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wheel swiftly。 Massive in the doorway; beard and hair dripping with perspiration; blood and grass stains on his broad shoulders and chest; mud spattering breeches and boots; King Ademar of Gorhaut throws his riding whip down on the stone floor and snarls; 〃I want her back! You hear me; Galbert? I want her back here immediately!〃 His face is a vivid red; his pale eyes are glassy with rage。
  〃Of course; my liege;〃 says the High Elder soothingly; recovering his poise with speed。 〃Of course you do。 You are conscious of the insult to our family and seek to help us respond。 We are profoundly grateful。 Indeed; my son and I were just discussing how next to proceed。〃
  〃Proceed however you must! I want her back!〃 Ademar says again; running a gloved hand through his hair。
  〃And the child; too; of course。〃 Galbert murmurs。 〃The child is so very important。〃
  His deep; calming tones seem finally to take effect。 The king of Gorhaut takes a breath and shakes his head as if to clear it。 He says; a little more lucidly; 〃Of course。 The child too。 Very important。 Heir to Garsenc; if it's a boy。 Of course。〃 He looks at Ranald for the first time and his eyes flick away。
  〃If they keep a boy child from us;〃 Galbert de Garsenc says then; still in the quiet; assuaging voice; 〃the world can scarcely dispute our right to go after him。〃
  Ademar bends suddenly and picks up his whip。 He strikes it sharply against his own leg。 〃Right。 You do it。 Gotzland; Arimonda; the Portezzans 。。。 explain it; make it all sound right; whatever you need to do。 But I want her back。〃
  He spins on his heel; not even looking at Ranald a second time; and strides heavily from the room。 Behind him; expressionlessly; a servant reaches in and swings the heavy door closed; leaving the two Garsenc men alone again。
  Registering his elder son's expression; Galbert begins; quietly; to laugh。 〃Ah; well;〃 he says; not bothering to hide his amusement; his jowls shaking; 〃you have just made a discovery。 It seems that someone here at least desires the return of your lady wife。 I do wonder why。〃
  Ranald turns away。 He feels sick to his stomach and he needs a drink。 The memory of the king; huge and wrathful in the doorway; seems imprinted on his brain。 He can't shake free of the image。 He wonders where his own rage is; where his capacity for such feelings seems to have gone over the years。
  〃It all works out so neatly for you; doesn't it?〃 he says quietly; looking out the window now on the inner courtyard of the palace。 Ademar's corans are dismounting there in the bright sunlight; displaying the bloody trophies of their hunt。
  〃If they shelter the wife and heir of Garsenc;〃 his father says peacefully; in the deep; sonorous voice; 〃they must not imagine they can do so with impunity。 In the eyes of the world we will have the cause we need。〃
  〃And if they do surrender them?〃 Ranald turns back from the window。 He is wondering how long King Ademar has been coveting his wife。 He wonders how he has never noticed it before。 He wonders; finally; if his father has been quietly guiding that desire。 Another tool; another instrument of policy。 He ought to be challenging the king; he thinks。 He almost has to。 He knows he will do no such thing。 Loathing himself; Ranald realizes that he is not going be able to continue this much longer without a drink。
  His father is shaking his head。 He asked Galbert a question; Ranald remembers。 It has bee difficult to concentrate。 〃Surrender them? Arbonne? Woman…ruled Arbonne?〃 The High Elder is laughing。 〃It will not happen。 They will destroy themselves before they yield a woman and a newborn babe to us。〃
  Ranald feels a taste; as of bile; in his mouth。 〃Or you will do the destroying for them。〃
  〃I will indeed do so;〃 says Galbert de Garsenc; the glorious voice swelling now for the first time。 〃In the name of Corannos and for his eternal glory I will indeed destroy that place of festering; blood…smeared; womanish corruption。 It is the quest of my days; the reason for all I do。〃
  〃And you are so close now; aren't you?〃 Ranald says; his own voice harsh。 He is going to have to leave very soon; he knows。 He is afraid he is about to be ill。 He cannot get that image of the king out of his mind。 〃Everything has e together for you。 Duergar's death; the treaty; Rosala's flight now; Ademar in the palm of your hand。〃 He says that last too loudly; but he doesn't care any more。 〃All you need now; to deal with the other countries; to make it all acceptable to them; is for the child to have been a boy。〃
  〃You are correct;〃 his father agrees; smiling benignly。 〃You astonish me; my son。 I have prayed upon my knees to the god。 I can only hope Corannos has heard my words and found me worthy to be answered; that I may strike soon with fire and sword in his most holy name。 All I need; truly; as you say; is for the child to be a boy。〃
  Rosala came back down the corridor from the room where her son lay sleeping。 The wet…nurse they had found was with him; and the younger of the two priestesses who had been present at Cadar's birth was staying in Barbentain Castle for this first week。 They were careful in Arbonne with babies; she was discovering; or; at least; careful with the babies of nobility。 Some things were constant wherever in the world one went。 Rosala doubted the same attention had been paid to the child of the wet…nurse in its village。 She knew it had died; she didn't want to know how; or why。 Children died in so many ways。 The usual advice was not to grow too attached to them in the first year; lest the heart break if they were taken away。 Rosala remembered hearing that years ago; and thinking it made sense; she didn't think that any more。
  She had no idea how women held back from loving the small; desperately needy infants in their arms。 She was grateful beyond words for the care they were offering Cadar。 Crossing the mountains south in that jostling wagon she seemed to have passed from an endless nightmare to a sheltering haven。
  An illusory thought; she knew。 She was too versed in the ways of the world to imagine that she would simply be allowed to live here peacefully with her child and the old countess receiving troubadours and their joglars; listening to music and riding in the fields beside the river as the seasons followed each other and Cadar grew into a child and then a man。 They had been known to kill women in Gorhaut for merely speaking impertinently to their husbands in a public place。 What would they do to a woman who fled with a child? And not just any woman; or any child。 The heir to the dukes of Garsenc was sleeping in the room she had just left; and Cadar was perilously near in succession to the throne itself while Ademar remained unwed。 Third or fourth in line; actually; by one path of reckoning; depending on whether one counted the disinherited Blaise or not。
  It didn't much matter。 They would be ing for Cadar; and probably for her。 It would begin with the formalities of statecraft; the richly clothed emissaries with their learned speeches and their gifts to the countess and the mellifluously written letters they would carry。 The gifts would be elaborate; that was the way of things
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