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 〃Be my guest。 There's nothing left; though。 It's all been carted away。〃
 〃No matter。 Please don't allow me to disturb you further。〃
 〃Quite all right; sir。〃 The trooper; with no little relief; climbed back into his cruiser and closed the door。
 Pendergast moved past the car and gingerly ducked beneath the yellow tape。 He advanced the last twenty yards to the original clearing。 Here he paused; surveying the site。 As the trooper had said; it was empty: nothing but dirt; crushed corn stubble; and thousands of footprints。 There was a stain in the very center of the clearing; not particularly large。
 For several minutes; Pendergast remained motionless beneath the merciless sun。 Only his eyes moved as they took in the clearing。 Then he reached into his suit jacket and removed a photograph of the body in situ; from close up。 Another photograph showed the overall site; the spitted birds and the forest of sticks。 Pendergast rapidly reconstructed the original scene in his mind and held it there; examining it。
 He remained motionless for a quarter of an hour。 Then at last he returned the photographs to his jacket and took a step forward; examining the stub of a cornstalk that lay at his feet。 It had been broken; not cut。 Moving forward; he picked up a second stub; then a third and a fourth。 All broken。 Pendergast returned to the edge of the clearing; selected a cornstalk that still stood。 He knelt down and grasped it at the bottom; but no matter how hard he tried; he could not break it。
 He ventured farther into the clearing itself。 It hardly mattered where he put his feet…it could not be more disturbed。 He moved slowly; crouching now and then to examine something in the riot of corn and dust。 Once in a while he would pick up something with a pair of tweezers he'd removed from a suit pocket; look at it; and release it。 For almost an hour he moved across the clearing in this fashion; bent over in the baking sun。
 He kept nothing。
 At last; he reached the far end of the clearing and moved into the dense corn rows themselves。 There had been a few pieces of torn fabric found clinging to some of the cornstalks; and it wasn't difficult to find the tags marking their locations。
 Pendergast moved down the row; but there were so many footprints and dog prints that it was hopeless to try to follow anything。 The report said that two different sets of bloodhounds had been put on the track but had refused to follow it。
 He paused in the forest of corn to slip a tube of glossy paper from his pocket and unroll it。 It was a photograph; taken at some unidentified point before the crime; showing the field from the air。 The corn rows did not go in straight lines; as it seemed at ground level; but rather curved to follow the topography of the landscape; creating elliptical; mazelike paths。 He located the row in which he stood and carefully traced its curve。 Then; with difficulty; he forced his way into the next corn row; then the next。 Once again he examined the aerial photograph; tracing the path of the current row。 Much better: it went for a long distance across flat ground and then dropped down toward the bottomland near Medicine Creek; at a point where the creek looped back toward the town。
 It was; in fact; the only row that actually opened onto the creek。
 Pendergast walked down the row; heading away from the murder site。 The heat had settled into the corn and; in the absence of wind; was baking everything into place。 As the land gradually declined toward the creek; a monotonous landscape of corn revealed itself; stretching to an ever more remote horizon; oppressive in its landlocked vastness。 The distant creek; with its clumps of scraggly; half…dead cottonwoods; only added to the sense of desolation。 As Pendergast walked he would stop occasionally to examine a cornstalk or a piece of ground。 Once in a while his tweezers would pluck something up; only to drop it again。
 At long last; the corn row opened onto the bottomland along the creek。 Where the cornstalks and field dirt gave way to sandy embankments; Pendergast stopped and glanced downward。
 There were footprints; here in the firm sand: they were bare; and deeply impressed。 Pendergast knelt; touched one print。 It was from a size eleven foot。 The killer had been carrying a heavy body。
 Pendergast rose and followed the tracks to where they entered the creek。 There were no corresponding tracks exiting on the far side。 He walked up and down the creek; looking for a point of emergence; and found nothing。
 The killer had walked for a long distance in the creek bed itself。
 Pendergast returned to the corn row and began making his way back to the clearing。 The town of Medicine Creek was like an island in a sea: it would be difficult to e or go without being seen。 Everyone knew everybody and a hundred pairs of keen old eyes; staring from porches and windows; watched the ings and goings of cars。 The only way an outsider could arrive at the town unseen was through this sea of corn…twenty miles from the next town。
 His first instincts had been confirmed: the killer was probably among them; here; in Medicine Creek。
 Harry Hoch; the second…best…performing farm equipment salesman in Cry County; rarely picked up hitchhikers anymore; but in this case he thought he'd make an exception。 After all; the gentleman dressed in mourning was standing so sadly by the side of the road。 Hoch's own mother had been taken just the year before and he knew what it was like。
 He pulled his Ford Taurus into the gravel just beyond the man and gave a little toot。 He lowered his window as the man strolled up。
 〃Where you headed; friend?〃 Hoch asked。
 〃To the hospital in Garden City; if it isn't too much trouble。〃
 Harry winced。 The poor guy。 The county morgue was in the basement。 Must've just happened。 〃No trouble at all。 Get on in。〃
 He cast a furtive glance as his passenger stepped into the car。 With that pale skin; he was going to catch a wicked sunburn if he wasn't careful。 And he sure wasn't from around these parts; not with that accent; he wasn't。
 〃My name's Hoch。 Harry Hoch。〃 He held out his hand。
 A cool; dry hand slipped into his。 〃Delighted to make your acquaintance。 My name is Pendergast。〃
 Hoch waited for the first name; but it never came。 He released the hand and reached over to crank up the AC。 A frigid blast came from the vents。 It was like hell out there。 He put his car into gear and pressed the accelerator; shooting back onto the road and picking up speed。
 〃Hot enough for you; Pendergast?〃 said Hoch after a moment。
 〃To tell you the truth; Mr。 Hoch; I find the heat agrees with me。〃
 〃Yeah; okay; but a hundred degrees with one hundred percent humidity?〃 Hoch laughed。 〃You could fry an egg right there on the hood of my car。〃
 〃I have no doubt of it。〃
 There was a silence。Strange fellow; Hoch thought。
 His passenger didn't seem inclined toward small talk; so Hoch just shut up and drove。 The silver Taurus flew along the arrow…straight road at ninety; leaving a wake of swaying; trembling corn behind。 One mile looked pretty much like the next and there were never any cops in this area。 Harry liked to move fast on these lonely secondary roads。
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