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 Moving forward carefully; letting his light drift from left to right; he exited the loading bay and walked along the catwalk leading into the plant proper。 It was very dark and smelled strongly of chlorine; and as he walked beneath a partition he felt; rather than saw; the ceiling suddenly rise to a great height。 He paused to run the beam of his light along the conveyor belt that snaked through the plant like an endless metal road; back and forth; up and down; on at least three different levels。 Emerging first from a small; tiled room attached to the stunning area; the 〃line〃 ran through several freestanding structures within the plant; buildings within buildings: the Scalder; the Plucker; the Box Washer。 Tad remembered their names from his previous visits。 It was the kind of thing you didn't forget too quickly。
 He shone his light back toward the tiled room。 This small structure; the first within the plant; was the Blood Room。 Its door was ajar。
 〃This is the police;〃 he rapped out a second time; advancing a few more steps。 Outside; the shriek of the wind answered faintly。
 Transferring his flashlight to his left hand; Tad unsnapped the leather guard on his service holster; let his palm rest lightly on the handle of his piece。 Not that there would be any call for it; of course。 But it felt reassuring; just the same。
 He turned and shone his light around again; licking the beam off the gleaming assembly line; off the tubes and pressure hoses that snaked up the gray…painted walls。 The plant was vast; cavernous; and his light penetrated less than a third of it。 But the place was silent; and what he could see looked decidedly empty。
 Tad felt a certain relief。 The kids had probably run for it at the first sign of his cruiser。
 He glanced at his watch: almost quarter after nine。 Hazen would be at the sheriff's office by now; preparing for the ten…o'clock raid。 He'd followed through; and found nothing。 Any further time here would be wasted。 He'd check out Smit Ludwig's place; then get back。
 It was as he turned to leave that he heard the noise。
 He paused; listening。 There it was again: a kind of giggle; or wet snicker。 It seemed to e from the Blood Room; queerly distorted by the stainless steel floor and tiled walls。
 Christ; the kids were hiding in there。
 He shone his flashlight at the open door of the Blood Room。 The conveyor belt emerged from a wide porthole above the door; dangling hooks winking in his beam; throwing cruel misshapen shadows over the entrance。
 〃All right;〃 he said; 〃e out of there。 All of you。〃
 Another snort。
 〃I'm going to count to three; and if you don't e out you'll be in serious trouble; and that's a promise。〃
 This was ridiculous; wasting his time like this in the middle of a tornado warning。 He was going to throw the book at those kids。 Deeper scum; he was sure of it now。
 No response。
 He waited; but there was nothing but silence from the half…open door。
 〃Three。〃 Tad moved swiftly and purposefully toward the door; his boots echoing on the slick tile floor。 He kicked the door wide with a hollow boom that echoed crazily around the vast interior of the plant。
 Feet set apart; he swept the Blood Room with his light; the beam shining off the polished steel; the circular drain in the middle of the floor; the gleaming tile walls。
 Empty。 He walked into the middle of the room and stood there; the smell of bleach washing over him。
 There was a rattle overhead; and Tad quickly angled his light upward。 A sudden furious sound; a clashing of metal。 The hooks dangling from the conveyor line began to bounce and swing wildly; and his light just caught a dark shape scuttling along the line; disappearing out the porthole above the door。
 〃Hey! You!〃 Tad ran back to the door; stopped。 Flashed his light。 Nothing but the swinging and creaking of the line as it moved away into blackness。
 No leniency; no soft touch; this time: Tad was going to lock these kids up; teach them a lesson。
 He let the beam of his light linger on the line。 It was still swinging and creaking; and it looked as if the kids had climbed along it through a curtain of plastic flaps into the next structure; an oversized stainless steel box。 The Scalder。
 Tad moved forward as silently as he could。 The plastic flaps covering the entrance to the Scalder were still swinging slightly。
 Tad circled around to the other end of the Scalder。 The thin black shape of the line emerged here; but the plastic flaps on this end weren't swinging。
 He had trapped the kids inside。
 Tad stepped back; bobbing his light back and forth between the Scalder's entrance and exit points。 He spoke; not loudly; but firmly。 〃Listen: you're already in big trouble for breaking and entering。 But if you don't e out of there right now; you're going to be charged with resisting arrest and a lot more besides。 No probation or munity service; you'll do time。 You understand?〃
 For a moment; silence。 And then; a low murmur came from inside the Scalder。
 Tad leaned forward to listen。 〃What's that?〃
 More murmuring; turning into a kind of singsong sound。 There was a strange wet lisping to it all; as if of a tongue being razzed against protruding lips。
 The kids were mocking him。
 In a burst of anger and humiliation; Tad kicked the side of the Scalder。 The steel wall let out a hollow boom that rolled and echoed back into the unseen vastness of the plant。
 〃Get out here!〃
 Tad took one breath; then another。 And then; quickly; he ducked through the plastic flaps covering the entrance to the Scalder; careful not to bang his skull on the hooks that dangled from the line overhead。 As he licked his flashlight around the insides of the metal box; he got a peripheral glimpse of a figure scrambling along the conveyor belt and out the slot in the far wall。 It looked surprisingly big and ungainly: probably the overlapping image of two running boys。 But there was nothing ungainly about the speed at which the image scurried away from him。 In the blackness just beyond vision; the shape leapt from the line; there was a thump; then the quick patter of feet running toward the rear of the plant。
 〃Stop!〃 Tad cried。
 He ran around the Scalder and took up the pursuit; the yellow pool of his flashlight bobbing ahead of him。 The dark form bypassed the Plucker and went shooting up an emergency ladder toward the Evisceration Area; running along the elevated platform and disappearing behind a thick cluster of hydraulic hoses。
 〃Stop; damn you!〃 Tad yelled into the darkness。 He climbed the ladder; gun now drawn; and charged down the metal catwalk。
 As he passed the cluster of hoses something flashed in his field of vision and he felt a terrific blow to his forearm。 He yelled out in surprise and pain。 The flashlight flew out of his hand and went crashing to the floor; skidding and rolling off the elevated platform。 There was a loud clunk as it hit the concrete floor; a rattle of glass; and then darkness。
 From outside came the wail of wind; the patter of hailstones against the roof。
 Tad crouched; service piece pointed into the darkness; a pain shooting up and down his left forearm。 Christ; his arm hurt。 He couldn't cl
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