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e darkened room she went out into the hallway barefoot。 The smell was much stronger now。 It was ing from the street outside; its route plain。 The front door was open; and the angels who'd been guarding it were gone。
 Calling Clem's name; she crossed the hallway; her step slowing as she approached the open door。 The candles at the stairs were bright enough to shed some light upon the step。 There was something glistening there。 She picked up her speed again; asking for the Goddesses to be with her and with Clem。 Don't let this be him; she murmured; seeing that it was tissue glistening; and blood in a pool around it; please don't let this be him。
 It wasn't。 Now that she was almost at the threshold she saw the remnants of a face there and knew it: Sartori's agent; Little Ease。 Its eyes had been scooped out; and its mouth; which had spewed pleas and flattery in such abundance; was tongueless。 But there was no doubting its identity。 Only a creature of the In Ovo could still twitch as this did; refusing to give up the semblance of life even if the fact of it had gone。
 She looked beyond the trophy into the murk of the street; calling Clem's name again。 There was no answer at first。 Then she heard him; his shout half smothered。 〃Go back inside! For…God's…sake; go back!〃
 〃Clem?〃 She stepped out of the house; bringing new cries of alarm from the darkness。
 〃Don't! Don't!〃
 〃I'm not going back without you;〃 she said; avoiding the
 Oviate's head as she advanced。
 She heard something let out a soft sound as she did so; like a creature growling with its maw full of bees。 〃Who's there?〃 she said。
 There was no reply at first; but she knew it would e if she waited; and whose voice it would be when it did。 She did not anticipate the nature of the reply; however; or its falling note。
 〃It wasn't supposed to happen this way;〃 Sartori said。
 〃If you've hurt Clem…〃
 〃I've no wish to hurt anybody。〃
 She knew that was a lie。 But she also knew he'd do Clem no harm as long as he needed a hostage。
 〃Let Clem go;〃 she said。 〃Will you e to me if I do?〃
 She left a decent pause before replying; so as not to seem too eager。 〃Yes;〃 she said。 〃I'll e。〃 〃No; Judy!〃 Clem said。 〃Don't。 He's not alone。〃 She could see that now; as her eyes became more accustomed to the darkness。 Sleek; ugly beasts prowled back and forth。 One was up on its back legs; sharpening its claws on the tree。 Another was in the gutter; close enough for her to see its innards through its translucent skin。 Their ugliness didn't distress her。 Around the fringes of any drama such detritus was bound to accrue: scraps of discarded characters; soiled costumes; cracked masks。 They were irrelevancies; and her lover had taken them for pany because he felt a kinship with them。 She pitied them。 But him; who'd been most high; she pitied more。
 〃I want to see Clem here on the step before I make a move;〃 she said。
 There was a pause; then Sartori said; 〃I'm going to trust you。〃
 His words were followed by further sounds from the Oviates that paced in the murk; and Jude saw two of them slope out of the shadows; with Clem between them; his arms in their throats。 They came close enough to the pavement for her to see the foam of appetite that rose from their lips; then they literally spat their prisoner free。 Clem fell face down on the road; his hands and arms covered in their muck。 She wanted to go to his aid there and then; but though the captors had retreated; the tree gouger had turned and lowered its shovel head; its eyes; black as a shark's; flickering back and forth in their bulbous sockets; hungry to have the frail meat on the road。 If she moved she feared it would pounce; so she kept her place on the step while Clem hauled himself to his feet。 His arms were blistered by the Oviate's spittle; but he was otherwise intact。
 〃I'm all right; Judy;〃 he murmured。 〃Go back inside。〃
 She stayed put; however; waiting until he was up and staggering across the pavement before she started down the steps。
 〃Go back!〃 he told her again。
 She put her arms around him and whispered。 〃Clem。 I don't want you to argue with this。 Go into the house and lock the door。 I'm not ing with you。〃
 He started to speak; but she hushed him。
 〃No argument; I said。 I want to see him; Clem。 I want to 。。。 be with him。 Now; please; if you love me; go inside and close the door。〃
 She felt reluctance in his every sinew; but he knew too much about the business of love; especially love that defied orthodoxy; to attempt to reason with her。
 〃Just remember what he's done;〃 he said; as he let her go。
 〃That's all part of it; Clem;〃 she said; and slipped past him。
 It was easy to leave the light behind。 The ache which the currents had woken in her marrow diminished with every yard she put between herself and the house; and the thought of the embrace ahead quickened her step。 This was what she wanted; and what he wanted too。 Though the first causes of this passion were gone…one to dust; one to divinity…she and the man in the darkness were its embodiments and could not be denied each other。
 She glanced back towards the house once only; to see that Clem was lingering on the step。 She didn't waste time trying to persuade him to go inside; but simply turned back to the shadows。
 〃Where are you?〃 she said。
 〃Here;〃 her lover replied; and stepped from the folds of his legion。
 A single strand of luminescent matter came with him; fine enough to have been woven by Oviate spiders; but clotted here and there with beads like pearls; which swelled and dropped from the filaments; running down his arms and face and mottling the ground where he walked。 The light flattered him; but she was too hungry for the truth of his face to be deceived; and piercing the glamour with her stare found him much reduced。 The shining dandy she'd first met in Klein's plastic garden had gone。 Now his eyes were heavy with despair; his mouth drawn down at the corners; his hair awry。 Perhaps he'd always looked like this; and he'd simply used some piffling sway to mask the fact; but she doubted it。 He was changed on the outside because something had changed within。
 Though she stood before him defenseless; he made no move to touch her; but hung back like a penitent in need of invitation before he approached the altar。 She liked this new fastidiousness。
 〃I didn't hurt the angels;〃 he said softly。
 〃You shouldn't even have touched them。〃
 〃It wasn't supposed to happen like this;〃 he said again。
 〃The gek…a…gek were clumsy。 They dropped some meat from the roof。〃
 〃I saw。〃
 〃I was going to wait until the power subsided and e for you in style。〃 He paused; then asked; 〃Would you have let me take you?〃
 〃I wasn't certain。 I was a little afraid you'd reject me; and then I'd bee cruel。 You're my sanity now。 I can't go on without you;〃
 〃You went on all those years in Yzordderrex。〃
 〃I had you there;〃 he said; 〃only by a different name。〃
 〃And you were still cruel。〃
 〃Imagine how much cruder I would have been;〃 he said; as if amazed at the possibility; 〃if I hadn't had your face to mellow me。〃
 〃Is that all I am to you? A face?〃
 〃You know better than that;〃 he said; his voice dropping 〃 to a w
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