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 A high; shrill voice intruded on his thoughts。 〃Smit Ludwig; how dare you!〃 He turned to find Klick Rasmussen at his elbow; her beehive hairdo bobbing at about the level of his shoulder。 〃Howcould it be one of us?〃
 He turned to face her。 〃Now; Klick; I didn't say I believed…〃
 〃If you didn't believe it;〃 cried Klick Rasmussen; 〃then why did youprint it?〃
 〃Because it's my duty to report all the theories…〃
 〃What happened to all thenice articles you used to print? TheCourier used to be such alovely paper。〃
 〃Not all news is nice; Klick…〃
 But Klick wouldn't let him finish。 〃If you want to write trash; why don't you write about that FBI agent wandering about town; asking questions; poking his nose where it doesn't belong; filling your head with darn…fool ideas? Let's see howhe likes it。 And on top of that; raising the whole business of the Ghost Warriors; the curse of the Forty…Fives…〃
 〃There wasn't anything in the paper about that。〃
 〃Not exactly in so manywords; but with that business about the old Indian arrows; whatelse are people going to think? That's all we need; a resurrection of that old story。〃
 〃Please; let's be reasonable…〃 Ludwig took a step back。 In the distance; he could see Swede Cahill's wife; Gladys; approaching them; preparing to wade in。 This was worse than he'd imagined。
 Suddenly Maisie appeared from nowhere; her bulk covered by a white apron。 〃Klick; leave Smitty alone;〃 she said。 〃We're lucky to have him。 Most counties our size don't even have a newspaper; let alone a daily。〃
 Klick took a step backward。 Ludwig felt doubly grateful to Maisie; because of the awkwardness he knew existed between the two women。 Maisie was perhaps the only person in the room who could have called Klick Rasmussen off so quickly。 Klick shot one dark glance at Ludwig; then turned toward the approaching Gladys Cahill; and the two drifted off toward the turkey tables; talking in low voices。
 Ludwig turned to Maisie。 〃Thanks a lot。 You saved me。〃
 〃I always take care of you; Smit。〃 She winked and went back toward the carving station。
 As Ludwig turned to follow; he noticed that a hush was falling over the room。 All eyes had swiveled in the direction of the door。 Instinctively; Ludwig followed suit。 There; framed against the golden sky; was a figure in black。
 There was something distinctly creepy in the way the FBI agent paused in the doorway; the bright sunlight silhouetting his severe form; like some gunslinger entering a saloon。 Then he strode coolly forward; eyes roving the crowd before locking on Ludwig himself。 Pendergast changed course immediately; gliding through the crowd toward him。
 〃I'm relieved to see you; Mr。 Ludwig;〃 he said。 〃I know no one here but you and the sheriff; and I can't very well expect the busy sheriff to take time for introductions。 e; lead the way; if you please。〃
 〃Lead the way?〃 Ludwig echoed。
 〃I need introductions; Mr。 Ludwig。 Where I e from; it's a social error to introduce oneself rather than have a proper introduction from a third party。 And as publisher; editor; and chief reporter for theCry County Courier; you know everyone in town。〃
 〃I suppose I do。〃
 〃Excellent。 Shall we begin with Mrs。 Melton Rasmussen? I understand she is one of the leading ladies。〃
 Ludwig paused in mid…breath。 Klick Rasmussen; of all people; who he'd just gotten free of。 A profound sinking feeling settled on Ludwig as he looked around the room。 There was Klick at one of the turkey tables; holding forth with Gladys Cahill and the rest of the usual gang。
 〃Over there;〃 he said; leading the way with a heavy tread。
 As they approached; the gaggle of ladies fell silent。 Ludwig saw Klick glance at Pendergast; her features pinching with displeasure。
 〃I'd like to introduce…〃 began Ludwig。
 〃I knowvery well who this man is。 I have only one thing to say…〃
 She stopped abruptly as Pendergast bowed; took her hand; and lifted it to within an inch of his lips; in the French manner。 〃A great pleasure; Mrs。 Rasmussen。 My name is Pendergast。〃
 〃My;〃 said Klick。 Her hand went limp within his。
 〃I understand; Mrs。 Rasmussen; that you are responsible for the decorations。〃
 Ludwig wondered where Pendergast had learned this little tidbit。 The man's southern accent seemed to have deepened to the consistency of molasses as he gazed at Klick intently with his strange eyes。 To Ludwig's private amusement; Klick Rasmussen blushed。 〃Yes; I am;〃 she said。
 〃They are enchanting。〃
 〃Thank you; Mr。 Pendergast。〃
 Pendergast bowed again; still holding her hand。 〃I've heard a great deal about you; and now I'm delighted to make your acquaintance。〃
 Klick blushed again; even more deeply。 As she did so; Melton Rasmussen; having seen the exchange from afar; abruptly arrived。 〃Well; well;〃 he said heartily; sticking his hand out and interposing himself between his plump; blushing wife and Pendergast; 〃wele to Medicine Creek。 I'm Mel。 Melton Rasmussen。 I realize the circumstances could be a little happier; but I think you'll find the Kansas hospitality of Medicine Creek to be just as warm as it always was。〃
 〃I have already found it so; Mr。 Rasmussen;〃 said Pendergast; shaking his hand。
 〃Where're you from; Pendergast? Can't quite place the accent。〃
 〃New Orleans。〃
 〃Ah; the great city of New Orleans。 Is it true they eat alligator? I hear it tastes like chicken。〃
 〃In my view the taste is more like iguana or snake than chicken。〃
 〃Right。 Well; I'll stick to turkey;〃 said Rasmussen with a laugh。 〃You e by my store sometime and have a look…see。 You're wele anytime。〃
 〃You're very kind。〃
 〃So;〃 said Rasmussen; moving a little closer; 〃what's the news? Any more leads?〃
 〃Justice never sleeps; Mr。 Rasmussen。〃
 〃Well; I've got a theory of my own。 Would you like to hear it?〃
 〃I'd be delighted。〃
 〃It's that fellow camped down by the creek。 Gasparilla。 He's worth looking into。 He's a strange one; always has been。〃
 〃Now; Mel;〃 scolded Klick。 〃You know he's been ing around for years and he's never been in any kind of trouble。〃
 〃You never know when somebody's gonna go queer on you。 Why does he camp way out there on the creek? Isn't the town good enough for him?〃
 The question hung in the air; unanswered。 Klick was staring past her husband; her mouth forming a small; perfect O。 Ludwig heard a hushed murmur ripple through the assembly。 There was a brief clapping of hands。 He turned to see Art Ridder and the sheriff escorting a man he didn't recognize through the crowd。 The man was small and thin; with a closely trimmed beard; and he wore a light blue seersucker suit。 In his wake came Mrs。 Bender Lang and a few of the town's other leading ladies。
 〃Ladies and gentlemen; friends and neighbors of Medicine Creek!〃 Art Ridder boomed to the assembly。 〃It is my great privilege to introduce this year's guest of honor; Dr。 Stanton Chauncy of Kansas State University!〃
 This was followed by thunderous applause and a few piercing whistles。 The man named Chauncy stood; nodded once at the crowd; then turned his back on them and began to converse with Ridder。 Slowly; the applause faltered into silence。
 〃Mr。 Ludwig;〃 Pendergast said。 〃There's a group of gentlemen in the f
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