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  Lucianna's father was enjoying every moment of this; Blaise realized。 It was exactly the sort of multi…faceted intrigue the Delonghi most loved。 Massena would have little or nothing actually vested in Urté's downfall or the countess's embarrassment; but would take pleasure and…Blaise had no doubt…in the end find some gain in being the figure at the heart of both eventualities。 If Arbonne had hoped to keep her internal feuds close to her breast; that hope was almost certainly ended now。 Blaise wondered; cynically; if Massena Delonghi would be writing to Galbert de Garsenc soon in Gorhaut; or sending his factor in Cortil on an informal visit to King Ademar's court; to suggest some quiet transaction by way of pensation to the Delonghi for the disfiture of Arbonne。
  Rudel; proving belatedly useful; if not efficiently so; had finally finished with Blaise's ankle bonds。 He'd also found; discarded in a corner of the room; the removed clothing and boots。 Moving as well as his pounding head would allow; Blaise dressed himself。 He saw that Rosala had taken a seat on a low bench by the door; sitting alone at some distance from everyone else。 She was watching his every movement; though; with a curiously strained expression。 It occurred to him; with something of a jolt; that he had also been unclothed the last time they'd seen each other。 So; for that matter; had she。
  The door to the room was still open beside her。 Through it now; arresting that particular line of thought; came Lucianna's servant。 Blaise remembered Imera well。 Her knowing features had acpanied him on a great many silent night walks through one palace or another to her mistress's rooms。 Imera stopped in the doorway; took in the scene and allowed herself the briefest smile imaginable as she observed the Arimondan ringed with swords。
  It seemed to Blaise; looking at her; as if he were actually being made to journey backwards through the course of this night…first in that inn outside the walls with Rudel and King Daufridi; now here in Lucianna's room…through the layers of his own past。 All that was needed now…
  〃The countess of Arbonne has e;〃 said Imera。 Of course; thought Blaise; tenderly probing the blood…encrusted lump on the back of his skull; preparing to kneel。
  He was not really surprised; he was even beginning to find the oddest element of humour in all of this。 The small; elegant figure of Signe de Barbentain came briskly into the room; dressed in pale blue trimmed with pearls。 She was followed…and this was a shock…by the bulky; grim…faced figure of Duke Urté de Miraval。
  〃My lady!〃 exclaimed Roban as they all sank down and then rose from their obeisances。 〃I thought you to be asleep。 I did not want to…〃
  〃Asleep?〃 said the countess of Arbonne。 〃With such beautiful music below and treachery above stairs in our palace? I have only the duke of Miraval to thank for bringing me here in time to deal with this。 You and I; Roban; will have to have a talk in the morning。〃
  〃But countess;〃 began the chancellor; a little too earnestly; 〃it is the duke of Miraval himself who…〃
  〃Who was informed by an Arimondan in his employ of a plot by the wife of the banned Borsiard d'Andoria; a second attempt against the life of our dear friend from Gorhaut。〃 Signe's voice and manner were chillingly austere。
  〃Quzman; I am sorry to say; has his own grievance against the northerner;〃 Urté added smoothly。 〃So deep a hatred that he was willing to breach the truce of the fair to aid the lady of Andoria in her corrupt designs。 I chose to allow the affair to proceed a certain distance; trusting it could be halted…and thereby exposing the Portezzan evil at its source。 I am pleased to see that this has happened。〃 He was staring coldly at Lucianna。
  Blaise looked over at Rudel and saw his friend smiling crookedly back at him; still holding a cloth to the side of his head。 They turned; simultaneously; to the chancellor of Arbonne。 Roban's surprise was just a little too extreme again。 This is a clever man; thought Blaise。 He may get away with it; after all。 Massena Delonghi; he noted; had paled a little beneath the dark tan; but he too was smiling slightly; showing a master's appreciation for the neatness of what was happening。
  As if on cue to Blaise's thought; Roban said; 〃But countess; there was no Portezzan plot。 The gracious lady Lucianna Delonghi d'Andoria was acting only to expose this selfsame Arimondan。 She personally informed me of his designs last night。 She only pretended to accede to his scheme to prevent a more summary murder of the Gorhaut coran。 It seems to be her understanding that; ah 。。。 the duke of Miraval was actively involved in his underling's designs。〃
  〃Evidently a faulty understanding on my part;〃 Lucianna murmured silkily into the silence that followed this。 〃One for which I must surely make amends to the duke when more private opportunity allows。〃 She smiled at Urté; her most dazzling smile。
  〃My dear daughter has such an impulsive nature;〃 Massena Delonghi added; playing out the game; 〃and she was naturally so anxious to make redress for her 。。。 equally impulsive husband's earlier transgression。〃 He shrugged; and spread his hands。 〃It seems we have all been acting in good faith here。〃
  〃Except for one man;〃 said Signe de Barbentain icily。 She was looking at the Arimondan。
  Blaise had seen it before; and now he registered it again: Quzman of Arimonda was neither a coward nor a fool。 The man was smiling; ringed about with steel and hostile glances。
  〃Ever the way of things; is it not?〃 he asked quietly; looking directly at his employer。 Duke Urté; stone…faced; made no reply。 〃I am the sacrifice after all; not the man who murdered my brother。 I do wonder; though;〃 he said; turning with bold eyes and no deference at all to the countess of Arbonne; 〃how I am presumed to have used ten of my lord of Miraval's corans tonight without his knowledge。〃
  The weak link; Blaise thought; racing through possibilities。 He's going to take Urté down with him。 But he'd underestimated the Arbonnais again。
  〃That is a matter of some grief to me;〃 En Urté de Miraval said; his deep voice conveying dimensions of regret。 〃I chose to test the loyalty and prudence of my corans; electing not to caution them about Quzman's designs or undermine his plot。 I am sorry to say that ten of them did; indeed; succumb to his undeniable persuasiveness。 They have their own hatred of this Gorhautian coran; arising from the deaths of five of their fellows half a year ago in a most unfortunate incident。 They agreed to assist in this terrible deed。〃
  〃Then these men too must surely be punished;〃 said Massena Delonghi to the countess; shaking his head at this latest revelation of the world's depredations; the evils that seemed to flourish so brazenly in the midst of good and honest men。
  Quzman of Arimonda was still smiling; Blaise saw…a terrible expression now; of plete understanding。
  〃They have been punished;〃 said Urté briefly。 〃They are dead。〃
  And so the chancellor had indeed won; after all; Blaise realized。 Given that his sole purpose here would have been to control the reverberations of this; to keep the countess
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