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 Ridder raised the coffee mug; flexed his hairy arm; took a sip。
 〃We've got something Deeper doesn't。 Now listen to me good; because this isn't the official KSU line。 We've gotisolation。 〃 He paused dramatically。 〃Why is isolation important? 'Cause this cornfield's going to be used for testinggenetically…altered…corn。 〃 He hummed theTwilight Zone theme; then grinned。 〃You following me?〃
 〃Not really。〃
 〃We all know that genetically modified corn is harmless。 But there are a bunch of ignorant city folks; liberals; enviros…you know who I'm talking about…who think there's somethingdangerous about genetically altered corn。〃 He hummedTwilight Zone again。 〃Thereal reason Medicine Creek is in the running is because we're isolated。 No hotel。 Long drive。 No big mall。 Closest radio and television station one hundred miles away。 In short;this is the world's lousiest place to organize a protest。 Of course; Dale Estrem and the Farmer's Co…op aren't too pleased about it; either; but they're just a few and I can handle them。 You following me?〃
 Ludwig nodded。
 〃But now we've got a small problem。 We've got a sonofabitch wacko running around。 He's killed a person; killed adog; and God knows what the hell else he's up to; maybe he's fucking sheep; too。 Right when Stanton Chauncy; project director for the Agricultural Extension Program of Kansas State University; is in town to see if Medicine Creek is the right place to site these fields。 And we want to show him itis a good place。 A calm; law…and…order town。 No drugs; no hippies; no protests。 Sure; he's heard about the murder; but he figures it's just some random; one…time thing。 He's not concerned; and I want him to stay that way。 So I need your help with two things。〃
 Ludwig waited。
 〃First; take a break from these goddamn articles about the killing。 Okay; it happened。 Now take a breather。 And whatever you do; forchrissakes don't do a story on the dead dog。〃
 Ludwig swallowed。 There was a silence。 Ridder was staring at him with a pair of red eyes; dark circles under them。 He was really taking this seriously。
 〃That story qualifies as news;〃 Ludwig said; but his voice cracked when he said it。
 Ridder smiled; laid a big hand on Ludwig's shoulder。 He lowered his voice。 〃I'masking you; Smitty; as afavor; to just take a few days off from the story。 Just while the KSU guy is here。 I'm not telling you to kill it; or anything like that。〃 He gave Ludwig's shoulder a little squeeze。 〃Look; you and I both know the Gro…Bain plant isn't exactly a sure thing。 When they cut the night shift back in '96; twenty families left town。 Those were good jobs; Smitty。 People got hurt; had to uproot themselves and leave homes their granddaddies built。 I don't want to live in a dying town。You don't want to live in a dying town。 This could make a real difference for our future。 One or two fields is just a start; but genetic crop engineering is the ing wave; it's where the big money's going to be; and Medicine Creek could be part of it。 There's a lot riding on this; Smitty。 A lot more than you might think。 All I'm asking;all I'm asking; is a two…; three…day break。 The guy's announcing his decision on Monday。 Just save it up and publish it when the guy leaves。 Tuesday morning。 You following me?〃
 〃I see your point。〃
 〃I care about this town。 So do you; Smitty; I know you do。 This isn't for me。 I'm just trying to do my civic duty。〃
 Ludwig swallowed。 He noticed that his eggs were congealing on the plate and his bacon had already stiffened。
 Sheriff Hazen spoke at last。 〃Smitty; I know we've had our differences。 But there's another reason not to publish anything on the dog。 The forensic psychology guys in Dodge think the killer might be feeding off the publicity。 His goal is to terrorize the town。 People are already dredging up the old rumors about the massacre and the curse of the Forty…Fives; and those damn arrows just seemed calculated to revive the whole thing。 It seems the killer might be acting out some weird fantasy about the curse。 They say articles in the paper just encourage him。 We don't want to do anything that might trigger another killing。 This guy's no joke; Smitty。〃
 There was a long silence。
 Ludwig finally sighed。 〃Maybe I can put the dog story off a couple of days;〃 he said in a low voice。
 Ridder smiled。 〃That's great。 Great。〃 He squeezed Smitty's shoulder again。
 〃You mentioned two things;〃 Ludwig said a little weakly。
 〃That's right; I did。 Okay。 I was thinking…again; this is just a suggestion; Smitty…that you could fill the gap with a story on Dr。 Stanton Chauncy。 Everybody loves a little attention; and this guy's no exception。 The project…maybe it's better not to go into that too much。 But a story onhim; who he is; where he es from; all his big degrees; all the great things he's done up at KSU…you following me; Smitty?〃
 〃It's not a bad idea;〃 Ludwig murmured。 And; in fact; it really wasn't a bad idea。 If the guy proved to be interesting it would make a good story; and it was just the kind of thing people wanted to read。 The future of the town was always the number one topic of conversation in Medicine Creek。
 〃Great。 He's going to be here in five minutes。 I'll introduce you; then leave you two alone。〃
 〃Fine。〃 Ludwig swallowed again。
 Ridder finally released his grip on Ludwig's shoulder。 He felt a cold patch where the warm; moist hand had been。 〃You're a good guy; Smitty。〃
 Just then the sheriff's radio crackled to life。 Hazen pulled it off his belt and pressed the receive button。 Ludwig could hear Tad's tinny voice giving the sheriff the morning's incident report。 〃Some joker let the air out of the tires of the football coach's car;〃 came Tad's voice。
 〃Next;〃 said Hazen。
 〃Another dead dog。 This one reported by the side of the road。〃
 〃Christ。 Next。〃
 〃Willie Stott's wife says he didn't e home last night。〃
 The sheriff rolled his eyes。 〃Check with Swede at the Wagon Wheel。 He's probably sleeping it off in the back room again。〃
 〃Yes; sir。〃
 〃I'll check out the dog myself。〃
 〃It's two and a half miles out the Deeper Road; on the west side。〃
 Hazen shoved the radio back into his belt; ground out his cigarette in an ashtray; swept his hat off the empty seat next to him; fitted it to his head; and stood。 〃See you; Art。 Smitty; thanks。 Gotta run。〃
 The sheriff left; and then; as if on cue; Dr。 Stanton Chauncy materialized at the far end of the bowling alley; glancing around。
 Ridder called; waved at him through the glass。 Chauncy nodded and walked past the alleys and into the Castle Club。 He had the same stiff walk Ludwig had noticed at the Sociable。 The man peered at the plastic decor and Ludwig thought he could see a flicker of something in his eyes: amusement? contempt?
 Ridder rose and so did Ludwig。
 〃Don't get up on my account;〃 Chauncy said。 He shook their hands and they all sat down。
 〃Dr。 Chauncy;〃 Ridder began; 〃I want to introduce to you Smit Ludwig from theCry County Courier; our local paper。 He's the publisher; editor; and reporter。 It's a one…man band。〃 He laughed。
 Ludwig found a pair of rather cool blue eyes turned on him。 〃That must be very interesting for you; Mr。 Ludwig。〃
 〃Call him 
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