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fit; certain he was seeing a ghost。 Now Wilbur was convalescing somewhere far away and Ludwig was healing up nicely; typing from his hospital bed the first chapters of a book about his encounter with the Medicine Creek murderer; who had taken nothing but his shoes and left him for dead in the corn。
 She set her novel aside and lay on her back; staring out the window; watching the clouds go by。 The town was doing its best to return to normal。 The football tryouts were beginning and school would be starting in two weeks。 There was a rumor that KSU had decided to site the experimental field somewhere in Iowa; but that was no loss。 Good riddance; in fact: Pendergast seemed to feel Dale Estrem and the Farmer's Co…op had a point about the perils of genetic modification。 Anyway; people could hardly care less; now that the town was alive with National Park people; cave experts; a team ofNational Geographic photographers; and hard…core groups of spelunkers; all of whom were anxious to get a glimpse of what was being called the greatest cave system to be discovered in America since Carlsbad Caverns。 It seemed the town was standing at the edge of a new dawn that would bring wealth; or at least prosperity; to all。 Time would tell。
 Corrie sighed。 None of it would make the slightest difference to her。 One more year and then; for better or worse; Medicine Creek would bee ancient history for her。
 She lay in bed; thinking; while the sun set and night fell。 Then she got up and went to her bureau。 She slid open the drawer; felt along the bottom; and carefully peeled off the bills。 One thousand five hundred dollars。 Her mother still hadn't found the money; and after what had happened she'd stopped harping about it。 She had even been nice to Corrie for the first day after she'd e back from the hospital。 But Corrie knew that would not last long。 Her mother was now back at work and Corrie had little doubt she'd return with her purse rattling with its usual quota of vodka minis。 Give it a day or two and she'd bring up the money and everything would start all over again。
 She turned the bills over thoughtfully in her hands。 Pendergast had stayed in town the last week; working with Hazen and the state police to wrap up the evidentiary phase of the case。 He had called to say he was leaving tomorrow; early; and said he wanted to say goodbye before he left…and collect his cell phone。 That was what he really wanted; she knew; the cell phone。
 He'd already been by the hospital several times to see her。 He had been very solicitous and kind; and yet; somehow; she'd hoped for more。 She shook her head。 What did she expect…that he'd take her with him; make her his permanent assistant? Ridiculous。 Besides; he seemed increasingly eager to leave; citing some pressing matter waiting for him back in New York。 He'd taken several calls on his cell phone from a man named Wren; but then he'd always left the room and she'd never caught what was said。 Anyway; it didn't really matter。 He was going away; and in two more weeks high school would begin again。 Senior year; her last in Medicine Creek。 One last year of hell。
 At least there wouldn't be any more trouble from Sheriff Hazen。 Funny; he'd saved her life and now he seemed to have taken some kind of almost paternal interest in her。 She had to admit he had been pretty cool when she'd visited him that day she left the hospital。 He'd even apologized…not in so many words; of course; but still it just about floored her。 She had thanked him for saving her life。 He'd shed a few tears at that; said he hadn't done nearly enough; that he'd done nothing。 The poor man。 He was still really broken up about Tad。
 She looked down at the money。 Tomorrow; on her way out; she'd tell Pendergast what she planned to do with it。
 The idea had formed slowly; over those days she'd spent in the hospital。 In a way; she was surprised she hadn't thought of it before。 She had two weeks before school; she had money; and she was free: the sheriff had dropped all charges。 Nothing was keeping her here: she had no friends to speak of; no job; and if she stuck around; her mother would wheedle the money out of her sooner or later。
 Not that she had any illusions; not even when the idea first came to her。 She knew that when she found him he'd probably turn out to be one of those guys who couldn't seem to get it together: a loser。 After all; he'd married her mother and then split; leaving both of them in the lurch。 He'd never paid child support; never visited; never written…at least; that she could be sure of。 He wouldn't exactly be a Fred MacMurray。
 It didn't matter。 He was her father。 In her gut; this seemed like the right thing to do。 And now she had the money and the time to do it。
 It wouldn't be hard to find him。 Her mother's endless plaints had the unintentional side effect of keeping her informed of his progress。 After bouncing around the Midwest he had settled in Allentown; Pennsylvania; where he worked doing brake jobs for Pep Boys。 How many Jesse Swansons could there be in Allentown? She could drive there in a couple of days。 The money Pendergast had paid her would cover gas; tolls; motels; with a nice cushion in the very likely event that some unexpected car repairs came up。
 Even if he turned out to be a loser; her memories of him were good memories。 He wasn't a jerk; at least。 When he was there he'd been a good father; taking her out to the movies and miniature golf; always laughing; always having fun。 What did it mean; anyway; to be a loser? The kids at school thought she was a loser; too。 Hehad loved her; she felt sure 。 。 。 even if he did leave her alone with a horrible drunken witch。
 Don't get your hopes up; Corrie;she reminded herself。
 She folded the bills; stuffed them into her pants pocket。 From beneath her bed she pulled out her plastic suitcase; plopped it on the bed; opened it up; and began throwing clothes in。 She'd leave first thing in the morning; before her mother woke up; say goodbye to Pendergast; and be on her way。
 The suitcase was soon packed。 Corrie shoved it back under her bed; lay down; and in an instant was asleep。
 She awoke in the stillness of night。 All was dark。 She sat up; looking around groggily。 Something had awakened her。 It couldn't be her mother; she was working the night shift at the club; and…
 From directly outside her window came a gurgle; a chattering noise; a soft thump。 Instantly; the grogginess went away; replaced by terror。
 And then there was a splutter and a hiss; and a patter of drops began falling lightly against the side of the trailer。
 She glanced at the clock: 2A。M。 She sank back on the bed; almost laughing out loud with relief。 This time; it reallywas Mr。 Dade's sprinkler system。
 She rose to shut the window。 She paused for a moment; drinking in the cool flow of air; the fresh smell of wet grass。 Then she went to slide the window shut。
 A hand suddenly reached in from the darkness and caught the window's edge; stopping it from closing。 It was bloody; with broken nails。
 Corrie dropped her hands from the window and backed away wordlessly。
 A white; moonlike face now appeared in the window: bruised; cut; streaked with filth and blood; with a wispy bea
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