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ist site。 And the Indian burials he'd seen…they'd draw archeologists and maybe even a museum。 Even if Medicine Creek didn't get the experimental field; this cave was big enough to attract people from all over。 It occurred to him; distantly; that the town was saved。 This was better than Carlsbad Caverns。 All this time the town had been sitting on a goldmine and they never knew it。
 Hazen set the musings aside。 He could dream about the future once this creepy bastard was behind bars。 One thing at a time。
 Ahead yawned a hole in the rock floor; from which came the sound of rushing water。 He stepped cautiously around it and continued on; following the prints in the sand。
 They were clear。 And they looked fresh。
 He sensed he was drawing closer to his quarry。 The tunnel narrowed; then widened again。 Hazen was noticing more and more signs of habitation: strange designs scratched into the walls with a sharp rock; moldering Indian fetishes arranged with care inside niches and atop limestone pillars。 He tightened his grip on the shotgun and moved on。 The freak; whoever he was; had been down here a long time。
 Ahead; the tunnel widened into another cavern。 Hazen turned the corner cautiously; then stopped dead; staring。
 The cavern was a riot of ornamentation。 Countless odd figures of twine and bone had been lashed together; and were hanging by strings from a thousand stalactites。 Mummified cave creatures had been set together in little dioramas。 Human bones and skulls of all shapes and sizes could be seen: some lined up along the rock walls; others laid along the floor in intricate; bizarre patterns; still others piled in rough heaps as if awaiting use。 Ancient lanterns; tin cans; rusted turn…of…the…century gadgets; Indian artifacts; and detritus of all sorts lay along makeshift shelves。 It looked like the den of some madman。 Which; in fact; was exactly what it was。
 Hazen turned slowly; aiming his infrared beam at the spectacle。 This was weird; seriously weird。 He swallowed; licked his lips; and took a step backward。 Maybe it was a mistake; ing blundering in here like a single…handed posse。 Maybe hewas being too hasty。 The exit to the cave couldn't be that far away。 He could return to the surface; get reinforcements; get help 。 。 。
 And it was then that his eye fell on the far wall of the cave。 The rocky floor was particularly uneven here; sloping down into deeper darkness。
 Someone was lying; motionless; on the floor。
 Raising the barrel of his shotgun; Hazen moved forward。 There was a rough table of stone nearby; littered with moldy objects。 Nearby were some empty burlap bags。 And beyond; sprawled across the floor; was the figure; maybe asleep。
 Shotgun ready; he approached the stone table with the utmost care。 Now that he was closer; he realized that the objects on the table weren't covered in mold after all。 Instead; they appeared to be dozens of little knots of black hair: dark tufts of whiskers; curly locks; bits of scalp still attached; kinky clumps of hair and God only knew what else besides。 The image of Gasparilla's scalped and stripped head came to mind。 He pushed it away; focusing his attention back on the figure; which on closer inspection didn't look asleep after all。 It looked dead。
 He crept forward; tension abruptly knotting as he realized the body was gutted。 Where the belly should be; there was a hollow cavity。
 Oh; my God。 Another victim。
 He approached; hands slippery on the butt stock; stiff…legged with horror。 The body had been arranged; its clothes mostly torn away; only a few ragged pieces left; its face covered with dried blood。 It was gangly; not much more than a kid。
 His arm shaking almost beyond his ability to control it; Hazen stopped and; taking his handkerchief; wiped the blood and dirt off the face。
 Then he froze; handkerchief on the cold skin; a storm of revulsion and overwhelming loss erupting within him。 It was Tad Franklin。
 He staggered; felt himself sway。
 Tad。 。 。
 And then everything burst out of him at once; and with a howl of grief and fury he began turning; around and around and around; pumping the shotgun in every direction; while he raged at the darkness; the fiery blasts punctuated again and again by the sound of the shattering stalactites that fell like showers of crystal rain。
 〃What was that?〃 Weeks asked; screwing up his face; blinking rapidly against the dark。
 〃Somebody firing a twelve…gauge。〃 Pendergast remained still; listening。 Then he glanced at Weeks's gun。 〃Have you been trained in the proper use of that weapon; Officer?〃
 〃Of course;〃 Weeks sniffed。 〃I got a Distinguished Shooting in my unit at Dodge Academy。〃 As it happened; there had been only three cadets in the K…9 unit at the time; but Pendergast didn't have to be told everything。
 〃Then chamber a round and get ready。 Stay on my right at all times and pace me exactly。〃
 Weeks rubbed the back of his neck; humidity always gave him a rash。 〃It's my informed opinion that we should get some backup before proceeding further。〃
 Pendergast spoke without bothering to look over his shoulder。 〃Officer Weeks;〃 he said; 〃we've heard the crying of the killer's intended victim。 We've just heard shooting。 Is it really yourinformed opinion we have the time to wait for backup?〃
 The question lingered briefly in the chill air。 Weeks felt himself flushing。 And then another faint cry…high; thin; clearly female…echoed faintly through the caverns。 In a flash Pendergast was off again; moving down the tunnel。 Weeks scrambled to follow; fumbling with his shotgun。
 The crying seemed to rise and fall as they moved on; being fainter from time to time before growing louder again。 They had entered a section of the cave that was drier and more spacious。 The level floor was partially covered by large patches of sand; riddled with bare footprints。
 〃Do you know who the killer is?〃 Weeks asked; unable to pletely hide his querulous tone。
 〃A man。 But a man in form only。〃
 〃What's that supposed to mean?〃 Weeks didn't like the way the FBI agent always seemed to speak in riddles。
 Pendergast bent briefly to examine the footprints。 〃All you need to know is this:identify your target。 If it is the killer…and you will know it; I can assure you…then shoot to kill。Do not trouble yourself with any niceties beyond that。〃
 〃You don't have to be nasty。〃 Weeks fell silent when he saw the look that Pendergast darted at him。
 A man in form only。The image of that; thatthing …it hadn't looked much like a man to him…raising one of the thrashing dogs and tearing off its limbs came unbidden into Weeks's mind。 He shivered。 But Pendergast paid no attention; moving ahead with great swiftness; gun in his hand; only pausing infrequently to listen。 The sounds seemed to have died away pletely。
 After a few minutes; Pendergast stopped to consult the map。 Then; under his guidance; they retraced their steps。 The sounds returned briefly; then faded away once again。 Finally; Pendergast dropped to his knees and began examining the tracks; moving back and forth for what seemed an interminable length of time; peering closely; his nose sometimes mere inches from the sand。 Weeks watched him; growing more 
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