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 She sobbed。 〃Leave me alone。〃
 Another shake; more violent this time。 〃Hoooo!〃 went the voice; high and babyish。 She tried to wrench free; and with a grunt he flung her down。
 〃Stop 。 。 。 stop 。 。 。〃
 A hand seized her ankle and gave a sharp jerk。 Corrie screamed; feeling pain lance through her hip。 And then she felt his arms around her; grabbing her by the shoulders; lifting her bodily。 〃Please; please stop…〃
 〃Plisss;〃 squeaked the voice。 〃Plisss。 Hruhn。〃
 She feebly tried to push him away; but he was holding her close to him; his foul breath washing over her。
 〃No…let me go…〃
 She was flung down again; and then she heard him shuffle off with a low; murmuring sound。 She struggled wildly; tried to sit up。 The ropes burned her wrists and she felt her hands tingling from lack of blood。 He was going to kill her; she knew that。 She had to get away。
 With a great effort; she managed to flop herself upward into a sitting position。 If only she knew who he was; or what he was doing; or why he was there in the cave 。 。 。 If only she understood; she might have a chance。 She swallowed; shivered; tried to speak。
 〃Who 。 。 。 who are you?〃 she said。 It came out as a bare whisper。
 There was a momentary silence。 This was followed by a shuffling sound。 He was ing over。
 〃Please don't touch me。〃
 Corrie could hear him breathing。 She realized that maybe it hadn't been such a good idea to attract his attention again。 And yet her only hope was to engage him somehow。 She swallowed again; repeated the question。
 〃Who are you?〃
 She felt him leaning over her。 A wet hand touched her face; broken nails scratching her skin; the huge fingers callused and warm。 She turned away with a stifled cry。
 Then she felt a hand on her shoulder。 She tried to lie still; to ignore it。 It squeezed her shoulder; then moved down her arm; stopping to feel here and there as it went; then sliding further: horny and rough; the broken nails like splintered ends of wood。
 The hand withdrew; then came back; sliding and slipping up the ridge of her backbone。 She tried to twist away but the hand suddenly gripped her shoulder blade with a horrible strength。 Involuntarily; she cried out。 The hand resumed its crawl。 It grasped the nape of her neck; squeezed。 She felt paralyzed with terror。 The squeezing grew harder。
 〃What do you want?〃 she choked out。
 The hand slowly relaxed。 She could hear breathing; and then some humming; and an undertone of rapid; singsong words。 He was speaking to himself again。 The hand caressed the back of her neck and reached up and rubbed her head。
 She wanted to twist away but she forced herself not to。 The hand kept rubbing; sliding down now over her forehead。 It rubbed her face; stroked her cheek; pulled at her lips; tried to open her mouth; stinking horny fingers like a golem's claw。 She turned; but the hand followed the movements of her head; poking; always poking; as if inspecting a cut of meat。
 〃Please stop it!〃 she sobbed。
 The hand stopped; and there was a grunt。 Then the fingers slipped around her neck; from the front this time; and squeezed; first lightly; then a little harder。 And then harder still。
 Corrie tried to scream; but the squeezing had already closed off her windpipe。 She thrashed; struggled; saw stars begin to flash in front of her eyes。
 And still he squeezed。 And as consciousness flickered and her limbs began to relax involuntarily; Corrie desperately tried to reach out; to claw the darkness; to push him away 。 。 。
 His hand gradually relaxed and released her。 She fell; gasping; drawing in air; her head pounding。 His hand went back to her hair; petting it。
 Then he suddenly stopped。 His hand withdrew; and he stepped back。
 Corrie lay there; terrified; silent。 She heard a sniffing noise; then another; and another。 He seemed to be snuffling the air。 She noticed then that the faintest of breezes was moving through this section of the cave。 She could smell the outside world: the ozone and moisture from the storm; the earth; the cool nocturnal smells; pushed aside…if only a little…the stench of this nightmarish place。 The smell seemed to beckon him; call him away。
 And he was gone。
 It was 8:11P。M。 : normally the hour of sunset。 Except that to western Kansas sunset had already e; four hours early。
 Since early afternoon; a front of cool air one thousand miles long; pushing down from Canada; had been forcing itself across a region of the Great Plains that for several weeks had remained parched and dry。 As the front moved; rising air before it began to pick up fine particles of dust。 Soon this manifested itself in the form of dust devils: spiraling vortexes of dirt that rose sharply into the dark air。 As the front moved on; it grew in intensity; raising the dry topsoil; feeding off itself until it had formed a massive wall of whistling; roiling dust。 Quickly; it mounted to a height of ten thousand feet。 On the surface; visibility was decreased to less than a quarter of a mile。
 As the front moved from west to east across Kansas; dust storm warnings preceded it。 The dark brown wall bore down on town after town; engulfing one after the other。 As it went; the cold front; laden with dust; drove itself like a wedge into the hot; dry; dead air that had been suffocating the Great Plains。 As they collided; the air masses of differing density and temperature struggled for supremacy。 This disturbance caused a massive low…pressure system to form; wheeling counterclockwise over almost a hundred thousand square miles of the High Plains。 Ultimately; the warm air rising from the ground penetrated the cooler mass above; boiling into towering cumulonimbus clouds that rose taller and taller; until they appeared as dark angry mountains against the sky; larger than the Himalayas。 The great mountain chain of clouds flattened against the tropopause; spreading out into a series of massive; anvil…shaped thunderheads。
 As the storm matured; it broke into several cells that moved together as a disorganized yet single unit: mature cells forming at the storm's center; with newer ones developing on the periphery。 In the cells that approached Cry County; the anvil…shaped top of a cell began to bulge upward。 This 〃overshoot〃 indicated that the rising torrent of air at the storm's center was so powerful it had broken through the tropopause into the stratosphere。 On the underside of the storm; ugly; bulging mammatus pouches appeared: bellwethers for heavy rainfall; hail; windbursts; and tornadoes。
 The National Weather Service had been tracking the system with radar; satellites; and the reports of pilots and civilian 〃spotters。〃 The dust storm and thunderstorm bulletins were upgraded to include tornado watches。 Regional offices of the National Weather Service began advising local authorities of the need for emergency action。 And always it remained vigilant for that rarest; yet worst type of storm: the supercell thunderstorm。 In this far more organized event; the main updraft…known as a mesocyclone…reaches speeds of close to two hundred miles per hour。 Such storms could create three…inch hail; eighty…mile…per…hour downbursts of wind; and tornadoes。
 And already; 
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