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ent he spoke; as if they had been waiting for him。 He wasn't used to being the key to a gathering such as this。 He wondered how it had happened。 Lucianna was standing unnecessarily close to him。 He tried to ignore that fact。
  Roban the chancellor; who did not much like him; lifted an eyebrow。
  Blaise said; 〃I do have a suggestion to make。 This affair ultimately concerns only that man and myself。〃 He nodded at the Arimondan。 〃There is nothing that need involve the countess or the 。。。 wider issues of our time。 I killed his brother when attacked some time ago。 He sees that as cause for vengeance。 I might say I would feel the same; had it been my own brother slain。〃 He heard Rosala make a small sound; an indrawn breath behind him。 That was interesting too; of all of them; she seemed to be the first to sense where he was going。 Or part of his path; at any rate。 She could not know it all。
  〃What you say is not strictly true。〃 said Massena Delonghi; interjecting soberly。 〃There remains the matter of the violated truce。 Whatever might lie between the two of you; which is indeed your own affair; he was bound to hold back until the fair was over。〃
  〃And it isn't even their own affair in any case;〃 said Rudel; irritatingly intruding himself。 〃Correct me if I err; but I do seem to recall hearing last summer of a decree by the countess of Arbonne regarding killings between Talair and Miraval。〃
  Blaise understood what his friend was doing then; and reproached himself。 He ought to have known better。 Rudel wasn't intruding: he was handing Blaise the next thing to say; if he wanted to say it。 And it seemed that he did want to say it; or he would not have begun this at all。
  〃As to that; I am in fact no longer a coran of Talair。 Not since the attempt on my life on the road。 With my identity revealed there it seemed inappropriate to Duke Bertran that he be giving Galbert de Garsenc's son mands as if to any other mercenary。 I am with him now only as a friend。 There is therefore no breach of the countess's decree in anything that passes between Quzman of Arimonda and myself。〃
  The Arimondan had begun; again; to smile; the white teeth showing against his dark skin。 His magnificent body was ridged and corded with muscle。 He was clever; and extremely dangerous。
  〃I propose;〃 said Blaise calmly; 〃that this man and I fight each other at the tournament; and that all affairs of tonight be considered ended with whatever happens then。〃
  Quzman was looking at him。 〃I might be forced to regard you as a man; after all;〃 he said。 〃To the death?〃 
  Blaise shrugged。 It had e。 〃Why bother; otherwise。〃 
  Behind him; Rudel Correze swore violently under his breath。 Which meant that he had not; after all; seen exactly where this had been going。 There was some small pleasure in that; he was rarely so far ahead of Rudel。 Behind him; Rosala was silent now。 It was the countess who spoke; very softly。 〃I should not allow this。 You have a reason; I dare hope?〃
  〃I hope so as well;〃 Blaise said; not turning; his gaze holding the Arimondan's。 The first moments of a challenge; he had been taught long ago; often determined what followed。 It was important not to look away。
  Urté de Miraval smiled broadly。 〃One thousand in gold on the Arimondan;〃 he said。 〃If anyone chooses to cover。〃 
  〃I will;〃 said Massena Delonghi。 〃It will add spice to the watching。〃
  His daughter laughed。
  〃It appears;〃 said Signe de Barbentain; 〃that I am expected to consent to this。 I cannot imagine whence that expectation es。 Why should the Arimondan be allowed an even chance at his life?〃
  Blaise turned to the courageous; exquisitely beautiful woman who ruled this country。 〃There is no reason but my asking it of you;〃 he said gravely。 〃Arbonne has always been known for the greatness of its rulers and their generosity。 There are those in Gorhaut who might prefer to deny that。〃
  He paused; her blue gaze was intently searching his eyes。 〃I am not one of them; your grace。 Not any longer。〃
  He thought he saw a flicker of understanding; and then sorrow chasing it away; but he was certain of neither thing。 Impulsively; he knelt before her。 He felt her hand upon his head。 The slender fingers curled in his hair and then down his cheek and beard。 She lifted his chin to look at him。
  〃We are fond of you; Blaise of Gorhaut;〃 she said formally。 〃We can only hope that this challenge does not bring us a new source of grief。 We consent to it; because you have asked us to do so。〃 She looked out over Blaise's head。 〃The Arimondan will remain in custody until this duel occurs; though he is not to be abused in any way。 These two men will fight before us until one of them is dead; and this bat will take place on the first morning of the tournament by our decree。 We will retire now。 These matters are distasteful to us; and there is a child we have not seen all day。〃
  In the end; Blaise went down the hall with the countess and Rosala。 When they walked in; the baby was awake and nursing with the wet…nurse they had found for him。 Blaise looked at him for a long time and then turned to Rosala。 He said nothing; nor did he find any answers to unspoken questions in her face。 He had not; in fact; expected to。
  On his way back down the corridor alone some time after; he saw Imera waiting for him at a dark place by the stairwell。 He had been half expecting this。 She gestured with one hand。 Looking beyond her; he saw that Lucianna's door stood ajar。 Torchlight flickered and shifted in the corridor。
  Once again; desire for her was in Blaise like a wave; like the hard surge of the black; starlit sea against a stony shore。 And Blaise understood; standing there in the shadows with Lucianna's servant; that he was unlikely ever to be wholly free of this。 In the next heartbeat; he realized; with a feeling akin to that which sometimes came when the white moon broke free of clouds to shine serenely down upon the earth where men and women lived and died; that he could deal with that desire。 He was not a slave to it。 He could ride above the wave。 He took a slow breath; shook his head gently and went past Imera down the dark; winding stairs。 
  There were people still awake and lights burning in the great hall of Barbentain。 A lanky; dark…haired man was singing。 Blaise paused in the doorway; listening for a moment。 The voice was resonant and sad; quite beautiful actually。 He thought he recognized the man; and one or two of the other musicians。 Then he saw a woman he did know for certain: the joglar from Midsummer Eve; Lisseut。 Her brown hair looked different tonight。 He realized why after a moment: it was bright and clean; not soaked and tangled about her shoulders。 Amused at the vivid memory; he waited until her gaze moved away from the singer to scan the room。 When she saw him in the doorway; she smiled quickly and lifted a hand。 Blaise; after a second; smiled back。
  He was actually thinking about crossing the room to speak with her; but just then someone was at his elbow。
  〃I thought I'd wait a little while;〃 Rudel said。 〃I wasn't entirely certain if you would be ing down before morning。〃
  Blaise looked over at his friend。 〃Neither was I;〃 h
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