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 〃I might point out; Sheriff; that the Deeper Sleep Motel is currently running at one hundred percent occupancy。〃
 〃Yes; because it's filled with media folks。 What happens when the big story ends? It'll go back to being about as popular as the Bates Motel。〃
 Lavender was still smiling; but there was no mirth now in those wet lips that stretched across the lower half of his face。
 〃How many tenants are behind on their rents? Trouble is; you're not really in much of a position to get tough and kick 'em out for missing a payment; are you? I mean; who's going to take their place? Better to lower the rents; stretch things out; write a note or two。〃
 More silence。 Hazen eased up; let the silence build; taking a moment to give the office another once…over。 His eyes fell on a wall of photographs of Norris Lavender with various big shots…Billy Carter; brother of the president; a couple of football players; a rodeo star; a country…and…western singer。 In several of them; Hazen could see a third figure: hulking; dark…plected; muscle…bound; unsmiling: Lewis McFelty; Lavender's sidekick。 He hadn't seen him when he came in; although he'd been looking out for him。 More evidence to back up his theory。 Hazen took his eyes off the creepy…looking man and turned back to Lavender with a smile。 〃You and your family have owned this town for almost a hundred years; but it looks like the sun might be setting on the Lavender empire; eh; Norris?〃
 Sheriff Larssen spoke。 〃Look here; Dent; this is sheer bullying。 I fail to see how any of this could possibly connect with the killings。〃
 Lavender stayed him with a gesture。 〃I thank you; Hank; but I've known what Hazen's game has been from the beginning。 This dog is all bark。〃
 〃Is that a fact?〃 Hazen shot back。
 〃It is。 This isn't about the killings in Medicine Creek。 This is about my grandfather supposedly shooting your poor old granddaddy in the leg。〃 He turned toward the KSU security man。 〃Mr。 Raskovich; the Lavenders and Hazens go back quite a ways here in Cry County…and certain people just can't get over it。〃 He smiled back at Hazen。 〃Well; sir; it just isn't going to warsh。 My grandfather never shot your grandfather; and I'm no serial killer。 Look at me。 Can you imagine me in a cornfield carving someone up like one of those turkeys you people turn out over there in Medicine Creek?〃 He looked around smugly。
 Warsh。There it was; rising to the surface like fat in a stew。 Norris Lavender might sprinkle his speech with all the 〃indeeds〃 and 〃my dear fellows〃 in the world and it still wouldn't cover up the smell of white trash。
 〃You're just like your grandfather; Norris;〃 Hazen replied。 〃You get other people to do the dirty work for you。〃
 Lavender's eyebrows shot up。 〃That sounded remarkably like an accusation。〃
 Hazen smiled。 〃You know; Norris; I kind of missed your pal Lewis McFelty when I came in just now。 How's he doing?〃
 〃My assistant; poor boy; has a sick mother in Kansas City。 I gave him the week off。〃
 Hazen's smile broadened。 〃I certainly hope it's nothing serious。〃
 Another silence。
 Hazen coughed and continued。 〃You had a lot to lose with this experimental field going to Medicine Creek。〃
 Lavender opened a wooden box full of cigars and pushed it across the table to Hazen。 〃I know you're a mitted smoker; Sheriff。 Help yourself。〃
 Hazen stared at the box。 Cubans; wouldn't you know it。 He shook his head。
 〃Mr。 Raskovich? Cigar?〃
 Raskovich also shook his head。
 Hazen leaned back。 〃You hadeverything to lose; didn't you?〃
 〃Does anyone mind if I indulge?〃 Lavender reached into the box and removed a cigar; holding it up like a question between two thick fingers。
 〃Go ahead;〃 said Hank; casting Hazen a malevolent glance。 〃A man has a right to smoke in his own office。〃
 Hazen waited while Lavender slid a little silver clipper off his desk; trimmed and clipped the end of the cigar; admired his handiwork; picked up a gold lighter and heated the end of the cigar; then licked the other end; placed it in his wide mouth; and lit it。 The process took several minutes。 Then Lavender rose and strolled to the window; folded his tiny hands behind him; and stared out across the parking lot; puffing languidly; from time to time removing the cigar to stare at its tip。 Beyond his slender figure; Hazen could see a horizon as black as night。 The storm was ing; and it was going to be a big one。
 The silence stretched on until Lavender finally turned。 〃Oh;〃 he said to Hazen; feigning surprise。 〃Are you still here?〃
 〃I'm waiting for an answer to my question。〃
 Lavender smiled。 〃Didn't I mention five minutes ago that this interview was over? How careless of me。〃 He turned back toward the window; puffing on the cigar。
 〃Take care not to get caught in the storm; gentlemen;〃 he said over his shoulder。
 Hazen peeled out of the parking lot; leaving precisely the right amount of rubber behind。 Once they were on the main drag; Raskovich looked over at him。 〃What was that story about your grandfather and his?〃
 〃Just a smokescreen。〃
 There was a silence and he realized; with irritation; that Raskovich was still waiting for an answer。 He pushed the irritation aside with an effort。 He needed to keep KSU on his side; and Raskovich was the key to that。
 〃The Lavenders started as ranchers; then made a lot of money in the twenties from bootlegging;〃 he explained。 〃They controlled all the moonshine production in the county; buying the stuff from the moonshiners and distributing it。 My grandfather was the sheriff of Medicine Creek back then; and one night he and a couple of revenuers caught King Lavender down near the Kraus place; loading a jack mule with clearwater moonshine…old man Kraus had a still in the back of his tourist cave in those days。 There was a scuffle and my grandfather took a bullet。 They put King Lavender on trial; but he fixed the jury and went scot free。〃
 〃Do you really think Lavender's behind the killings?〃
 〃Mr。 Raskovich; in policework you look for motive; means; and opportunity。 Lavender's got the motive; and he's a goddamned son of a bitch who'd do anything for a buck。 What we need to find out now is the means and opportunity。〃
 〃Frankly; I can't see him mitting murder。〃
 This Raskovich was a real moron。 Hazen chose his words carefully。 〃I meant what I said in his office。 I don't think hedid the killings himself: that's not the Lavender style。 He would've hired some hitman to do his scut work。〃 He thought for a moment。 〃I'd like to have a chat with Lewis McFelty。 A sick mother in Kansas City; my ass。〃
 〃Where're we going now?〃
 〃We're going to find out just howhurting Norris Lavender is。 First; we're going to take a look at his tax records down at the town hall。 Then we're going to talk to some of his creditors and enemies。 We're going to learn just how deep in the shit he was with this experimental field business。 This was his last chance; and I wouldn't be surprised if he bet the farm on this field ing through。〃
 He paused。 A little public relations never hurt。 〃What do you think; Chester? I value your opinion。〃
 〃It's a viable theory。〃
 Hazen smiled and aimed the car in the direction of the Deeper town hall。 It sure as hell was
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