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nces were good her mother wouldn't get out of bed。 Standing up brought on a headache。 She'd eventually get tired of yelling and; if Corrie were lucky; wouldn't even remember the conversation in the morning。 But then again; maybe she would。 She'd seemed alarmingly sober。
 By the time the mangled thrashing of the last song had ended; all seemed to be quiet。 She eased off the earphones and went to the window to breathe the night air。 Crickets trilled in the darkness。 The smell of night; of the corn just beyond the trailer park; of sticky heat; all flowed into the room。 It was very dark outside; the streetlights on their lane had burned out long ago and had never been replaced。 She stared out into the darkness for a while; wiping silent tears out of her eyes; and then lay down on her bed; in her clothes; and started the CD again from the beginning。Look at your father; her mom had said。He was worthless。 As always; Corrie tried not to think about him。 Thinking about her father only hurt more; because despite everything her mother said she only had good memories of him。 Why had he left the way he did? Why had he never written her; not once; to explain? Maybe she really was worthless; useless; undeserving of love; as her mother had taken pains to point out many times。
 She turned up the volume; trying to drive the train of thought from her mind。 One more year。 Just one more year。 Lying on her bed in a dying town in the middle of nowhere; another year seemed like an eternity。 But surely anyone could get through a year。 Even her 。 。 。
 She woke up in blackness。 The crickets had stopped trilling and it was now pletely silent。 She sat up; plucking off the dead headphones。 Something had woken her。 What was it? A dream? But she could remember no dream。 She waited; listening。
 She got up and went to the window。 A sliver of a moon drifted from behind some clouds; then disappeared again。 Heat lightning danced along the horizon; little flickers of dull yellow。 Her heart was racing; her nerves strung tight。 Why? Maybe it was the creepy music she'd fallen asleep to。
 She moved closer to the open window。 The night air; laden with the fragrance of the fields; came drifting in; humid and sticky。 It was unrelievedly dark。 Beyond the black outline of the trailer next door she could see the distant darkness of the cornfields; a single glowing star。
 She heard a sound。 A snuffle。
 Was it her mother? But it seemed to have e fromoutside: out there; in the darkness。
 Another snuffle; like someone with a bad cold。
 She peered hard into the darkness; into the deep pools of shadow that lay alongside the trailer。 The street beyond was like a dark river。 She strained to see; every sense alert。 There; by the hedge that lined the street: was there something moving? A shape? Was it just her imagination?
 She placed her hand on the window and tried to draw it shut; but as usual it was stuck fast。 She jiggled it; trying to free the mechanism with a feeling of rising panic。
 She heard more snuffling; like the heavy panting of a large animal。 It seemed very close now。 But the act of listening caused her to pause for just an instant; then in a sudden panic she redoubled her struggle to get the window shut; rattling it in desperation; trying to free the cheap aluminum latch。 Somethingwas moving out there。 She could feel it; she could sense it…and now; yes now; she was sure she couldsee it: a lumpen; malformed shadow; a mass; black against black; moving ever so stealthily toward her。
 Instinct took over and she fell away from the window; abandoning her attempt to close it in favor of reaching for the light and banishing the darkness。 She fumbled; knocked the CD player to the floor; found the light。
 The instant it went on; the room lit up and the window became an opaque rectangle of black。 She heard a sudden grunt; a dull thud; a frantic rustling sound。 And then; silence。
 She waited; taking a few slow steps back from the black window。 Her body was shaking uncontrollably; and her throat was very dry。 She could see nothing outside now; nothing at all。 Wasit there; in the window; looking at her? A minute ticked off; then another and another。 Then she heard; in the middle distance; what sounded like a cough and groan: very low; but so replete with terror and pain that it chilled her to the marrow。 It cut off abruptly; replaced with a strange wet ripping noise; and then a sound like someone dumping a bucket of water on the pavement down the street。 Then; silence: utter; total silence。
 Somehow; the silence was even worse than the noise。 She felt a scream rising; unbidden; in her throat。
 Then; all of a sudden; there was a snap; a gurgle; and a hissing sound; which slowly subsided to a steady swishing murmur。
 She slumped; her body abruptly relaxing。 It was just Mr。 Dade's sprinkler system ing on; as it did every morning at exactly 2A 。M。
 She glanced at her clock: sure enough; it read 2:00。
 How many times had she heard that sprinkler system cough and splutter and gurgle and make all sorts of weird noises as it started up?Get a grip; she thought。 Her imagination was really working overtime。 Not surprising; given all that was going on in the town 。 。 。 and given what she'd seen; with Pendergast; out there in the cornfields。
 She returned to the window and grabbed the latch; feeling a little sheepish。 This time; a single; brutal thrust was enough to close it。 She locked the window and climbed back into bed and turned out the light。
 The sound of the sprinklers filtering through the glass; the caressing patter of raindrops; was like a lullaby。 And yet it wasn't until four that she was finally able to fall back to sleep。
 Tad rolled over so hard that he fell out of bed。 Staggering to his knees; he passed a hand across his face; then reached blindly for the ringing telephone。 He found it; fumbled with it; lifted it to his face。
 〃Hello?〃 he mumbled。 〃Hello?〃 Through the sleep…heavy bars of his lashes; he could see that outside the bedroom window it was still dark; the stars hard in the sky; only the faintest streak of yellow on the eastern horizon。
 〃Tad。〃 It was Hazen; and he sounded very awake indeed。 〃I'm over on Fairview; near the side entrance to Wyndham Parke。 I need you here。 Ten minutes。〃
 〃Sheriff…?〃 But the phone was already dead。
 Tad made it in five。
 Although the sun had yet to rise; a crowd from the nearby trailer park had gathered; clad mostly in bathrobes and flip…flops。 They were strangely silent。 Hazen was there; in the middle of the street; setting up crime…scene tape himself while talking into a cell phone propped beneath his jaw。 And there; too; was the FBI man; Pendergast; standing off to one side; slender and almost invisible in his black suit。 Tad looked around; an uneasy feeling growing in the pit of his stomach。 But there was no body; no new victim; just a lumpy; irregular splotch in the middle of the street。 Sitting next to it was a canvas bag; full of something。 The uneasy feeling gave way to relief。 Another animal; it seemed。 He wondered what all the hurry was。
 As he walked closer; Hazen snapped his phone shut。 〃Get back; all of you!〃 he shouted; waving the pho
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