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ve been to control the reverberations of this; to keep the countess from having to deal with the bitter feud between Miraval and Talair at this most sensitive juncture in Arbonne's affairs; he had almost certainly managed to do so。 He turned to Rudel again and saw wry admiration in his friend's eyes as he looked towards the unassuming chancellor of Arbonne。
  Impulsively; Blaise turned back towards the door; to the bench were Rosala was sitting; and read; without real surprise; an identically cynical understanding in her expression。 She had always been that quick。 It had been too easy to see her only as a woman at the beginning; the selected wife of his older brother…to fail to realize how clever she really was。 But there had been moments; even in the few; brief intervals when he had been home; when Blaise had been forced to remind himself whose daughter Rosala was; and to remember that any child of Cadar de Savaric would know more than a thing or two about the world's affairs。 Thinking so; he took a few steps towards her。 Rosala was the last; in a real sense the largest; mystery of this night。
  It was with a renewed surprise that he saw Signe de Barbentain turn as well; to smile at Rosala and then take a seat beside her on the bench。 The countess of Arbonne took his sister…in…law's hands between her own。 〃You thought you were saving a life; didn't you?〃 she asked。 Her voice was low; but Blaise; moving nearer; was concentrating now on the two of them and he heard。 Behind him the chancellor was ordering the binding of the Arimondan。
  〃I did think that;〃 he heard Rosala say。 〃I didn't know who it was。〃
  〃Which makes it a braver act; my dear。 How is Cadar?〃
  Blaise blinked; and suddenly stopped where he was。
  Rosala said; 〃Sleeping down the hall; with his nurse。〃 She looked up at Blaise as she spoke those words; her clear blue eyes on his from across the room。
  〃Then why don't we leave these untidy affairs and go look in on your baby?〃 Blaise heard the countess say。
  〃I would like that;〃 his brother's wife murmured; rising。 Blaise realized that his heart was pounding。 〃You haven't seen him since the morning; have you?〃
  Signe stood up as well; smiling。 〃But I have been thinking of him all day。 Shall we go?〃
  Blaise wasn't quite certain how; but he seemed to have crossed the room towards the two of them。 The countess looked at him; her elegant features posed。 He was staring at Rosala though。 He bent; carefully; and saluted her on both cheeks。
  〃My lady; this is a great surprise;〃 he said awkwardly; feeling himself flush。 He had never been easy with her。 〃Am I understanding correctly? Have you had a child? Have you had a child here!?〃
  Her head was high; her handsome; intelligent features betrayed no distress at all; but up close now he could see marks of weariness and strain。 She had burst into this room; even so; at the very real risk of her own life; following a man with a blade to save whoever it might have been who was in danger here。
  She said gravely; 〃I am sorry you are discovering it in this fashion。 I was told you were here; but there seemed to be no easy way to inform you; given that I have left Garsenc without Ranald's knowledge and am not going back。〃 She paused for a moment; to let him begin dealing with that。 〃I did give birth two days ago; by grace of Corannos; and Rian。 My son is asleep down the hall。 His name is Cadar。 Cadar de Savaric。〃 She stopped a second time。 Blaise was feeling as if he had been struck again; a second blow to the head; in the same place the staff had hit before。 〃You may see him if you like;〃 his sister…in…law concluded。
  〃How sweet this is; how truly touching;〃 came an amused voice just behind him。 〃The lost children of Gorhaut。 Surely I was right; there will have to be a ballad about this。 Why don't we all go dote upon the child?〃 He hadn't heard Lucianna ing up; once; his whole being would have been focused on knowing exactly where she was in any room。 In the strangest way; Blaise felt an obscure sadness in this change。
  〃I don't recall inviting you;〃 Rosala said calmly。 〃You might still feel like using the blade I saw。〃
  So she had seen that knife; and probably the blood on him where the dancing blade had pricked。 Blaise wondered what she had thought。 He wondered what there was to think。 Lucianna Delonghi; however; was not accustomed to being disfited by other women。 〃I only stab babies when they wake me at night;〃 she murmured in her laziest drawl。 〃Grown men tend to give greater cause; and different pleasures。 Since I am awake; your child is safe for the moment。 From me; at any rate。 Are you not afraid; though; that dear; impetuous Blaise will seize and spirit him home to his brother and father?〃
  〃Not really;〃 said Rosala。 She looked at Blaise。 〃Should I be?〃
  Lucianna laughed。 The countess of Arbonne stood quietly; looking at Massena Delonghi's daughter; her expression thoughtful now; and under that level; appraising scrutiny Lucianna grew still。 Blaise's mind was racing; despite the pulses of pain; struggling to sort through the towering implications of all of this。 And there was something else as well; half…buried at the base of that tower: a night of storm in Garsenc Castle eight months ago; when he had left for the last time。
  Quickly; he pushed that thought away。 She had asked him a question and was waiting for his reply。 He said; 〃Having left them myself; I am unlikely to be the one to take anyone back to that castle。 As to that; at least; you need not be concerned。 You know they are unlikely to accept this; though。〃
  〃We all know that;〃 asked Signe de Barbentain。 〃There was some hope earlier that you might have a suggestion。〃
  〃A suggestion about what?〃 asked Rudel; ing up to them。 〃Cures for a cracked skull?〃
  〃Family affairs;〃 Blaise said shortly; though it was more than that; a great deal more; given who and what his family were。
  And it was precisely in that moment that the new thought appeared and immediately began; with unsettling speed; to take shape in him。 He made the required introductions and then turned back to look at the others on the far side of the room。 He was suddenly thinking hard; and there was a cold logic; a kind of inexorability to where those thoughts were leading him。 They didn't make him happy though; not at all。
  Urté de Miraval was talking quietly with Massena Delonghi beside the fire。 Quzman the Arimondan was in the process of being bound by the corans of Barbentain; they weren't being especially gentle about it。 The man's head was held arrogantly high; however; he didn't bother to struggle。 Next to Blaise; Rudel Correze bowed to the countess and then bent low and kissed Rosala's hand。 Lucianna murdered something to her cousin; under her breath; Blaise didn't hear what it was。
  He took a deep breath。 Life might be easier; he reflected just before he spoke; if he didn't keep making it harder for himself。
  〃One moment; if you will;〃 he said quietly; addressing the chancellor of Arbonne。 It was interesting; actually: the other conversations stopped the moment he spoke; as if they had been waiting for him。 He wasn't used to being the key to a gathering su
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