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 Above it all; the apocalyptic voice of Whit continued; piping out a shrill warning:〃Look into their eyes and you will see! Breathe the air and smell the brimstone! He's a crafty one; but you will find him out! Yes; you will! The killer is here! He's one of us! The devil has e to Medicine Creek and he's walking hand in hand with us。 You heard it: the devil with the face of a child!〃
 Corrie Swanson sat in her car beneath the shade of the trees in the little turnout by the creek; where Pendergast had…in his mysterious fashion…asked her to drive him。 It had just passed noon; and the heat was suffocating。 Corrie shifted in her seat; feeling the beads of sweat gathering on her forehead; on the back of her neck。 Once again; Pendergast was acting strange。 He'd simply reclined in his broken seat and closed his eyes。 He looked asleep; but of course Corrie knew enough by now to realize he wasn't sleeping。 He was thinking。 But about what? And why here? And whatever the hell it was; why had it taken half an hour; and counting?
 She shook her head。 He was a weird one。 Nice weird; but weird all the same。
 She picked up the book she was reading;Beyond the Ice Limit; found her dog…eared place at the beginning of chapter six; and began to read。
 The sea horizon lay against the sky; blue against perfect blue; and it seemed to beckon the ship southward; ever southward。
 She closed the book; put it down again。 Not bad; but it lacked the punch of the original。 Or maybe it was just that something else was on her mind。 Such as what she'd just seen in church。
 Her mother was not the church…going type; and Corrie had only been inside a few times。 Even so; she realized that nobody in town; no matter how many times they'd set foot within Calvary Lutheran; had ever;ever seen anything like it。 The whole town was falling apart。 That Pastor Wilbur; who always passed her with his eyes averted and lips pressed in disapproval; had blown it big…time。 What a self…righteous ass。 She couldn't help but smile afresh at the images that reeled through her head: crazy old Whit shrieking hell and damnation; Estrem up there waving his hoe; everyone fleeing out the back and falling down the stairs; the plant workers fighting and knocking over pews。 So many times in her fantasies she had imagined earthquakes leveling the town; bombs dropping; huge fires consuming everything; riots in the streets; the high school being swallowed by a bottomless pit。 And now; in a way; it had e to pass。 She was still smiling at the images; but the smile had grown fixed on her face。 The reality wasn't quite so funny。
 She glanced over at Pendergast and almost jumped。 He was sitting there; at full attention; regarding her with his pale cat's eyes。
 〃To the Castle Club; if you please;〃 he said quietly。
 Corrie quickly posed herself。 〃Why?〃
 〃I understand that Sheriff Hazen and Art Ridder will be lunching with Dr。 Chauncy。 As you know; Chauncy will make his announcement tomorrow as to which town will get the experimental field。 No doubt citizens Hazen and Ridder are making a final pitch for Medicine Creek。 Since Chauncy's leaving the area tomorrow; there are certain questions I'd like to put to him first。〃
 〃You don't thinkhe's involved?〃
 〃As I've said; I am keeping my deductive faculties as quiescent as possible; and I'd advise you to do the same。〃
 〃You really think they'll be there? I mean; after what happened in church just now?〃
 〃Chauncy was not in church。 He may know nothing of what transpired。 Regardless; the sheriff and Mr。 Ridder will want to make a great show of normalcy。 To reassure him; if need be。〃
 〃Okay;〃 Corrie said; throwing the Gremlin in reverse。 〃You're the boss。〃
 Although it galled her to do so; Corrie kept the car within the speed limit as Medicine Creek hove into view above the corn。 In another moment they were pulling into the big parking lot of the bowling alley。 It was almost empty; she noticed; but then; this was Medicine Creek; and emptiness was the norm。
 Pendergast motioned her to precede him; and they entered the alley and made their way past the lanes to the glassed…in front of the Castle Club。 Within; Chauncy; Ridder; and Hazen were seated at Ridder's usual table。 The rest of the place was deserted。 All three stared as they entered。
 Hazen rose and quickly moved forward; intercepting them in the middle of the dining room。
 〃Pendergast; what is it now?〃 he said in a low voice。 〃We're in the middle of an important business meeting。〃
 〃Sheriff; I'm very sorry to interrupt your luncheon;〃 the agent replied mildly。 〃I have a few questions for Dr。 Chauncy。〃
 〃Now is not the time。〃
 〃Once again; I'm very sorry。〃 Pendergast brushed past the sheriff; Corrie following。
 As they approached the table; Corrie noticed that Art Ridder; too; had risen; an angry smile frozen on his smooth; plump face。
 〃Ah; Special Agent Pendergast;〃 he said in a voice that almost managed to sound amiable。 〃Good to see you。 If it's about the; ah; case; we'll be with you shortly。 We were just finishing here with Dr。 Chauncy。〃
 〃But it is Dr。 Chauncy I've e to see。〃 Pendergast held out his hand。 〃My name is Pendergast。〃
 Chauncy; failing to rise; took the hand and gave it a shake。 〃I remember you now; the fellow that refused to relinquish a room to me。〃 He smiled as if making a pleasantry; but irritation lurked in his eyes。
 〃Dr。 Chauncy; I understand you will be leaving us tomorrow?〃
 〃Today; actually;〃 said Chauncy。 〃The announcement will be made at KSU。〃
 〃In that case; I have a few questions。〃
 Chauncy folded his napkin into a neat square; taking his sweet time; then laid it down beside a plate of half…eaten stewed tomatoes。 〃Sorry; but I'm running late as it is。 We'll have to have our chat some other time。〃 He stood; shrugged into his jacket。
 〃I am afraid that won't be possible; Dr。 Chauncy。〃
 Chauncy turned and raked him with arrogant eyes。 〃If this is about the killings; naturally I know nothing。 If this is about the experimental field; then you are out of your jurisdiction; Officer; you and your; ah;sidekick。 〃 He cast a pointed glace at Corrie。 〃Now; if you'll excuse me?〃
 When Pendergast spoke again; his voice was even milder。 〃I determine whether or not questioning a person is relevant。〃
 Chauncy reached into his suit coat; pulled out a wallet; took out a business card。 He handed it to Pendergast。 〃You know the rules。 I decline to be interviewed except in the presence of my attorney。〃
 Pendergast smiled。 〃Of course。 And your attorney's name?〃
 Chauncy hesitated。
 〃Until you give me the name and number of your attorney; Dr。 Chauncy; I must deal with you directly。 As you said; the rules。〃
 〃Look; Mr。 Pendergast…〃 Ridder began。
 Chauncy snatched the card out of Pendergast's hand and scribbled something on the back。 He thrust it back。 〃For your information; Agent Pendergast; I am engaged in a confidential business of great importance to the Agricultural Extension at KSU; to Kansas; and indeed to the hungry people of the world。 I will not be sucked into a local investigation of a couple of sordid murders。〃 He turned。 〃Gentlemen; I thank you for lunch。〃 He managed a brief pause before the wor
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