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  The immediate question had been about Rudel; though; and Bertran had raised another issue as well。
  Blaise addressed the question; making his tone as precise as he could。 〃You'll have to make a point of acknowledging Rudel himself; and his father if he's here。 He might be。 Once acknowledged; and under the truce of the fair Rudel will do nothing at all。 In fact; it will probably amuse him to be seen in your pany。〃
  〃It will amuse me as well;〃 Bertran murmured; 〃to no end。 I think I will enjoy meeting this man。〃
  Most of the world knew now about the failed assassination and the money spent。 A few people were aware of who it was who had fired that poisoned arrow and hit the wrong man。 Rudel; so far as Blaise could judge; would have been seriously embarrassed…especially after heading straight to Gotzland to claim the promised fee。 Bertran's sources at the court of King Jorg…who were remarkably well informed…had sent word later about how Rudel had been forced to repay the sum。 He had already spent part of it; it was reported; and so his father had been pelled to intervene and square the account。 Blaise could quite easily imagine how his old friend had felt about that。
  In his own way; he was looking forward to seeing Rudel again。 In the plex sparring match of their relationship he had won a victory in that garden in Tavernel; and both of them would know it。 He didn't win so cleanly very often; it would be something to savour。
  Or it might have been; except that Lucianna was here; and Blaise knew from experience that Rudel would use whatever weapons he needed to to even a score if he felt himself on the losing side of the slate。 Blaise shook his head。 He would have to try to deal with that if and when it happened。 There was something else still to be addressed here; and Bertran and Valery were both watching him in silence as they rode。 There was a growing motion up at the front of their column and they seemed to be slowing down。 He could see the overtaken banners clearly now: Correze; Delonghi; Andoria; one or two others he didn't recognize。
  He turned to Bertran。 The duke was bareheaded as usual; in the nondescript riding clothes he favoured on the road。 It had saved his life once; Valery had told Blaise; when another would…be assassin had been unable to tell which man in their party was de Talair himself。
  〃There's no decision to make; really。 Not now。〃 Blaise kept his voice calm。 Three men could now be seen riding back towards them; dust rising about their horses' hooves。 〃If we're to ride with the Portezzans there are a number of them who know me。 There's no point in my trying to remain unrecognized。〃
  〃I thought as much;〃 Bertran said。 〃Very well。 From this time on may I assume it is Blaise de Garsenc who honours me by joining my corans for a time; despite his father's evident desire to have me killed?〃
  It was a watershed of sorts; a moment when many things could change。 〃As you like;〃 said Blaise quietly。
  The three riders had e nearer。 He didn't recognize them。 They were extravagantly garbed; even on the dusty road。 Portezzans were like that。
  〃And on the other matter?〃 Bertran asked; the faintest hint of tension in his voice now。 〃The one we have been delaying upon?〃
  Blaise knew what the duke meant; of course he knew: What would you have me do; declare myself the true king of Gorhaut? His own words。
  He shook his head。 Something in his chest grew tight and heavy whenever he thought about that。 It was a step across a chasm so wide he had never thought to see such a thing; even in his mind's eye。 〃No;〃 he said。 〃Leave that。 It is autumn now; and the truce of the fair。 Gorhaut will do nothing here; if any of them even e; and then Ademar will have to wait until spring opens the mountains again。 Let us wait and see what happens。〃
  Valery said in his measured voice; 〃We might be doing things ourselves in winter; instead of waiting to see what others do。〃
  Blaise turned to him。 〃I'm sorry;〃 he said sharply; 〃if my reluctance to be used as a figurehead will spoil your winter。〃
  Bertran; on his other side; laughed aloud。 〃Fair enough;〃 he said; 〃though you are hardly a figurehead; if you are honest with yourself。 If Ademar is seen as having betrayed his country with the Treaty of Iersen Bridge; is there a man in Gorhaut with a better claim to succeed him than you? Your brother; perhaps?〃
  〃Perhaps;〃 Blaise said。 〃He won't do anything; though。 My father rules him。〃 He hesitated。 〃Leave it; Bertran。 Leave it for now。〃
  There was a silence。 In it; the three riders came up; trailed by young Serlo。 They were clad in a magnificent black and crimson livery Blaise knew。 He realized abruptly whose these men must be。 His heart began beating quickly again。 It seemed that whatever he did; wherever he went; events drew him back into his past。 The first of the riders pulled up his horse and bowed unctuously low in his saddle。
  〃Very well; we will leave it for now;〃 Bertran said quietly to Blaise。 And then launched himself; almost before he'd finished speaking; in a hard; fluid; uncoiled movement from his horse。
  He slammed into Blaise with his shoulder; knocking the wind from him; driving him from his own mount。 The two of them landed hard in the dust of the road as the knife thrown by the second man in black and red whipped over the bowed head of the first and through the empty space where Blaise had been a moment before。 Portezzans were legendary for their skill with knives。
  But the corans of Bertran de Talair were the best trained in Arbonne。 Valery killed the knife…thrower with a short; precise sword thrust; and Serlo; with an oath; dispatched the third man from behind without ceremony。 Only the leader was left then; as Bertran and Blaise disentangled themselves and stood up。 Bertran winced and flexed a knee。
  Serlo and Valery had their blades levelled at the Portezzan from before and behind。 It had all happened so quickly; so silently; that no one up ahead had even realized anything had taken place。 There were two dead men on the ground; though。 The Portezzan looked down at them and then at Bertran。 He had a lean; tanned face and a carefully curled moustache。 There were several rings on his fingers; over his riding gloves。
  〃I am perfectly content to surrender myself to your mercy;〃 he said calmly; in flawless; aristocratic Arbonnais。 〃I will be ransomed by my cousin at a fair price; I can assure you of that。〃
  〃Your cousin has just violated a truce formally guaranteed by the countess of Arbonne;〃 Bertran said icily。 〃He will answer to her for that even more than you。〃
  〃I am certain he will answer adequately;〃 the man said blandly。
  Bertran's face grew pale; Blaise recognized the signs of real rage building。 He was still too much in shock to frame his own response。
  〃I am rather less certain than you;〃 the duke said softly to the Portezzan。 〃But in the interim; you will now make reply to me: why would you seek to kill one of my panions? 〃
  For the first time the man's expression grew hesitant。 He looked sidelong at Blaise as if to verify something。 His face cleared; and as it did; even before he spoke; Blaise understood what had
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