?〃 Gentle said; his pace slowed once again as he approached the mystif。 Its form seemed so tenuous he feared any violent motion might disperse it entirely。 〃There's nothing beyond the Erasure you need; Pie。 Your life's here; with me。〃
 The mystif took a little time to reply。 When it did its voice was as ethereal as its substance; a slender; exhausted plea emerging from a spirit at the edge of total collapse。
 〃I don't have any life left; Maestro;〃 it said。
 〃Let me be the judge of that。 I swore to myself I wouldn't let you go again; Pie。 I want to look after you; make you well。 Bringing you here was a mistake; I see that now。 I'm sorry if it's brought you pain; but I'll take you away…〃
 〃It wasn't a mistake。 You found your way here for your own reasons。〃
 〃You're my reason; Pie。 I didn't know who I was till you found me; and I'll forget myself again if you go。〃
 〃No; you won't;〃 it said; the dubious outline of its head turning in Gentle's direction。 Though there was no gleam to mark the place where its eyes had been; Gentle knew it was looking at him。 〃You're the Maestro Sartori。 The Reconciler of the Imajica。〃 It faltered for a long moment。 When its voice came again; it was frailer than ever。 〃And you are also my master; and my husband; and my dearest brother。 。。。 If you order me to stay; then I will stay。 But if you love me; Gentle; then please 。。。 let。。。 me 。。。 go。〃
 The request could scarcely have been made more simply or more eloquently; and had Gentle known without question there was an Eden on the other side of the Erasure; ready to receive Pie's spirit; he would have let the mystif go there and then; agonizing as it would be。 But he believed differently and was ready to say it; even in such proximity to the void。
 〃It's not heaven; Pie。 Maybe God's there; maybe not。
 But until we know…〃
 〃Why not just let me go now and see for myself? I'm not afraid。 This is the Dominion where my people were made。 I want to see it。〃 In these words there was the first hint of passion Gentle had so far heard。 〃I'm dying; Maestro。 I need to lie down and sleep。〃
 〃What if there's nothing there; Pie? What if it's only emptiness?〃
 〃I'd prefer the absence to the pain。〃 The reply defeated Gentle utterly。 〃Then you'd better go;〃 he said; wishing he could find some more tender way to relinquish his hold; but unable to conceal his desolation with platitudes。 However much he wanted to save Pie from suffering; his sympathy could not outweigh the need he felt; nor quite annul the sense of ownership which; however unsavory; was a part of what he felt towards this creature。
 〃I wish we could have taken this last journey together; Maestro;〃 Pie said。 〃But you've got work to do; I know。 Great work。〃
 〃And how do I do it without you?〃 Gentle said; knowing this was a wretched gambit…and half ashamed of it…but unwilling to let the mystif pass from life without voicing every desire he knew to keep it from going。
 〃You're not alone;〃 Pie said; 〃You've met Tick Raw and Scopique。 They were both members of the last Synod; and they're ready to work the Reconciliation with you。〃 〃They're Maestros?〃
 〃They are now。 They were novices the last time; but they're prepared now。 They'll work in their Dominions while you work in the Fifth。〃
 〃They waited all this time?〃
 〃They knew you'd e。 Or; if not you; somebody in your place。〃
 He'd treated them both so badly; he thought; Tick Raw especially。
 〃Who'll represent the Second?〃 he said。 〃And the First?〃
 〃There was a Eurhetemec in Yzordderrex; waiting to work for the Second; but he's dead。 He was old the last time; and he couldn't wait。 I asked Scopique to find a replacement。〃
 〃And here?〃
 〃I'd hoped that honor might fall to me; but now you'll need to find someone in my place。 Don't look so lost; Maestro; please。 You were a great Reconciler…〃
 〃I failed。 How great is that?〃
 〃You won't fail again。〃
 〃I don't even know the ceremonies。〃
 〃You'll remember; after a time。〃
 〃All that we did and said and felt is still waiting in Gamut Street。 All our preparations; all our debates。 Even me。〃
 〃Memory isn't enough; Pie。〃
 〃I know。。。。〃
 〃I want you real。 I want you 。。。 forever。〃
 〃Maybe; when the Imajica is whole again and the First Dominion opens; you'll find me。〃
 There was some tiny hope in that; he thought; though whether it would be enough to keep him from despair when the mystif had disappeared he didn't know。
 〃May I go?〃 Pie said。
 Gentle had never uttered a harder syllable than his next。 〃Yes;〃 he said。
 The mystif raised its hand; which was no more than a five…fingered wisp of smoke; and put it against Gentle's lips。
 He felt no physical contact; but his heart jumped in his chest。
 〃We're not lost;〃 Pie said。 〃Trust in that。〃 Then the fingers dropped away; and the mystif started from Gentle's side towards the Erasure。 There were perhaps a dozen yards to cover; and as the gap diminished Gentle's heart; already pounding after Pie's touch; beat faster; its drum tolling in his head。 Even now; knowing he couldn't rescind the freedom he'd granted; it was all he could do not to pursue the mystif and delay it just another moment: to hear its voice; to stand beside it; to be the shadow of its shadow。
 It didn't glance back; but stepped with cruel ease into the no…man's…land between solidity and nothingness。 Gentle refused to look away but stared on with a steadfastness more defiant than heroic。 The place was well named。 As the mystif walked it was erased; like a sketch that had served its Creator's purpose and was no longer needed on the page。 But unlike the sketch; which however fastidiously erased always left some trace to mark the artist's error; when Pie finally disappeared the vanishing was plete; leaving the spot flawless。 If Gentle had not had the mystif in his memory…that unreliable book…it might never have existed。
 When he returned inside; it was to meet the stares of
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