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  Rudel Correze laughed。 He was still laughing when six men ran out from the alley and blocked their path; before and behind; bows levelled at the two of them。
  It was quiet in the dark street then; with the only lights a long way ahead or behind。 Blaise; looking at the deadly purposeful shapes in front of them; had a brief image of Bertran somewhere in the city with Soresina de Baude; then another of Valery slowly climbing the winding stairs in the Talair city palace; heading peacefully to his rest。
  〃I find this;〃 he heard Rudel say; 〃deeply offensive; I must say。 I was greatly looking forward to that drink in The Senhal。 You do know;〃 he said; raising his voice for the benefit of the silent men surrounding them; 〃that I am the son of Vitalle Correze; and you are certainly dead men…dead in a most unpleasant fashion…if you molest us further。〃
  One thing about Rudel; Blaise thought; using the time his friend was buying them to scan the shadowy street and alleys for possibilities of escape…he was never shy about invoking his father's name。 Came with a good relationship; perhaps。 Blaise would prefer to die before calling upon Galbert de Garsenc's even more prominent name as a means of succor。
  A preference that might well be about to find its own grim realization。 These weren't outlaws or renegades。 With a sinking feeling; Blaise thought he recognized one of the bowmen。 They wore no identifiable livery…naturally…but he was almost certain he'd seen the nearest man before: last summer; in Tavernel; standing with En Urté de Miraval in the entrance to The Liensenne on Midsummer Eve。
  〃I think I know them;〃 he murmured to Rudel。 I'm afraid this is bad。〃
  〃I didn't think it was particularly good;〃 Rudel replied tartly。 〃You cut left; I go right?〃 They had swords; useless against archers。 Blaise could think of no better plan。 The streets were empty here。 They were a long way from the market。 They would have to hope uncertain light might make the bowmen miss。
  〃I'm sorry;〃 he said。 〃You were better off being angry with me。〃
  〃Not really。 Bad for the heart and liver; anger。 That's what my father's doctor says。 Live a placid life; he advises。 I think I might try that next。〃
  Poised; preparing to spring as soon as Rudel moved; Blaise briefly wondered why none of the archers had spoken a word or even made a gesture of mand。
  Then; when four more men strode quickly out from the alley and came up behind them; he understood。 Why give mands when all you want to do is freeze your victims long enough for their executioners to slaughter them? He recognized one of these men; too。 It was his last clear thought。
  〃A placid life; that's the thing;〃 he heard Rudel repeat dreamily。 Out of the corner of his eye he saw his slender; aristocratic friend crumple to his knees; just before the swinging blow from a wooden staff knocked him senseless too。
  When he came to; it was with a headache so brutal the room lurched sickeningly as soon as he opened his eyes。 He closed them quickly。 What remained; as consciousness lingered tenuously; was an awareness that he was lying on something unexpectedly soft and there was a scent surrounding him。 He knew that scent; it had associations for him; a great many。 And an instant later; as full awareness returned; Blaise realized where he must be。 His eyes snapped open with the shock and he twisted his head around to see。 The movement made him immediately nauseated and he gasped with pain。
  〃I do regret that;〃 a woman's voice said; 〃but I had to advise them you might not e willingly。〃
  〃Why bother?〃 Blaise gasped。 He couldn't see her。 She was behind him。 It was only when he tried; with another painful effort; to turn his body that he realized that his limbs were bound。 He was on her bed; which explained the softness; and his hands and feet were tied to the four bedposts。 The never…forgotten scent of her perfume was all around him。 〃Why didn't you just have me killed in the street?〃
  〃What?〃 said Lucianna Delonghi; moving at last into his field of vision。 〃And deprive myself of this pleasure?〃
  He had not seen her for more than a year。 She was clad in silk so diaphanous she might as well have been naked to his sight。 The glitter of jewellery was all about her: a diadem in her hair; sapphires at each ear; diamonds and sea pearls around her throat。 There were rings on her long fingers; gold and silver or ivory at each wrist and one spectacular; memorable pendant suspended between her breasts; red like the fire crackling on the hearth。 She liked jewellery; he remembered; she liked fires in her rooms even when it wasn't cold; she liked cords and knots and toys in her bed。
  His clothing and boots had been taken away; he was clad only in an undergarment that shielded his sex。 He tried again; without success; to move his hands and realized; with a kind of despair; that what he was feeling; as much as fury and the several layers of pain; was the returning of desire; inexorable as the tides of the sea。
  She was so beautiful it caused a kind of constriction around his heart。 She was an incarnated vision from the legend of the paradise that waited for corans who died in battle。 His mouth was dry。 He looked at her; in her shining; long…limbed near…nakedness; and the memory of their love…making two summers ago; her body intertwined with his; legs wrapped high around him or straddling his waist as she rode above; her fingernails scoring his shoulders and arms; the eloquent; striving; backwards arch of her throat when she came to her culmination…it was with him again as if happening now; enveloping as the scent in the room。 He became aware; helplessly; that his excitement would be visible。 Lucianna; glancing downward; noted that。 She had never been slow to observe such things。 She looked away briefly; a small; satisfied smile curling about her lips。
  〃How sweet;〃 she murmured; in the nuanced; husky voice。 She moved out of his sight for a moment and then came back。 〃And all along I thought you left because you were angry; because you had lost your desire for me。〃 She looked down upon him from the side of the bed。 〃I don't like it when men leave me; Blaise。 Did I never tell you that?〃 There was a knife in her fingers now; taken from the bedside table。 It too had gems in the hilt; rubies the colour of blood。 She began to play with it; moving towards the foot of the bed; biting her lower lip as if thinking of something; chasing a memory; and then idly stroking the blade; as if unaware that she was doing so; along the sole of his foot。 She twisted it suddenly and Blaise felt the point break the skin; drawing blood。 He had been waiting for that。
  〃I left because you wanted me to; Lucianna。 Do not pretend anything else。〃 It was difficult to be coherent amid both the aftermath of the blow and the increasingly intense reality of desire。 Her scent was all around him; pushing clear thought even further away。 She continued to move about the bed; the curves and planes of her body lit by the fire's glow。 He said; 〃Had you wanted to hold me you know you could have done so。 I would not have been able to refuse; even after Engarro。〃
  〃Ah;〃 she said; stopping now to loo
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