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d peered up at the carbonized tree that shaded the house from the stars。
 After that evening the cold's nip became a bite; and the bite a gnaw; until by late November the temperatures were low enough to keep even the most ardent tomcat at the fire。 But the flow of visitors…in both directions…didn't cease。 Night after night ordinary citizens appeared in Gamut Street to brush shoulders with the excursionists who were corning in the opposite direction。 Some of the former became such regular visitors that Clem began to recognize them and was able to watch their investigations grow less tentative as they realized that the sensations they felt were not the first signs of lunacy。 There were wonders to be found here; and one by one these men and women must have discovered the source; because they invariably disappeared。 Others; perhaps too afraid to venture into the passing places alone; came with trusted friends; showing them the street as though it were a secret vice; talking in whispers; then laughing out loud when they found their loved ones could see the apparitions too。
 Word was spreading。 But that fact was the only pleasure those bitter days and nights provided。 Though Tick Raw spent more and more time in the house and was lively pany; Clem missed Gentle badly。 He hadn't been altogether surprised at his abrupt departure (he'd known; even if Gentle hadn't; that sooner or later the Maestro would leave the Dominion); but now his truest pany was the man with whom he shared his skull; and as the first anniversary of Tay's death approached the mood of both grew steadily darker。 The presence of so many living souls on the street only served to make the revenants who'd occupied it through the summer months feel further disenfranchised; and their distress was contagious。 Though Tay had been happy to stay with Clem through the preparations for the Great Work; their time as angels was over; and Tay felt the same need as those ghosts who roamed outside the house: to be gone。
 As December came; Clem began to wonder how many more weeks he could keep his post; when it seemed every hour the despair of the ghost in him grew。 After much debate with himself he decided that Christmas would mark the last day of his service in Gamut Street。 After that he'd leave number 28 to be tramped around by Tick's excursionists and go back to the house where a year before he and Tay had celebrated the Return of the Unvanquished Sun。
 Jude and Hoi…Polloi had taken their time crossing the Dominions; but with so many roads to choose between; and so many incidental joys along the way; going quickly seemed almost criminal。 They had no reason to hurry。 There was nothing behind them to drive them on; and nothing in front summoning them。 At least; so Jude pretended。 Time and time again; when the issue of their ultimate destination cropped up in conversation; she avoided talking about the place she knew in her heart of hearts they would eventually reach。 But if the name of that city wasn't on her lips; it was on the lips of almost every other woman they met; and when Hoi…Polloi mentioned that it was her。birthplace questions from fellow travelers would invariably flow thick and fast。 Was it true that the harbor was now filled at every tide with fish that had swum up from the depths of the ocean; ancient creatures that knew the secret of the origins of women and swam up the rivered streets at night to worship the Goddesses on the hill? Was it true that the women there could have children without any need of men whatsoever; and that some could even dream babies into being? And were there fountains in that city that made the old young; and trees on which every fruit was new to the world? And so on; and so forth。
 Though Jude was willing; if pressed; to supply descriptions of what she'd seen in Yzordderrex; her accounts of how the palace had been refashioned by water; and of streams that defied gravity; were not particularly remarkable in the face of what rumor was claiming about Yzordderrex。 After a few conversations in which she was urged to describe marvels she had no knowledge of…as though the questioners were willing her to invent prodigies rather than disappoint them…she told Hoi…Polloi she'd not be drawn into any further debates on the subject。 But her imagination refused to ignore the tales it heard; however preposterous; and with every mile they traveled along the Lenten Way; the idea of the city awaiting them at the end of their journey grew more intimidating。 She fretted that perhaps the blessings bestowed on her there would be valueless after all the time she'd spent away from the place。 Or that the Goddesses knew that she'd told Sartori…in all truth…that she loved him; and that Jokalaylau's condemnation of her would carry the day if she ever went back into their temple。
 Once they were on the Lenten Way; however; such fears became academic。 They were not going to turn back now; especially as both of them were being steadily more exhausted。 The city called them out of the fogs that lay between Dominions; and they would go into it together and face whatever judgments; prodigies; and deep…sea fish were waiting there。
 Oh; but it was changed。 A warmer season was on the Second than when Jude had last been here; and with so much water running in the streets the air was tropical。 But more breathtaking than the humidity was the growth it had engendered。 Seeds and spores had been carried up from the seams and caverns beneath the city in vast numbers; and under the influence of the Goddesses feits had matured with preternatural speed。 Ancient forms of vegetation; most long believed extinct; had greened the rubble; turning the Kesparates into luxuriant jungle。 In the space of half a year Yzordderrex had e to resemble a lost city; sacred to women and children; its desolation salved by flora。 The smell of ripeness was everywhere; its source the fruits that glistened on vine and bough and bush; the abundance of which had in turn attracted animals that would never have dared Yzordderrex under its previous regime。 And running through this cornucopia; feeding the seeds it had raised from the underworld; the eternal waters; still flowing up the hillsides in their riotous way but no longer carrying their fleets of prayers。 Either the requests of those who lived here had been answered; or else their baptisms had made them their own healers and restorers。
 Jude and Hoi…Polloi didn't go up to the palace the day they arrived。 Nor the day after; nor the day after that。 Instead; they searched for the Peccable house and there made themselves fortable; though the tulips on the dining room table had been replaced by a throng of blossoms that had erupted through the floor; and the roof had bee an aviary。 After so long a journey; in which they'd not known from night to night where they were going to lay their heads; these were minor inconveniences; and they were grateful to be at rest; lulled to sleep by cooings and chatterings in beds that were more like bowers。 When they woke; there was plenty to eat: fruit that could be picked off the trees; water that ran clear and cold in the street outside; and; in some of the larger streams; fish; which formed the staple diet of the c
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