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roaching was one such as the fisherfolk of the shore used; and he could make out the lines of the trawling nets over the side; but there was still something odd about this encounter。 For one thing; there seemed to be too many men in the skiff。 He counted at least five。 Where were they going to put their catch with so many men on board? Roche had grown up by the sea; he knew more than a little about trawling for lampfish。 He also loved…more than a little…the taste of the succulent; hard…to…find delicacy; which is why he'd been shamefully tempted by the offered tithe。 Maritte; mountain…born; had no such weaknesses to tempt her。 Sometimes he wondered if Maritte had any weaknesses at all。 He would not be particularly unhappy when their shared tour of duties ended next week; though he couldn't claim to regret the three obligatory nights in bed together。 He wondered if she had conceived by him; what a child born of the two of them would be like。 It really did seem to be a fishing boat。 Manned by too many men; most likely because they were afraid; venturing so near the island。 It happened more often than it should; Roche knew。 The deep waters around Rian's Island were a known ground for lampfish。 A pity; he sometimes thought…aware that this was perilously near to heresy…that all fish and fauna on or about the island were sacred to the goddess in her incarnation as Huntress; and so not to be pursued in any way by mortal man or woman。
  One really couldn't entirely blame the fisherfolk of Arbonne for occasionally yielding to the lure of that rare and delicate taste and once in a while venturing perhaps a little nearer the island than they ought。 He wondered if he dared turn to Maritte and offer that thought; in the spirit of passionate Rian。 He forebore to do so。 He could guess what she would say; mountain…born; hard as mountain rock。 Though not so much so in the dark; mind you; surprisingly softened by passion and its aftermath。 The three nights had been worth it; he decided; whatever she'd have said now to his suggestion。
  What Maritte did in fact say in that moment; her voice suddenly harsh; was: 〃Roche; these are not fisherfolk。 Those are only ropes; not nets! We must…〃
  That was all; lamentably; that Roche heard。 Even as he leaned quickly forward to peer more closely at the skiff; Roche of the Island felt himself pulled bodily out of their small boat; the lantern flying from his hand to douse itself hissing in the sea。
  He tried to cry out; but he hit the water with a smack that knocked the wind from his lungs。 Then; as he desperately sucked for air; he went under an advancing wave; swallowed a mouthful of salt sea water and began retching and coughing。 There was a hand holding him from behind in a grip like a blacksmith's。 Roche coughed and gasped and coughed; and finally cleared his lungs of water。
  He drew one normal breath and then; as if that had been a patiently awaited signal; received a blow from the haft of a knife on the side of his head that rendered him oblivious to the icy chill of the water or the beauty of moonlight on the sea。 He did have an instant to realize; just before all went black; that he hadn't heard a sound from Maritte。
  Blaise was briefly afraid; as he manoeuvred the unconscious priest back into the sailboat with Hirnan's help; that the other man; anxious not to err; might have killed the woman with his blow。 After he had clambered with some difficulty into the boat he reassured himself。 She would have a lump like a corfe egg on her temple for a few days; but Hirnan had done well。 He spared a moment to grip the other man briefly on the shoulder in approbation; such things mattered to the men one led。 He had some experience of that; too…on both sides of the equation。
  The sailboat was neat and trim and well equipped; which meant plenty of rope。 There were also blankets against the night chill and an amount of food that might have been surprising had the priest not been so plump。 He stripped the unconscious man of his sodden shirt; then swaddled him in one of the blankets。 They bound and gagged both the man and the woman; though not so tightly as to cripple them; and then steered the boat towards their own skiff。
  〃Maffour;〃 he said; keeping his voice low; 〃take charge there。 Follow us in。 We're going up to find a landing place。 Luth; if you prefer; you can kill yourself now before I get to you。 It might be more pleasant。〃 With some satisfaction he heard Luth moan in distress。 The man believed him。 Beside Blaise in the sailboat Hirnan grunted with a sour; chilled amusement。 With a degree of surprise Blaise recognized within himself the once…familiar sensation of sharing petence and respect with another man on a task of some danger。
  Danger; yes; rather more evidently now; given what they had just done to two of Rian's anointed。 But tonight's was still a quest of sheerest stupidity…as to that Blaise's opinion was not about to change simply because they had dealt neatly with their first obstacle。 Shivering and wet; rubbing his arms in an effort to generate necessary warmth; he realized; though; almost against his will; that he had enjoyed the moments just past。
  And; as so often seemed to happen; the surmounting of a crisis seemed to incline chance or fate or Corannos the god…one or all of them…to show favour in the next stage of a difficult enterprise。 Hirnan grunted again a few minutes later; this time with a note of satisfaction; and a second afterwards Blaise saw why。 Gliding westward; as close to shore as he dared; Hirnan had brought them abreast of a small inlet among the rocks。 Blaise saw trees above; their tops silvered by the high moon; and a gently sloping plateau beneath them giving way to a short cliff down to the sea。 An almost perfect place for a landing; given that the beaches were barred to them。 The inlet would offer shelter and concealment for the two boats and the climb to the plateau was unlikely to be difficult for men used to the steepness of the goat runs above the olive trees near Baude。
  Hirnan guided the two craft carefully into the cove。 In the boat he quickly lowered sail and set about dropping anchor。 In the skiff; Maffour; without a word spoken; looped one of the ropes about his shoulders and; leaping to the nearest of the rocks; adroitly scrambled up the short face of the cliff to the plateau。 He tied the rope to one of the pines above and dropped it over for the rest of them。 Two good men here; Blaise thought; realizing that he really hadn't given much thought at all; in the time he'd been here; to taking the measure of the corans of Mallin de Baude。 He acknowledged inwardly that Mallin had been right in at least one thing: the truest test of a man's mettle was a task where the danger was real。
  Hirnan finished with the anchor and turned to Blaise with an arched eyebrow of inquiry。 Blaise glanced down at the two tied…up clerics in the boat。 Both were unconscious and would likely be so for awhile。 〃We'll leave them here;〃 he said。 〃They'll be all right。〃
  The men in the skiff were already proceeding up Maffour's rope towards the plateau。 They watched the last one climb; then Hirnan stepped carefully from the boat to one slip
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