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  〃A severe penalty it does seem;〃 said Blaise to Lucianna; dragging his eyes away from the man with the blade towards the woman who had taught him all he knew about certain dimensions of joy and pain; 〃for having met you too late。 I do hope this pleases your new husband; and perhaps even the next one。〃
  She made a small sound; he thought it might be a kind of laugh。 He didn't have time to decide; though; because just then; as he turned back to face his death the way a man does; with dignity and an acceptance of the infinite; eternal power of the god; the door opened again and; with utter stupefaction; Blaise saw his brother's wife step into the room behind the Arimondan。
  〃If you use that blade;〃 he heard Rosala announce in her crispest voice; 〃I swear by holy Corannos I will have you brought into the presence of the countess of Arbonne before this night is over; and I will not rest until you are both dealt with for breaching a truce with murder。〃
  And then; with that spoken; as her own fierce inner momentum seemed to slow; all three of them staring at her; she registered for the first time…he actually saw it happen…who was lying on the bed; and she said; in a voice so pletely different it could almost have made one laugh:
  It was Lucianna who laughed。 〃How touching。 A reunion;〃 she murmured; turning from the fire。 She was still holding her own jewelled blade。 〃The wandering children of Garsenc in the den of the dark lady。 Someone will surely make a ballad of this。〃
  〃I think not;〃 said Quzman of Arimonda。 〃Since both of them must now be slain。〃
  His smile had gone。 He took another step towards Blaise。 〃Now;〃 said Lucianna Delonghi loudly; very clearly。 The inner doors on either side of the bed burst open。 Through them; swords drawn; rushed half a dozen corans in the countess's colours; followed quickly by Roban; the chancellor or Arbonne; and then more slowly by a black…haired; sumptuously dressed; darkly handsome man。 Last of all; moving with extreme caution; a press held to one side of his head; came Rudel Correze。
  The corans surrounded the Arimondan。 One of them seized the dagger from him。 Quzman's gaze; bleak and malevolent; did not move from Lucianna's face now。 Returning a brief; glacially patrician glance; she said; 〃You made an error and you are a crude; unpleasant man。 The one might have been forgivable were the other not also the case。 And both things; I might add; are equally true of the duke of Miraval; whom you serve in this matter。〃
  She said that last very clearly as well。 Blaise saw the handsome man who was her father smile thinly as Roban the chancellor winced。 It was being slowly clear to Blaise that he was not; for the moment at least; about to die。 That Lucianna had set this whole thing up as a trap for 。。。 whom? Quzman? Urté? Both? He looked to his left and saw Rudel leaning against a bedpost for support; gazing down on him with an expression that might have managed to be amused if his face had not been quite so green。
  〃If you do not stop standing there uselessly and cut these cords;〃 Blaise snarled through clenched teeth; 〃I will not be responsible for what I do to you later。〃
  〃To me?〃 his friend replied with feeling。 〃What can you possibly do beyond what has been done already? I have just been half killed by corans of Miraval in the interests of a ploy by my cursed cousin Lucianna that had nothing at all to do with me。〃 But he did begin; moving gingerly; to cut Blaise's bonds。
  〃You are; you understand; now taken into the custody of the countess of Arbonne;〃 the chancellor was saying to Quzman。 He did not look happy。 Blaise; finally able to sit up; slowly chafing his wrists; had some idea why。 〃In the morning she will decide your fate;〃 Roban finished coldly。
  The Arimondan was a brave man。 〃My fate alone?〃 he said。 〃You see how the woman had the northerner trussed up for me like a hog for slaughter? You know her husband tried to kill him on the road。 Will you let her play this double game and laugh at all of us?〃 Blaise glanced over at Lucianna; she had moved towards the windows; and had put on a heavier robe。 She didn't bother looking back at Quzman; or at any of them。
  〃I do not see anyone laughing;〃 said the chancellor。 〃And if her game was doubled; it was only against yourself。 She informed me of your proposal last night; immediately after it was first made。〃
  A good attempt at deflecting and controlling the damage; Blaise thought; but it was unlikely to succeed。 Not with the other man who had entered the room standing there; listening attentively。 He knew a fair bit about Massena Delonghi; actually。 He had lived in his palaces two summers ago; sleeping with his daughter。 He and Rudel Correze had killed a prince for him。
  But it seemed; the way events were unfolding; that Lucianna had not intended to have Blaise murdered tonight after all; though the manner in which she had had him bound and what she had done and said still needed an answer。 Or; he reflected; perhaps they did not。 I don't like it when men leave me; Blaise。 Did I never tell you that? Perhaps he had his answer。 Perhaps she had said nothing more or less than truth。 How novel that would be; he thought wryly。
  As he had expected; the chancellor's effort at diversion did not succeed。 〃There is another person involved in this; though;〃 said Massena Delonghi; the sleek; suave man who was said to be seeking to dominate Portezza; and to be using his daughter's marriages in steady pursuit of that goal。 〃This Arimondan; I am informed; is employed by the duke of Miraval。 I understand from my dear daughter that it was the corans of Duke Urté who assaulted this young friend of ours; and our well…beloved cousin as well。〃
  〃Thank you;〃 Rudel said brightly。 〃I am so pleased someone remembered that。〃
  Roban did not look pleased at all。 〃We will; of course; seek to hear what En Urté has to say about all of this in the morning。 For the moment; there is only this man; caught by your daughter's 。。。 devices 。。。 in the act of attempting murder。〃
  〃For which he will be branded and hanged; I trust?〃 Lucianna's brows were arched as she finally turned to look at them。 Her voice and manner were a cool; glittering mirror of her father's。 Blaise remembered this side of her too。 She gazed at the chancellor: 〃Precisely as that poor cousin of my dear husband was branded and hanged by the duke of Talair。 Precisely in the same way; I dare suggest。 Or indeed we will have sad cause to question the impartiality of the countess of Arbonne in her justice towards strangers and towards those who serve her own high lords。〃 The celebrated eyebrows remained pointedly high。
  〃And;〃 Massena Delonghi now added; in a tone more of sorrow than reproach; 〃there must indeed be the morning's determination of Duke Urté's own responsibility for this most flagrant breach of the truce of the fair。 A lamentable duty for the countess; I am sure; but if Portezzan nobleman are to be executed like mon thieves; she surely cannot turn a blind eye to the transgressions of her own people; however lofty their rank。〃
  Lucianna's father was enjoying every moment of this; Blaise realized。 It was exac
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