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d seen the man who'd lived here。 One of the number; a girl of six or so with her hair so plaited with vines she looked as though she was sprouting them; had an answer。
 〃He went away;〃 she said。
 〃Do you know where?'1
 〃Nope;〃 she said again; speaking on behalf of her little tribe。
 〃Does anybody know?〃
 Which exchange brought the subject of Athanasius to a swift halt。
 〃Where now?〃 Monday asked; as the children returned to their games。
 〃We follow the water;〃 Gentle replied。
 They began to ascend again; while the et; which had long since passed its zenith; made the contrary motion。 They were both weary now; and the temptation to lie down in some tranquil spot grew with every stride they took。 But Gentle insisted they go on; reminding Monday that Hoi…Polloi's bosom would be a far more fortable place to lay his head than any hummock; and her kisses more invigorating than a dip in any pool。 His talk was persuasive; and the boy found an energy Gentle envied; bounding on to clear the way for the Maestro; until they reached the mounds of dark rubble that marked the walls of the palace。 Rising from them; the columns from which had once hung an enormous pair of gates were turned to playthings by the waters; which climbed the right pillar in rivulets and threw themselves across the gap in a drizzling arch that squarely struck the top of the left。 It was a most beguiling spectacle; and one 。 that claimed Gentle's attention pletely; leaving Monday to head between the columns alone。
 After a short time his shout came back to fetch Gentle; and it was blissful。
 〃Boss? Boss! e here!〃
 Gentle followed where Monday's cries led; through the warm rain beneath the arch and into the palace itself。 He found Monday wading across a courtyard; fragrant with the lilies that trembled on its flood; towards a figure standing beneath the colonnade on the other side。 It was Hoi…Polloi。 Her hair was plastered to her scalp; as though she'd just swum the pool; and the bosom upon which Monday was so eager to lay his head was bare。
 〃So you're here at last;〃 she said; looking past Monday towards Gentle。
 Her eager beau lost his footing halfway across; and lilies flew as he hauled himself to his feet。
 〃You knew we were ing?〃 he said to the girl。
 〃Of course;〃 she replied。 〃Not you。 But the Maestro。 We knew the Maestro was ing。〃
 〃But it's me you're glad to see; right?〃 Monday spluttered。 〃I mean; you are glad?〃
 She opened her arms to him; 〃What do you think?〃 she said。
 He whooped his whoop and splashed on towards her; peeling off his soaked shirt as he went。 Gentle followed in his wake。 By the time he reached the other side Monday was stripped down to his underwear。
 〃How did you know we were ing here?〃 Gentle asked the girl。
 〃There are prophetics everywhere;〃 she said。 〃e on。 I'll take you up。〃
 〃Can't he go on his own?〃 Monday protested。
 〃We'll have plenty of time later;〃 Hoi…Polloi said; taking his hand。 〃But first I have to take him up to the chambers。〃
 The trees within the ring of the demolished walls dwarfed those outside; inspired to unprecedented growth by the almost palpable sanctity of this place。 There were women and children in their branches and among their gargantuan roots; but Gentle saw no men here and supposed that if Hoi…Polloi hadn't been escorting them they'd have been asked to leave。 How such a request would have been enforced he could only guess; but he didn't doubt that the presences which charged the air and earth here had their ways。 He knew what those presences were: the promised Goddesses; whose existence he'd first heard mooted in Beatrix; while sitting in Mother Splendid's kitchen。
 The journey was circuitous。 There were several places where the rivers ran too hard and deep to be forded; and Hoi…Polloi had to lead them to bridges or stepping stones; then double back along the opposite bank to pick up the track again。 But the farther they went; the more sentient the air became; and though Gentle had countless questions to ask he kept them to himself rather than display his naivete。
 There were tidbits from Hoi…Polloi once in a while; so casually dropped they were enigmas in themselves。 〃。。。 the fires are so ical。。。〃 she said at one point; as they passed a pile of twisted metalwork that had been one of the Autarch's war machines。 And at another place; where a deep blue pool housed fish the size of men; said: 〃。。。 apparently they have their own city 。 。 。 but it's so deep in the ocean I don't suppose I'll ever see it。 The children will; though。 That's what's wonderful。。。。〃
 Finally; she brought them to a door that was curtained with running water and; turning to Gentle; said; 〃They're waiting for you。〃
 Monday went to step through the curtain at Gentle's side; but Hoi…Polloi restrained him with a kiss on his neck。
 〃This is just for the Maestro;〃 she said。 〃e along。 We'll go swimming。〃
 〃Go ahead;〃 Gentle told him。 〃No harm's going to e to me here。〃
 〃I'll see you later then;〃 Monday said; content to have Hoi…Polloi tug him away。
 Before they'd disappeared into the thicket; Gentle turned to the door; dividing the cool curtain with his fingers and stepping into the chamber beyond。 After the riot of life outside; both its scale and its austerity came as a shock。 It was the first structure he'd seen in the city that preserved something of his brother's lunatic ambition。 Its vastness was uninvaded by all but a few shoots and tendrils; and the only waters that ran here were at the door behind him and those falling from an arch at the other end。 The Goddesses had not left the chamber entirely unmarked; however。 The walls of what had been built as a windowless hall were now pierced on all sides; so that for all its immensity the place was a honeyb; penetrated by the soft light of evening。 There was only one item of furniture: a chair; close to the distant arch; and seated upon it; with a baby on her lap; was Judith。
 As Gentle entered; she looked up from the child's face and smiled at him。 〃I was beginning to think you'd lost your way;〃 she said。
 Her voice was light: almost literally; he thought。 When she spoke; the beams that came through the walls flickered;
 〃I didn't know you were waiting;〃 he said。
 〃It's been no great hardship;〃 she said。 〃Won't you e closer?〃 As he crossed the chamber towards her; she said; 〃I didn't expect you to follow us at first; but then I thought; He will; he will; because he'll want to see the child。〃
 〃To be honest。。。 I didn't think about the child。〃
 〃Well; she thought about you;〃 Jude said; without rebuke。
 The baby in her lap could not be more than a few weeks old but; like the trees and flowers here; was burgeoning。 She sat on Jude's lap rather than lay; one small strong hand clutching her mother's long hair。 Though Jude's breasts were bare and fortable; the child had no interest in nourishment or sleep。 Her gray eyes were fixed on Gentle; studying him with an intense and quizzical stare。
 〃How's Clem?〃 Jude asked when Gentle stood before her。
 〃He was fine when I last saw him。 But I left rather suddenly; as you know。 I feel rather guilty about that。 But once I'd started 。。。〃
 〃I know。 There was no tur
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