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s legs and closed his eyes。 There was no fort waiting for him though。 His wife had lied to him in her last letter; had fled; carrying her child。 His child。 Had already given birth; it now appeared; in Arbonne。 The corans who'd brought the tidings; riding north through the pass at horse…killing speed for two nights and a day; hadn't known if it was a boy or a girl。 That mattered; of course; quite a lot。 Ranald had found it hard to weigh political implications that morning though。 He wasn't very good at it; for one thing。 He would have preferred to be hunting with the king just then。 In fact; what he really would have preferred was to be back at Garsenc; riding with his own men in his own forest。 Slumped back; eyes closed; in that chair; he'd tried to picture Rosala with a babe。 He had even tried; briefly; to imagine himself with one。 He'd opened his eyes and filled his flagon from the pitcher on the table by his elbow。
  He'd allowed himself no more。 He would be meeting his father again at midday。 It was necessary to be sober for such meetings; as he had learned; at a cost; over the years。
  〃I do not want her back;〃 he repeats。 It is noon; the clouds are gone and the sun is high in a pale sky; shining through the western windows。 Ranald tries to keep his voice calm。 He even moves nearer to his father so they can speak more softly。 The servants have been dismissed this time。 Ranald doesn't want this discussion to be mon knowledge through the palace…or all of Gorhaut; for that matter。
  Galbert is quieter as well now; Ranald sees。 In fact the High Elder appears to be dangerously posed。 Before answering; he deliberately selects a chair and settles his bulk in it。 He has changed his clothing: he is in the blue robes of Corannos now。 Blaise; before he left; used to refuse to talk to their father when he wore the robes of the god。 He'd called them a desecration once。 That had been the last time they'd seen Blaise; actually; at the peak of yet another raging argument about the Treaty of Iersen Bridge。 That one had ended with Ranald's younger brother storming out of the room and the castle swearing never to return to Gorhaut while that treaty stood。 Thinking back to that night; Ranald suddenly had an image of his wife crying silently in her seat by the fire while the three of them screamed at each other。
  〃You are rejecting her。 A most natural reaction;〃 his father says now; hands fortably across his ample belly。 He has gained weight; Ranald decides sourly。 It goes with the increased power。 〃Indeed; a better man would already have made arrangements to have her killed。 Shall I do that for you?〃
  〃The way you arranged for the duke of Talair? Thank you; but no。 You aren't very efficient; father。〃 He can still trade barbs; to a point; but this subject makes Ranald uneasy。 Truth is; he doesn't like the idea of Rosala dead。 He doesn't want her back…that much is clear in his own mind…but that doesn't mean she has to be executed for reacting urgently to some threat by his father。 He adds; 〃We trivialize ourselves if we pursue her in that way。〃
  Galbert blinks; as if surprised。 He probably is; his older son thinks。 It isn't often that Ranald shows up for encounters in a state of such lucidity。 He feels a tired self…contempt rising again。 His father says; 〃You would let her go; then? And have the world laugh at you。〃 Galbert uses the dismissive; flicking gesture Ranald has always hated。 〃Well; so much is your own affair。 I cannot play the man for you forever。 You will concede;〃 he continues; in a tone of exaggerated civility; 〃that there is an issue regarding the child?〃
  There is; of course。 Though; in fact; Ranald has e to realize during the course of the morning that he is ambivalent about that; too。 He is; he has long ago decided; an ambivalent man。 Life was so much simpler in the days when; as King Duergar's appointed champion; all he had to do was unhorse and defeat whomever they sent against him。 He'd been good at that ten years ago; he'd been extremely good。 He is less good at thinking through something like this。 But if Rosala cares so much that she would risk death and accept exile to keep a child from Galbert's hands; well; Ranald; to be absolutely truthful; can understand such a feeling。 The problem is; he can't give way to it。 He is the duke of Garsenc; first among the nobility of Gorhaut; his father; who ought to have bee duke himself when Ereibert his brother died childless; is High Elder of Corannos instead; with even more power accruing from that。 Rosala's child…Ranald's child…is a pawn in an enormous game of power。
  〃If it is a boy;〃 Ranald says quietly; 〃we take him back。 I will offer her her life and her freedom to go where she will; but she gives back the babe…if it is a boy。 If it is a girl child I truly do not care。 Let them go。 The king will free me to remarry。 As soon as tomorrow; if I ask him。 I'll beget other children。 If only to make you happy; father。〃 He smiles bitterly again。 〃Will you want all of them for your designs; or just a few?〃
  Galbert ignores that。 〃You say we should take a boy child back。 Why should you imagine that Rosala would consent to such a thing; if that is why she fled in the first instance?〃 His voice; too; is low。 He won't want this conversation bruited about either。
  Ranald shrugs。 〃She too can have other children。 For a life of freedom from us she might be willing to do this。〃
  〃And if not?〃 his father pursues; dangerously calm。 〃If she is not willing?〃
  Belatedly Ranald sees where this is going。 It is going where almost everything Galbert de Garsenc has touched of late seems to go。 He rises from his chair; suddenly agitated。
  〃Did you do this deliberately?〃 he snaps。 〃Did you goad her into flight purposely? To create this situation?〃
  Galbert smiles placently; his eyes crinkling; almost disappearing into the folds of his skin。 〃What do you think? Of course I did;〃 he murmurs。
  〃You are lying; aren't you。〃 Ranald feels his hands forming into fists at his sides…his father's own gestures; he has tried and failed to break himself of it。 〃The truth is she goaded you and you spat out something you didn't mean to say。〃
  His father shakes his head slowly back and forth; his jowls waggling with the motion。 〃Don't be pletely the fool; Ranald。 Why do you think I went to see her at Garsenc in the first place? Why would I want a baby? What would I do with an infant? You seem sober this morning。 Seize the opportunity: think。 It will be in your own interests; incidentally…whatever you might privately imagine…to confirm my version of the story。 I cannot conceive of events falling out better for our purposes。〃
  〃Our purposes? Your own; you mean。 You will now make war on Arbonne to bring back the child。〃 It is just barely possible that his father is telling the truth; that this entire escapade of Rosala's flight was cunningly engineered。 It is the way he deals with people; the way he has proceeded all his life。
  With a crash that shatters the stillness the largest door to the room bangs open and thuds against the stone wall。 Father and son wheel swiftly。 Massive in the doorway; beard and hair dripping with perspiration; blood and grass st
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