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Beyond that she had not clearly thought。
  The ing of the Lussan Fair had given her the chance。 Garsenc lay near to the principal road that ran up into the mountain pass; and each day Rosala had seen small troupes of corans and tradesmen passing by their lands; often stopping to worship at the chapel; or do a bit of business in the castle or the village below。
  Two days after her father…in…law's visit; Rosala wrote a note to her husband; saying that she was journeying north to her own family estate to await the birth of the child。 She'd had a dream; she lied; a terrible nightmare of premonition。 Too many infants and women had died in labour at Garsenc Castle; she wrote Ranald。 It had frightened her for their child。 She felt safer going home to Savaric。 She hoped he would understand。 She hoped he would e to her there when affairs at court allowed。 She signed it with her name。 She left the castle; unseen; by the postern gate that same night。 Her favourite horse was kept in the coran's stables outside the walls so it could be readily exercised while she was unable to ride。 There was no guard at the stables…no one would be rash enough to tempt the wrath of the Garsenc by approaching their horses。 She had mounted awkwardly and ridden away; side…saddle; by the twin lights of the moons; the landscape both beautiful and frightening at night; the child large and heavy in her belly。 She had only the faintest hope; dim as the stars beside bright Vidonne; of reaching her destination。
  That one night was all she was capable of riding。 Reluctantly; in real distress; she left the horse near a small hamlet before dawn and made her way on foot back to the road。 At sunrise; walking slowly; hungry and extremely tired; she came upon the encampment of some travelling entertainers。 Two women were bathing in a stream when she came up to them。 They exclaimed at her condition。 She used the first name that came into her head and told them she was travelling to Arbonne in search of aid in childbirth。 Two infants had already died at birth; she lied; making the warding sign behind her hip。 She was willing to do anything to save this one; she said。 That last was true。 It was entirely true。
  The women made their own warding signs at the hint that she was seeking magic but generously weled her into their pany for the journey south。 Rosala rode through the mountains in a jouncing; lurching wagon with two thievish grey monkeys; a talking bird from the northern swamplands; an adder in a basket and a garrulous animal…trainer; whose teeth were bizarrely blue。 Poison; he explained; from the snake before it was defanged。 He fed it mice and small lizards that he caught。 Every time the wagon hit a rut in the road; and there were a great many as they went through the pass; Rosala looked anxiously to the basket; to make sure the clasp still held。 The bear and the mountain cat; thankfully; rode in their own wagon just behind them。 She talked as little as she could; to avoid having to sustain an accent that would not give her away。 It was relatively easy with Othon in the wagon: he was one of those men who would have pined away had he lost the use of his voice。 He was kind to her; though; bringing soups and bread back from the munal fire at the dinner hour。 She grew accustomed to the drone of his voice and the endlessly reiterated stories of past travels during the three slow days it took them to cross from Gorhaut over the summit of the pass and e down into Arbonne。 It began to seem to her that she had always been with these people; riding in this wagon; that Garsenc Castle was the dream; something from another woman's life。
  On the fourth morning; Rosala lifted the flap of the wagon and stepped outside just as the sun was rising over the hills east of them。 She looked south over a landscape entirely strange to her and saw the river; bright blue in the morning light; flowing swiftly beside the road。 In the distance; glittering; scarcely visible save for that shimmer in the sun; she saw towers。
  〃That'll be Barbentain;〃 said Othon sagely from behind her。 She looked over her shoulder and managed a weak smile。 He scratched himself in several indelicate places; stretched and grunted。 〃Yon's the finest castle I've ever been to in all my days。 We'll be there tonight; I reckon。 There was a count there; not long ago…mayhap you heard of him…Guibor Third; or Fourth he may have been。 Huge man; tall as a tree; fierce in war 。。。 and in love; as they all are down here。〃 He chuckled lewdly; showing the blue teeth。 〃Any…hap; he was the finest figure of a man I ever saw in my days。 His widow rules now。 Don't know much about her。 They say she used to be pretty but now she's old。〃 Othon yawned and then spat into the grass。 〃We all get old;〃 he pronounced and strolled away; scratching; to attend to his morning functions in the bush。 One of the monkeys followed him。
  Rosala placed a hand over her belly and looked along the bright; sinuous line of the river away to the south。 There were cypresses on the ridges above them; and a species of pine she'd not encountered before。 On the terraced slopes west of the road were the fabled olive trees of Arbonne。
  She gazed at them for a moment; then turned back to look again at the far; shimmering turrets of the castle; where Guibor TV's widow ruled now。 Marry the bitch; her husband had advised Ademar of Gorhaut not so long ago。 Rosala's father had said once that the countess of Arbonne was the fairest woman in the world in her day。 One thing; at least; in which he appeared to agree with Othon the animal…trainer。
  Rosala didn't need her to be beautiful。 Only kind; and with a certain kind of courage that she knew her presence would put greatly to the test。 She was too versed in the nature of things not to know what her arrival in Barbentain would mean; carrying a possible heir to Garsenc…or a successor to the High Elder of the god in Gorhaut。 She honestly didn't see what choice she'd had; though; unless it was to surrender the child; and that was no choice at all。
  Later in the day; with the sun high in a bright; clear autumn sky; she began feeling the first pains。 She hid them as best she could; but eventually even Othon noticed and his endless flow of words slowly dried up。 He sent for the women and they forted her as best they could; but they had a long way to go yet to Lussan。 It was; in fact; well past nightfall by the time they set her down at the temple of Rian。
  It was a healthy; well…made baby boy; Signe thought; surprised at the pleasure she felt holding him。 Under all the circumstances; she should have been feeling nothing but the deepest concern for her own people。 This child and his mother represented danger in its purest form; they could easily be Gorhaut's excuse for war。 In the room outside; Roban was pacing like a father desperate for an heir; but Signe knew the source of his disquiet was entirely otherwise。 He was almost certainly hoping Rosala de Garsenc's child would be a girl。 For a girl; the corans of Gorhaut were far less likely to be unleashed upon them。
  No such luck; it seemed。 Rian and Corannos both appeared to have a hand in the events unfolding here; and when the god and the goddess
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