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 began to paint the glass。
 〃Bastards;〃 he muttered as his arm swept back and forth; the paint running down and puddling on the doorsill。 〃Bastards。Photograph this and see how you like it。〃
 〃Let me help;〃 Tad said。
 But Hazen ignored him; slopping the paint up and down in big strokes until the door was covered。 Then he shoved the brush in the can; jammed the lid back on; and sat down heavily again; closing his eyes。 His uniform was flecked with white paint。
 Tad sat down beside him; worried。 Hazen's square face had a gray sheen to it; like a dead piece of fish。 His sandy hair lay limp across his forehead。 A vein pulsed in his right temple。
 Suddenly; the sheriff's eyes popped wide open。 It happened so fast that Tad jumped。
 Hazen's lips parted; and he muttered just one word:
 Around noon; Sheriff Hazen decided he'd watched the dog…handler; Lefty Weeks; struggle with the dogs for just about as long as he could stand。 Weeks was one of those types that really got on Hazen's nerves: a little man with white eyelashes; big ears; long thin neck; red eyelids; a wheedler and whiner who never stopped talking; even if his audience was a pair of useless dogs。 The air under the cottonwood trees was hot and dead and Hazen could feel the sweat springing out on his forehead; the nape of his neck; his underarms; his back; leaking and running down through every fold and crease; even the crack of his ass。 It must be over 105 frigging degrees。 He couldn't smoke because of the damn dogs; but it was so hot he didn't even feel a craving。 Nowthat was saying something。
 Once again the two dogs were whining and cringing about in circles; their tails clamped down hard over their assholes。 Hazen glanced at Tad; then looked back at the dogs。 Weeks was yelling at them in a high…pitched voice; swearing and jerking ineffectually at the leashes。
 Hazen went over; gave one of the dogs a swift kick in the haunch。 〃Find that motherfucker!〃 he shouted。 〃Go on。 Get going。〃
 The dog whined and crouched lower。
 〃If you don'tmind; Sheriff…〃 Weeks began; his red ears backlit and flaming in the heat。
 Hazen spun on him。 〃Weeks; this is the third time you've brought dogs down here and every time it's been the same thing。〃
 〃Well; kicking them isn't going to help。〃
 Hazen struggled to control his temper; already sorry he had kicked the dog。 The state troopers were now looking at him; their faces blank; but no doubt thinking that he was just another redneck hayseed sheriff。 He swallowed hard and moderated his voice。 〃Lefty; look。 This is no joke。 Get those dogs to track or I'm putting in a formal plaint up to Dodge。〃
 Weeks pouted。 〃I know they've got a scent; Iknow it。 But they just won't track。〃
 Hazen felt himself boiling up all over again。 〃Weeks; you promised medogs this time; and look at them; groveling like toy poodles in front of a mastiff。〃 Hazen took a step forward at the dogs。 This time one of them snarled。
 〃Don't;〃 Weeks warned。
 〃She's not afraid of me; the bitch; although she should be。 Give her another go; damn it。〃
 Weeks took out the plastic bag holding the scent…an object retrieved from the second killing…and opened it with gloved hands。 The dog backed away; whining。
 〃e on; girl。 e on;〃 Weeks wheedled。
 The dog slithered back and forth almost on its belly。
 Weeks crouched; the thin travesty of a goatee bobbing on his chin while he held the bag open invitingly。 〃e on; girl。 Scent it! Go!〃 He shoved the bag up to her nose。
 The quivering; crouching dog let loose a stream of piss onto the dry sand。
 〃Oh; Christ;〃 said Hazen; turning away。 He crossed his arms and looked up the creek。
 They had been up and down it now for three hours; dragging the unwilling dogs the whole way。 Beyond; in the cornfields; Hazen could see the state police teams moving。 Farther down; the SOC teams were on their hands and knees; bing the sandbeds along the creek for something;any thing。 Above droned two spotter planes; crisscrossing back and forth; back and forth。 Why couldn't they find the body? Had the killer taken off with it? There were state police roadblocks up; but the killer could have escaped during the night。 You can drive a long way in a Kansas night。
 He glanced up and saw Smit Ludwig approaching; notebook in hand。
 〃Sheriff; mind if I…〃
 〃Smitty; this is a restricted area。〃 Hazen had just about had it。
 〃I didn't see any tape; and…〃
 〃You get out of here; Ludwig。 On the double。〃
 Ludwig stood his ground。 〃I have a right to be here。〃
 Hazen turned to Tad。 〃Escort Mr。 Ludwig to the road。〃
 〃You can't do this…!〃
 The sheriff turned his back on the entreaty。 〃e on; Mr。 Ludwig;〃 he heard Tad say。 The pair of them disappeared in the trees; Ludwig's protests increasingly muffled by the muggy air。
 The sheriff's radio crackled。 He hoisted it。
 〃Hazen here。〃
 〃Chauncy's been missing from his hotel since yesterday。〃 It was Hal Brenning; state police liaison officer; down in Deeper。 〃Didn't return last night。 Bed wasn't slept in。〃
 〃Hallelujah; what else is new?〃
 〃He didn't tell anyone what he was doing; where he was going。 Nobody up here knows anything about his itinerary。〃
 〃We checked into that;〃 Hazen replied。 〃Seems he had car problems; left his Saturn over at Ernie's Exxon。 Insisted it be fixed that day; even though Ernie told him it was a two…day job。 Chauncy was last seen eating a late dinner at Maisie's。 Never picked up the car; though。 Looks like he went into the cornfields and was doing a little last…minute research on the sly; collecting and labeling ears of corn。〃
 〃Collecting corn?〃
 〃I know; I know。 Insane; with a killer running loose。 But this Chauncy liked to play his cards close to his vest。 Probably didn't want anybody prying; asking awkward questions。〃 Hazen shook his head; remembering how upset Chauncy had bee at Pendergast's talk of cross…pollination。
 〃Well。 Anyway; we're looking through Dr。 Chauncy's papers now with some of Sheriff Larssen's boys。 It looks like he was going to make some kind of announcement today at noon。〃
 〃Yeah。 The experimental field project which Medicine Creek wasn't going to get。 Anything else?〃
 〃Some dean from KSU's ing down with their head of campus security。 Should be here in half an hour。〃
 Hazen groaned。
 〃On top of that; we've got a dust storm brewing。 There's a weather advisory out for Cry County and the eastern Colorado plains。〃
 〃The leading edge could e as early as tonight。 They say it might be upgraded to a tornado watch。〃
 〃Great。〃 The sheriff punched the radio off; holstered it; and glanced up。 Sure enough: thunderheads; darker than usual; were piling up to the west; as if a nuclear war was being fought somewhere over the horizon。 Any Kansan with half a brain knew what clouds like that meant。 There was more than a dust storm ing。 At the least; the creek would be up; scouring the whole creek bed。 The fields would get drenched; maybe flooded。 There'd probably be hail。 And there would go all their clues。 They'd get nothing more to go on until 。 。 。 until the next killing。 And if there were indeed tornadoes; it would shut down the whole investigation while everyone dove for cove
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