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 〃Just how are we supposed to get up there?〃 the man asked truculently。
 Pendergast ignored him; searching the wall above with his beam。
 〃You don't expect to climb that; do you? Without a rope?〃
 〃It's the only choice left us。〃
 〃You call that a choice? With that huge gaping hole at the bottom? One slip; and we're as much as…〃
 Pendergast ignored this; turning to Corrie。 〃How are your wrists and ankles?〃
 She took a deep; shuddering breath。 〃I can make it。〃
 〃I know you can。 You go first。 I'll follow and tell you what to do。 Officer Weeks will e last。〃
 〃Why me last?〃
 〃Because you need to provide cover from below。〃
 Weeks spat to one side。 〃Right。〃 Despite the chill damp air; the man was sweating: rivulets that traced clean lines through the muck that covered his face。
 Quickly; Pendergast glided toward the cave wall; Corrie following close behind。 She felt her heart begin to beat hard and fast again; and she tried to keep her eyes off the rock face above them。 They stopped a few yards short of the wide fissure in the floor。 The spray of falling water formed a curtain of mist that coated the already slick rock。 Without allowing her time for second thoughts; Pendergast gave her a boost; directing his light toward the initial footholds。
 〃I'm right behind you; Miss Swanson;〃 he murmured。 〃Take your time。〃
 Corrie clung to the rock; trying to suppress the pain in her hands and the still greater burden of her fear。 To reach the opening overhead they had to climb diagonally; out over the yawning fissure。 The ribbed limestone offered plenty of good hand… and footholds; but the rock was wet and smooth。 She tried to think of nothing; nothing except raising first a hand; then a foot; and then pulling herself up another six inches。 From the noises below; she could tell that both men were now on the rock face and climbing as well。 Pendergast murmured directions; once in a while using his hand to direct her foot to one ledge or another。 It was more frightening than it was difficult…the handholds were almost like the rungs of a ladder。 Once she looked down; saw the top of Weeks's head and the gulf that now lay directly beneath them。 She paused and shut her eyes; feeling a reeling sense of vertigo。 Again; Pendergast's hand steadied her; his smooth; gentle voice urging her along; urging her to look ahead; not down 。 。 。
 One foot; one hand; the other foot; the other hand。 Slowly; Corrie crept up the rock。 Now; blackness yawned both above and below; barely pierced by the glow of Pendergast's flashlight。 Her heart was racing even faster now; and her arms and legs were beginning to tremble from the unaccustomed effort of climbing。 Somehow; perversely; the closer she got to the lip of the passage overhead; the more desperate she felt。 She did not dare look up anymore; and had no idea if there were five feet; or thirty feet; still to go。
 〃There's something down here!〃 Weeks suddenly shouted from below; his voice pitched high。 〃Something moving!〃
 〃Officer Weeks; brace yourself against the rock and provide cover;〃 Pendergast said。 Then he turned back to Corrie。 〃Corrie; just another ten feet。 Pretend you're climbing a ladder。〃
 Ignoring the pain that shot through her wrists and fingers; Corrie grabbed the next handhold; found another foothold; pulled herself up。
 〃It'shim! 〃 she heard Weeks shout。 〃Oh my God;he's here! 〃
 〃Use your weapon; Officer;〃 Pendergast said calmly。
 Desperately; Corrie grabbed a fresh handhold; found a higher ledge for her foot。 It slipped and her heart almost froze with terror as she lurched away from the wall。 But Pendergast was there once more; his hand bracing her; steadying her; guiding her foot to a better hold。 She stifled a sob; yet again; she was so frightened she could barely think。
 〃He's gone;〃 Weeks said in a tight voice。 〃At least; I can't see him。〃
 〃He's still there;〃 said Pendergast。 〃Climb; Corrie。Climb。 〃
 Corrie; gasping with the effort and pain; pulled herself up。 Peripherally; she was aware that Pendergast; with a lithe maneuver; had turned himself around on the ledge to face outward。 His flashlight was in one hand and his gun in the other; its laser sight scanning the cavern below。
 〃There!〃 cried Weeks。
 Corrie heard the deafening blast of his shotgun; followed by another。 〃He's fast!〃 Weeks screamed。 〃Too fast!〃
 〃I'm covering you from above;〃 Pendergast said。 〃Just hold your position andfire with care。 〃
 There was another blast from the shotgun; then another。 〃Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ;〃 Weeks was saying; over and over; sobbing and gasping。
 Corrie ventured a glance overhead。 In the dim glow of Pendergast's flashlight she could see that she was now just five feet below the lip of the archway。 But there did not seem to be any more handholds。 She felt around; first with one hand; and then with the other; but the stone was smooth。
 Another scream; another wild shotgun blast。
 〃Weeks!〃 Pendergast rapped out。 〃You're firing wild!Aim your weapon。 〃
 〃No; no;no! 〃 The shotgun went off yet again。 And then Corrie heard the clatter as Weeks threw his empty gun down in a panic and began climbing furiously。
 〃Officer Weeks!〃 Pendergast shouted。
 Once again; Corrie reached out with her hands; fingertips splayed; looking for a purchase。 She could find none。 With a sob of terror; she looked down toward Pendergast; appealing for help。 And then she froze。
 A shape had flashed out of the darkness below; leaping upon the rock wall like a spider。 Pendergast's gun cracked but the shape kept ing; scrambling up after them。 For a moment; Pendergast's light fell directly on it; but it gave a grunt of rage and ducked away from the beam。 And yet it was enough for Corrie to see; once again; that great moonlike face; inhumanly white; the wispy trailing beard; the little blue eyes flecked with blood; staring out from below long; effeminate lashes; that same strange; intent; fixed smile: a face that seemed as ingenuous as a baby's; and yet so very alien; rent by thoughts and emotions so bizarre as to scarcely seem human。
 Even as she watched; the figure ascended the rock with terrible speed。
 Pendergast's gun cracked again but Corrie saw that Weeks; climbing desperately; had e directly between him and the monster and the FBI agent no longer had a shot。 She lay against the rock face; her heart like a hammer in her chest; unable to move; unable to look away; unable to do anything。
 The killer reached the frantically climbing Weeks; brought his pistonlike arm back; and smashed the man in the back; cracking him like a bug。 With a scream of pain Weeks peeled off the rock and began to slide。 The massive arm cocked back again and this time struck a sideways blow that rammed Weeks's head against the rock。 Corrie watched in frozen horror as Weeks simply dropped; down the wall and into the great fissure below; his body making no sound as it plunged out of sight through the veil of mist into the unguessable depths beneath。
 Then immediately there came another shot from Pendergast's gun; but the man; with a great apelike leap; dodged sideways and once again began scuttling up the rock face with almost unbelievable agility。 Before she could even draw breath he was
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