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on。 A step gaped and oozed marrow。 A wall opened where stone met stone; and a scarlet deeper than any he'd seen; a scarlet turned almost black; ran in rills as the slabs yielded up their geometry; lending themselves to the Unbeheld's purpose。 Teeth came down from an unknitted balcony above; and loops of gut unraveled from the sills; dragging down curtains of tissue as they came。
 As the deconstruction escalated; he dared the look he'd been forbidden; glancing back to see the entire street in ross or petty motion: forms fracturing; forms congealing; forms drooping and rising。 There was nothing recognizable in the turmoil; and Gentle was about to turn away when one of the pliant walls tumbled in the flux and for a heartbeat; no more; he glimpsed a figure behind it。 The moment was long enough to know the face he saw and have it in his mind's eye when he looked away。 There was no face its equal in the Imajica。 For all the sorrow on it; for all its wounds; it was exquisite。
 Pie was alive and waiting there; in his Father's midst; a prisoner of the prisoner。 It was all Gentle could do not to turn there and then and pitch his spirit into the tumult; demanding that his Father give the mystif up。 This was his teacher; he'd say; his renewer; his perfect friend。 But he fought the desire; knowing such an attempt would end in calamity; and instead turned away again; doting on the glimpse he'd had while the street behind him continued to convulse。 Though the mystif s body had been marked by the hurts it had suffered; it was more whole than Gentle had dared hope。 Perhaps it had drawn strength from the land on which Hapexamendios' city was built; the Dominion its people had worked their feits upon; before God had e to raise this metropolis。
 But how should he persuade his Father to give the mystif up? With pleas? With further flattery? As he chewed on the problem; the ructions around him began to subside; and he heard Hapexamendios speak behind him。
 〃Reconciler? 〃
 〃Yes; Father?〃
 〃You wanted to see my face。〃
 〃Yes; Father?〃
 〃Turn and look。〃
 He did so。 The street in front of him had not lost all semblance of a thoroughfare。 The buildings still stood; their doors and windows visible。 But their architect had claimed from their substance sufficient pieces of the body he'd once owned to recreate it for Gentle's edification。 The Father was human; of course; and had perhaps been no larger than His son in His first incarnation。 But He'd remade Himself three times Gentle's height and more; a teetering giant that was as much borne up by the street He'd racked for matter as of it。
 For all His scale; however; His form was ineptly made; as if He'd forgotten what it was like to be whole。 His head was enormous; the shards of a thousand skulls claimed from the buildings to construct it; but so mismatched that the mindit was meant to shield was visible between the pieces; pulsing and flickering。 One of His arms was vast; yet ended in a hand scarcely larger than Gentle's; while the other was wizened; but finished with fingers that had three dozen joints。 His torso was another mass of misalliances; His innards cavorting in a cage of half a thousand ribs; His huge heart beating against a breastbone too weak; to contain it and already fractured。 And below; at His groin; the strangest deformation: a sex He'd failed to conjure into a single organ; but which hung in rags; raw and useless。 〃Now;〃 the God said。 〃Do you see?〃 The impassivity had gone from His voice; its monotony replaced by an assembly of voices; as many larynxes; none of them whole; labored to produce each word。
 〃Do you see;〃 He said again; 〃the resemblance?〃
 Gentle stared at the abomination before him and; for all its patchworks and disunions; knew that he did。 It wasn't in the limbs; this likeness; or in the torso; or in the sex。 But it was there。 When the vast head was raised; he saw his face in the ruin that clung to his Father's skull。 A reflection of a reflection of a reflection; perhaps; and all in cracked mirrors。 But oh! it was there。 The sight distressed him beyond measure; not because he saw the kinship but because their roles seemed suddenly reversed。 Despite its size; it was a child he saw; its head fetal; its limbs untutored。 It was eons old; but unable to slough off the fact of flesh; while he; for all his naivetes; had made his peace with that disposal。 
 〃Have you seen enough; Reconciler?〃 Hapexamendios said。
 〃Not quite。〃 〃What then?〃
 Gentle knew he had to speak now; before the likeness was undone again and the walls were resealed。 〃I want what's in You; Father。〃 〃In me?〃
 〃Your prisoner; Father。 I want Your prisoner。〃 〃I have no prisoner。〃
 〃I'm your son;〃 Gentle said。 〃The flesh of your flesh。 Why do you lie to me?〃
 The unwieldy head shuddered。 The heart beat hard against the broken bone。
 〃Is there something you don't want me to know?〃 Gentie said; starting towards the wretched body。 〃You told me I could know everything。〃
 The hands; great and small; twitched and jittered。
 〃Everything; You said; because I've done You perfect service。 But there's something You don't want me to know。〃
 〃There's nothing。〃
 〃Then let me see the mystif。 Let me see Pie 'oh' pah。〃
 At this the God's body shook; and so did the walls around it。 There were eruptions of light from beneath the ; flawed mosaic of His skull: little raging thoughts that cremated the air between the folds of His brain。 The sight was a reminder to Gentle that; however frail this figure looked; it was the tiniest part of Hapexamendios' true scale。 He was a city the size of a world; and if the power that had raised that city; and sustained the bright blood in its stone; was ever allowed to turn to destruction; it would beggar the Nullianacs。
 Gentle's advance; which had so far been steady; was now ; halted。 Though he was a spirit here and had thought no barrier could be raised against him; there was one before him now; thickening the air。 Despite it; and the dread he felt when reminded of his Father's powers; he didn't retreat。 He ? knew that if he did so the exchange would be over and Hapexamendios would be about His final business; His prisoner unreleased。
 〃Where's the pure; obedient son I had? 〃 the God said。 :
 〃Still here;〃 Gentle replied。 〃Still wanting to serve You; if You'll deal with me honorably。〃
 A series of more livid bursts erupted in the distended skull。 This time; however; they broke from its dome and rose into the dark air above the God's head。 There were images in these energies; fragments of Hapexamendios' 。 thoughts; shaped from fire。 One of them was Pie。
 〃You've no business with the mystif;〃 Hapexamendios said。 〃It belongs to me。〃
 〃No; Father。〃
 〃To me。〃
 〃I married it; Father。〃
 The lightning was quieted momentarily; and the God's pulpy eyes narrowed。
 〃It made me remember my purpose;〃 Gentle said。 〃It made me remember to be a Reconciler。 I wouldn't be here…I wouldn't have served you…if it weren't for Pie 'oh' pah。〃
 〃Maybe it loved you once;〃 the many throats replied。 〃But now I want you to forget it。 Put it out of your head forever。 〃
 In reply came the parent's eternal answer to a child who asks too many questions。 〃Be
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