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 It gave Sartori no satisfaction to watch Little Ease's life go out。 The sense of exhilaration he'd felt at dawn when; having summoned the gek…a…gek; he'd contemplated the confrontation that lay a few hours off; had been all but sweated out of him by the heat of the intervening day。 The gek…a…gek were powerful beasts and might well have survived the journey from Shiverick Square to Gamut Street; but no Oviate was fond of the light from any heaven; and rather than risk their debilitation; he'd stayed beneath the trees with his pride; counting off the hours。 Only once had he ventured from their pany and had found the streets deserted。 The sight should have heartened him。 With the area deserted he and the creatures would be unwitnessed when they moved on the enemy。 But sitting in the silent bower with his dozing legion; undistracted by even the sound of a fly; his mind had been preyed upon by fears he'd always put away until now; fears fueled by the sight of these empty streets。
 Was it possible that his revisionist purposes were about to be overwhelmed by some still greater revision? He realized his dreams of a New Yzordderrex were valueless。 He'd said as much to his brother in the tower。 But even if he wasn't to be an empire builder here; he still had something to live for。 She was in the house in Gamut Street; yearning for him; he hoped; as he yearned for her。 He wanted continuance; even if it was as Hell to Gentle's Heaven。 But the desertion of this city made him wonder if even that was a pipe dream。
 As the afternoon had crept on; he'd begun to look forward to reaching Gamut Street; simply for the signs of life it would provide。 But he'd arrived to find precious little fort here。 The phantoms that lingered at the perimeters only reminded him of how uncharitable death really was; and the sounds that issued from the house itself (a girl's giggling from one of the lower rooms; and later full…throated laughter; his brother's; from the Meditation Room) only seemed to him signs of an idiot optimism。
 He wished he could scour these thoughts from his head; but there was no escape from them except; possibly; in the arms of his Judith。 She was in the house; that he knew。 But with the currents unleashed inside so strong; he dared not enter。 What he wanted; and what he finally got from Little Ease; was intelligence as to her state and whereabouts。 He'd assumed; wrongly as it turned out; that Judith was with the Reconciler。 She'd taken herself off to Yzordderrex; Little Ease said; and e back with fabulous tales。 But the Reconciler had not been much impressed by them。 There'd been a fracas; and he'd begun his working alone。
 Why had she gone in the first place? he inquired; but the 。 creature claimed it didn't know and could not be persuaded to supply an answer even though its limbs were half twisted off and its brain pan opened to the gek…a…gek's tongue。 It had died protesting its ignorance; and Sartori had left the pride to toy with the carcass; taking himself off along the roof to turn over what he'd learned。
 Oh; for a wad of kreauchee; to subdue his impatience; or else make him brave enough to beat on the door and tell her to e out and make love among the phantoms。 But he was too tender to face the currents。 There'd e a time; … very soon; when the Reconciler; his gathering pleted; would retire to the Ana。 At that juncture the circle; its power no longer needed as a conduit to carry the analogues back into its reservoir; would turn off those currents and turn its attention to conveying the Reconciler through the In Ovo。 There; in that window between the Reconciler's removal to the Ana and the pletion of the working; he would act。 He'd enter the house and let the gek…a…gek take Gentle (and any who rose to protect him) while he claimed Judith。
 Thinking of her; and of the kreauchee he yearned for; he brought the blue egg out of his pocket and put it to his lips。 He'd kissed its cool a thousand times in the last few hours; licked it; sucked it。 But he wanted it deeper inside him; locked up in his belly as she would be when they'd mated again。 He put it in his mouth; threw back his head; and swatlowed。 It went down easily; and granted him a few minutes of calm while he waited for the hour of his deliverance。
 Had Gem's head not had two tenants he might well have forsaken his place at the front door during the hours in which the Reconciler worked above。 The currents which that process had unleashed had made his belly ache at the outset; but after a time their effect mellowed; suffusing his system with a serenity so persuasive he'd wanted to find a place to lie down and dream。 But Tay had policed such dereliction of duty severely; and whenever Clem's attention strayed he felt his lover's presence…which was so subtly wed and interwoven with his thoughts it only became apparent when there was a conflict of interests…rousing him to fresh vigilance。 So he kept his post; though by now it was surely an academic exercise。
 The candle he had set beside the door was drowning in its own wax; and he had just stooped to wick the lip and let the excess flow off when he heard something hitting the step outside; the sound like that of a fish being slapped on a slab。 He gave up his candle work and put his ear to the door。 There was no further sound。 Had a fruit fallen from the tree outside the house; he wondered; or was there some stranger rain tonight? He went from the door; through to the room where Monday had been entertaining Hoi…Polloi。 They'd left it for some more private place; taking two of the cushions with them。 The thought that there were lovers in the house tonight pleased him; and he silently wished them well as he crossed to the window。 It was darker outside than he'd expected; and though he had a view of the step he couldn't distinguish between objects lying upon it and the designs that Monday had drawn there。
 Perplexed rather than anxious; he went back to the front door and listened again。 There were no further sounds; and he was tempted to let the matter alone。 But he half hoped some visionary rain had indeed begun to fall; and he was too curious to ignore the mystery。 He moved the candle from the door; the wax snuffing the flame as he did so。 No matter。 There were other candles burning at the bottom of the stairs; and he had sufficient light to find the bolts and slide them back。
 In Celestine's room; Jude woke and raised her head from the mattress where she'd laid it an hour before。 The conversation between the women had continued for some while after their peacemaking; but Jude's exhaustion had finally caught up with her; and Celestine had suggested she rest for a while; which; reassured by Celestine's presence; she'd gladly done。 Now she stirred to find that Celestine had also succumbed; her head on the mattress; her body on the floor。 She was snoring softly; undisturbed by whatever had woken Jude。
 The door was slightly ajar; and a perfume was ing through it; stirring a faint nausea in Jude's system。 She sat up and rubbed at the crick in her neck; then got to her feet。 She'd slipped off her shoes before she lay down; but rather than search for them in the darkened room she went out into the hallway barefoot。 Th
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