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 against the light。 An oversized leather belt was snugged tight around his haunches; and the handcuff for his wrists ran through a ring in its front。 Both legs were shackled to the wheelchair with leg irons。
 〃Look at him; the bastard;〃 said Hazen; more to himself than to Pendergast。
 Pendergast watched intently as the policemen parked Job in the middle of the room; then took up positions on either side。
 〃I wish to hell I knew why the guy did what he did;〃 Hazen went on in a quiet; dull voice。 〃What was he doing in those clearings out there in the corn? The crows arranged like that; Stott cooked like a pig; the tail sewed up in Chauncy 。 。 。〃 He swallowed hard。 〃And Tad。 Killing Tad。 What the hell was going through that fucking head of his?〃
 Pendergast said nothing。
 The doors opened again and Winifred Kraus came in; leaning on the arm of a third policeman。 She was in a hospital gown and moved very slowly。 A tattered book was tucked beneath one arm。 Her face was pale and sunken; but as soon as she saw Job it brightened and her whole appearance seemed to transform。
 〃Jobie; dearest? It's Mommy。〃
 Her voice came into the darkened observation room through a loudspeaker above the window; sounding harsh and electronic in the sudden silence。
 Job raised his head; his face grimacing into a smile。
 〃I brought you a present; Jobie。 Look; it'syour book。〃
 Job let out an inarticulate sound of joy。
 She came over and pulled up a chair next to her son。 The policemen tensed; but neither Winifred nor Job took any notice。 She seated herself beside him; put one frail arm around his bulk; pulled him close。 She began to hum softly while Job beamed; leaning against her; his calflike face illuminated with joy and happiness。
 〃Christ;〃 Hazen muttered。 〃Look。 She's rocking him like a baby。〃
 Winifred Kraus placed the book in his lap and opened to the first page。 It was a book of nursery rhymes。 〃I'll start at the beginning; shall I; Jobie?〃 she crooned。 〃Just the way you like it。〃
 Slowly; with a singsong; infantile voice; she began to read。
 Sing a song of sixpence;
 A pocket full of rye;
 Four and twenty blackbirds;
 Baked in a pie。
 When the pie was opened;
 The birds began to sing;
 Wasn't that a dainty dish;
 To set before the king?
 Job's big head nodded to the rhythm of her voice; his mouth making anooooooo sound that rose and fell with the cadence of her words。
 〃Jesus Christ;〃 said Hazen。 〃The freak and his mother。 It gives me the creeps just watching。〃
 Winifred Kraus finished the rhyme; then slowly turned the page。 Job beamed; laughed。 And she began again。
 Davy Davy Dumpling;
 Boil him in a pot;
 Sugar him and butter him;
 And eat him while he's hot。
 Hazen turned and grasped Pendergast's hand。 〃I'm out of here。 See you in purgatory。〃
 Pendergast took the hand without responding; without noticing。 His eyes were fixed on the scene in front of him; the mother reading nursery rhymes to her child。
 〃Look at the pretty picture; Jobie。 Look!〃
 As Winifred Kraus held the book up; Pendergast got a glimpse of the illustration。 It was an old book; and the page was torn and stained; but the picture was still discernible。
 He recognized the image instantly。 The revelation hit Pendergast so suddenly that it was like a physical blow; staggering him。 He backed away from the glass。
 Job beamed and wentooooooooo; his head rolling back and forth。
 Winifred Kraus smiled; face serene; and turned another page。 The unnatural; electronically amplified voice of the mother continued to crackle through the loudspeaker。
 What are little boys made of; made of?
 What are little boys made of?
 Snakes and snails and puppy dogs' tails;
 That's what little boys are made of 。 。 。
 But Pendergast had not remained to hear any more。 The cluster of psychiatrists and students at the glass did not even notice the dark; slender presence slip away; they were so busy discussing just where the diagnosis would be found in theDSM…IV manual…or if; indeed; it would ever be found there at all。


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