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 Hazen cleared his throat; frowned; shifted his squat body。 〃Okay; mister; this better be good。〃
 Almost languidly; the man removed a leather wallet from his jacket pocket; let it fall open。 Hazen leaned forward; scrutinized it; sat back with a sigh。
 〃FBI。 Shit…fire。 Might have known。〃 He glanced over at Tad。 〃We're running with the big boys now。〃
 〃Yes; sir;〃 said Tad。 Although he'd never actually met an FBI agent before; this guy looked exactly the opposite of what he thought an FBI agent should look like。
 〃All right; Mr。; ah…〃
 〃Special Agent Pendergast。〃
 〃Pendergast。 Pendergast。 I'm bad with names。〃 Hazen lit another cigarette; sucked on it hard。 〃You here on the crows murder?〃 The words came out with a cloud of smoke。
 〃And is this official?〃
 〃So it's just you。〃
 〃So far。〃
 〃What office are you out of?〃
 〃Technically; I'm with the New Orleans office。 But I operate under; shall we say; a special arrangement。〃 He smiled pleasantly。
 Hazen grunted。 〃How long will you be staying?〃
 〃For the duration。〃
 Tad wondered;For the duration of what?
 Pendergast turned his pale eyes on Tad and smiled。 〃Of my vacation。〃
 Tad was speechless。 Did the guy read his mind?
 〃Yourvacation? 〃 Hazen shifted again。 〃Pendergast; this is irregular。 I'm going to need some kind of official authorization from the local field office。 We're not running a Club Med for Quantico here。〃
 There was a silence。 Then the man named Pendergast said; 〃Surely you don't want me hereofficially; Sheriff Hazen?〃
 When this was greeted with silence; Pendergast continued pleasantly。 〃I will not interfere with your investigation。 I will operate independently。 I will consult with you regularly and share information with you when appropriate。 Any; ah; 'collars' will be yours。 I neither seek nor will I accept credit。 All I ask are the usual law enforcement courtesies。〃
 Sheriff Hazen frowned; scratched; frowned again。 〃As for the collar; frankly I don't give a damn who gets the credit。 I just want to catch the son of a bitch。〃
 Pendergast nodded approvingly。
 Hazen took a drag; exhaled; took another。 He was thinking。 〃All right; then; Pendergast; take your busman's holiday here。 Just keep a low profile and don't talk to the press。〃
 〃Naturally not。〃
 〃Where are you staying?〃
 〃I was hoping to receive the benefit of your advice。〃
 The sheriff barked a laugh。 〃There's only one place in town; and that's the Kraus place。 Kraus's Kaverns。 You passed it on the way in; big old house set out in the corn about a mile west of town。 Old Winifred Kraus rents out rooms on the top floor。 Not that she has many takers these days。 And she'll talk you into a tour of her cave。 You'll probably be the first visitor she's had in a year。〃
 〃Thank you;〃 said Pendergast; rising and picking up his bag。
 Hazen's eyes followed the movement。 〃Got a car?〃
 The sheriff's lip curled slightly。 〃I'll give you a lift。〃
 〃I enjoy walking。〃
 〃You sure? It's almost a hundred degrees out there。 And I wouldn't exactly call that suit of yours appropriate dress for these parts。〃 Hazen was grinning now。
 〃Is it indeed that hot?〃 The FBI agent turned and reached for the door; but Hazen had one more question。
 〃How did you learn about the murder so quick?〃
 Pendergast paused。 〃By arrangement; I have someone at the Bureau watching the cable and e…mail traffic of local law enforcement agencies。 Whenever a crime within a certain category occurs; I'm notified of it immediately。 But as I said; I'm here for personal reasons; having recently concluded a rather strenuous investigation back east。 It's simply that I'm intrigued by the rather; ah; interesting nature of this particular case。〃
 Something in the way the man said 〃interesting〃 raised the hairs on the back of Tad's neck。
 〃And just what 'certain category' are we talking about here?〃 The sarcasm was creeping back into the sheriff's voice。
 〃Serial homicide。〃
 〃Funny; I've only seen one murder so far。〃
 The figure gradually turned back。 His cool gray eyes settled on Sheriff Hazen。 In a very low voice he said; 〃So far。〃
 Winifred Kraus paused in her cross…stitch to gaze at the very strange sight out her parlor window。 She felt vaguely frightened。 A tall man in black was walking down the middle of the road; carrying a leather valise。 He was several hundred yards away; but Winifred Kraus had sharp eyes and she could see that he was ghostly…looking; thin and insubstantial in the bright summer light。 She was frightened because she remembered; as a child many years ago; her father telling her that this was the way death would arrive; that it would happen when she least expected it: just a man strolling down the road; ing up the steps and knocking on the door。 A man dressed in black。 And when you looked down at his feet; instead of shoes you'd see cloven hooves; and then you'd smell the brimstone and fire and that would be it and you'd be dragged screaming into hell。
 The man was approaching with long; cool strides; his shadow eating up the road before him。 Winifred Kraus told herself she was being silly; that it was just a story; and that death didn't carry a valise anyway。 But why would anyone be dressed in black at this time of year? Not even Pastor Wilbur wore black in this heat。 And this man wasn't just wearing black; but a black suit; jacket and all。 Was he selling something? But then where was his car? Nobody walked on the Cry County Road…no one。 At least not since she was a little girl; before the war; when the drifters used to e through in the early spring; heading for the fields of California。
 The man had paused at the spot where her rutted and dusty drive met the macadam of the road。 He looked up at the house; right at the parlor it seemed; and Winifred automatically laid aside her cross…stitch。 Now he was stepping into her lane。 He was ing to the house。 He was actually ing to the house。 And his hair was so white; his skin so pale; his suit so black 。 。 。
 There was the low rap of the doorknocker。 Winifred's hand flew to her mouth。 Should she answer it? Should she wait for him to go away?Would he go away?
 She waited。
 The knock came again; more insistent。
 Winifred frowned。 She was being an old silly。 Taking a deep breath; she rose from the chair; walked across the parlor into the foyer; unlocked the door; and opened it a crack。
 〃Miss Kraus?〃
 The man actually bowed。 〃You aren't by chance the Miss Winifred Kraus who offers lodging to travelers? And; I'm given to understand; some of the most excellent home cooking in Cry County; Kansas?〃
 〃Why; yes。〃 Winifred Kraus opened the door a little wider; delighted to find a polite gentleman instead of Death。
 〃My name is Pendergast。〃 He offered his hand; and after a moment Winifred took it。 It was surprisingly cool and dry。
 〃You gave me quite a start; walking up the road like that。 Nobody walks anymore。〃
 〃I came by bus。〃
 Abruptly remembering her manners; Winifred opened the door wider and stepped aside。 〃I'm sorry; do e in。 Would you like some iced tea? You must be dreadfully hot in that suit。 Oh; forgive me; there hasn't been a death in your family…?〃
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