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ime; peering closely; his nose sometimes mere inches from the sand。 Weeks watched him; growing more and more restless。
 〃Below;〃 Pendergast said。
 Pendergast squeezed through a crack along the edge of one wall; then dropped into a narrow space that descended steeply。 Weeks followed。 They inched along for a while; arriving shortly at a veritable ants' nest of natural boreholes in the cave wall; some with frozen rivers of flowstone erupting from their mouths。 Pendergast played his light across the honeybed face for a moment; selected one of the holes; and then…to Weeks's consternation…crawled into it。 The opening was dank and wet…looking; and Weeks considered protesting; but decided against it as Pendergast's light abruptly vanished。 Scrambling after Pendergast down the sharply descending passage; Weeks half jumped; half tumbled into a tunnel so heavily used that a trail had been worn in the soft limestone of its bed。
 He clambered to his feet; brushing the mud from his clothes and checking his shotgun。 〃How long has the killer been living down here?〃 he asked; staring at the track in disbelief。
 〃Fifty…one years this September;〃 said Pendergast。 Already; he was moving again; following the trail down the narrow corridor。
 〃So youknow who it is?〃
 〃And just how the heck did you figurethat out?〃
 〃Officer Weeks; shall we save the colloquy for later?〃
 Pendergast flew down the passageway。 The crying had stopped; but now the FBI agent seemed sure of the way 。 。 。
 And then; quite suddenly; they came to a standstill。 Ahead; a huge curtain of crystallized gypsum flowed from a rend in the ceiling; pletely blocking the passageway。 Pendergast shone his light onto the floor of the passage; and Weeks noticed that the heavy track had disappeared。 〃No time;〃 Pendergast murmured to himself; angling his light back down the tunnel; up over the walls and ceiling。 〃No time。〃
 Then he took a few steps back from the curtain of gypsum。 He seemed to be counting under his breath。 Weeks frowned: maybe he'd been right the first time and Pendergast wasn't such a good choice to be tagging along with; after all。
 Then the agent paused; moved his head close to the wall; and called out; 〃Miss Swanson?〃
 To Weeks's surprise; there was a faint gasp; a sob; and then a muffled shout: 〃Pendergast? Agent Pendergast? Oh; God…〃
 〃Be calm。 We're ing to get you。 Ishe around?〃
 〃No。 He left 。 。 。 I don't know how long ago。 Hours。〃
 Pendergast turned to Weeks。 〃Now's your chance to be useful。〃 He moved back to the curtain of gypsum; pointed。 〃Direct a shotgun blast at this spot; please。〃
 〃Won't he hear?〃 said Weeks。
 〃He's already close。Follow my orders; Officer。〃
 Pendergast spoke with such mand that Weeks jumped。 〃Yes; sir!〃 He crouched; aimed; and pulled both triggers。
 The blast was deafening in the enclosed space。 Pendergast's light exposed a pall of glittering gypsum dust and; beyond; a great hole in the diaphanous stone。 For a moment; nothing further happened。 And then the curtain broke apart with a great crack; dropping to the floor and sending glittering crystal shards skidding everywhere。 Beyond was another passageway; and beside it the narrow dark mouth of a pit。 Pendergast rushed to the edge and shone his light within。 Weeks came up behind and peered cautiously over his shoulder。
 There; at the bottom; he saw a filthy girl with purple hair; staring up with a muddy; blood…smeared; terrified face。
 Pendergast turned to look at him。 〃You're the dog…handler。 You must have a spare leash in your pack。〃
 He found himself; in one swift movement; relieved of his pack。 Pendergast reached inside and pulled out the spare; a length of chain with a leather strap。 Then he fixed the chain end around the base of a limestone column and threw the other end into the pit。
 From below came the clank of the chain; the sobbing of the girl。
 Weeks peered over again。 〃It doesn't reach;〃 he said。
 Pendergast ignored this。 〃Cover us。 Ifhe es; shoot to kill。〃
 〃Now; wait just a minute…〃
 But Pendergast had already disappeared over the edge。 Weeks hovered at the top; one eye on the passageway and the other on the pit。 The FBI agent clambered down the chain with remarkable agility; and when he reached the end he hung from it; free arm down; offering the girl his hand。 She reached for it; swiped; missed。
 〃Stand aside; Miss Swanson;〃 Pendergast said to the girl。 〃Weeks; nudge some of those boulders into the pit。 Try not to brain one of us。 And keep a careful eye on that tunnel。〃
 With his foot; Weeks pushed half a dozen large rocks over the lip of the pit。 Then he watched as the girl; who understood immediately; stacked them against the wall and clambered to the top。 Now Pendergast was able to grab her hand。 He hoisted her upward; planted his free arm beneath her shoulders; brought the hand back to the chain; and slowly climbed up the stone face。 Pendergast looked scrawny enough; but the strength it took to climb up that chain while carrying another person was remarkable。
 They emerged from the pit and the girl immediately fell to her knees; clinging to Pendergast; sobbing violently。
 Pendergast knelt beside her。 Taking a handkerchief from his pocket; he gently wiped the blood and dirt from the girl's face。 Then he examined her wrists and hands。 〃Do they hurt?〃 he asked。
 〃Not now。 I'm so glad you came。 I thought 。 。 。 I thought…〃 The rest of the sentence was lost in a sob。
 He took her hands。 〃Corrie? I know what you thought。 You've been very brave。 But it's not over yet and I need your help。〃 He spoke gently but rapidly; in a low; urgent whisper。
 She fell silent; nodded。
 〃Can you walk?〃
 She nodded; then broke into a sob once again。 〃He wasplaying with me;〃 she cried。 〃He was going to keep playing with me; until 。 。 。 until Idied。 〃
 He put a hand on her shoulder。 〃I know it's difficult。 But you're going to need to be strong until we get out of here。〃
 She swallowed; eyes down。
 Pendergast stood and briefly examined his map。 〃There might be a quicker way out。 We're going to have to risk it。 Follow me。〃
 Then he turned to Weeks。 〃I'll go first。 Then Miss Swanson。 You cover us from the back。 And I meancover; Officer: he could e from anywhere; above; below; beside; behind。 He will be silent。 And he will befast。 〃
 Weeks licked dry lips。 〃How can you be so sure the killer will be ing after us?〃
 Pendergast returned his gaze; pale eyes luminous in the darkness。 〃Because he won't give up willingly his only friend。〃
 Hazen moved fast; pausing only briefly to reconnoiter at the twists and intersections of the cavern; not bothering to conceal the noisy sounds of his passage。 He gripped his twelve…gauge with white knuckles; fingers resting against the dual triggers。
 This bastard was as good as dead。
 He passed another little arrangement; then another; tiny crystals and dead cave animals placed on a rock ledge。 A psychopath。 The cave was where he'd practiced his craziness before going topside to do it to real people。
 The son of a bitch was going to pay。 No Miranda rights; no call to a lawyer; just two loads of double…ought buck in the chest and then a third to the
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