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ill not risk doing her any physical harm just now。
  Galbert clears his throat。 〃Get in;〃 he says; the celebrated voice icy cold。 〃Get into the castle immediately before you shame us further。 I heard tell that you were walking abroad but refused to credit it。 I came to see for myself; certain that the rumours must be idle and false。 Instead I find you brazening about obscenely; parading in your condition before the serfs; exactly as I was told。 Are you utterly corrupt that you do such things?〃
  She had actually thought it might be this。 It is almost a relief to have been right; to know from what direction the latest attack is ing。
  〃You wrong me and cheapen yourself;〃 she says as calmly as she can manage。 〃I am doing what the Savaric women have done for generations。 You know it; my lord; do not feign otherwise。 The women of my family have never kept to their rooms while carrying; they have always taken daily walks on the family estates。〃
  He jerks the reins again; the horse dances uneasily。 〃You are a Garsenc now; not a Savaric。〃
  〃False。 I will always be a Savaric。 my lord。 Do not deceive yourself。 What I was born to may not be taken from me。〃 She hesitates。 〃It may only be added to。〃 That last is meant as conciliation; with Ranald away she really does not want a confrontation with his father。 〃My husband and lord knows I am not lingering abed; I told him of my family tradition when we first learned I was carrying。 He raised no objection。〃
  〃Of course he didn't。 Ranald is beneath contempt。 A fool beyond words。 He shames our ancestors。〃
  Rosala smiles sweetly。 〃He did ask me to tell him if ever you spoke disparagingly of him to me。 Would these words fit such a description?〃
  Be careful; she tells herself then。 This is a man who will not be crossed。 But it is hard to yield spinelessly to him; so very hard; remembering her own father and her home; to cringe before the High Elder; flush with his new ascendancy。
  She sees Galbert check a too…swift reply。 Ranald has a temper; and Blaise too; to a lesser degree。 The father is as ice pared to both of them…his anger and his hate kept channelled; ruthlessly controlled。
  〃You are deliberately insolent;〃 he says。 〃Shall I whip you for it?〃 His voice is incongruously mild speaking the words; as if he were merely offering to walk her about the grounds or summon a servant to her aid。
  〃Indeed;〃 Rosala says hardily。 〃A worthy thought。 You e here out of alleged concern for the child I carry; and then offer me a beating。 A prudent course; my lord。〃
  His turn to smile。 His smile frightens her more than anything else。 She tries not to let that show。
  〃I can wait;〃 says Galbert de Garsenc softly。 〃You are not a child。 Discipline can be delayed and you will still know the cause。 I am a patient man。 Get into the castle now; though; or I will be forced to handle you in front of the corans and the servants。 You carry the first of the new generation of the Garsenc line and you will not be permitted to jeopardize that with this folly。〃
  Rosala does not move。 He is not going to hurt her。 She knows that。 A kind of reckless giddiness rises in her; a surge of hatred she cannot quite master。 〃Forgive me my ignorance; and that of my family;〃 she says。 〃You are clearly to be deferred to in these matters; my lord。 You know so much about helping women survive childbirth。〃 A dangerous cut; one she might truly be made to pay for later。 Galbert's first wife died; hours after giving birth to Blaise; and two subsequent wives did not survive their first confinements in this castle; with the children stillborn。
  She has meant to wound; wisely or no; but nothing in his face shows that she has done so。 〃As I said;〃 he murmurs; still smiling; 〃a whipping may be given at any time。〃
  〃Of course;〃 she replies。 〃I live entirely at the mercy of your kindness; my lord。 Though indeed; if you wound and scar me too greatly it might spoil the king's pleasure when he chooses to send for me; might it not?〃
  She hadn't planned to say anything like that; it has slipped out。 She isn't sorry though; now that the words are spoken。 The thought; and the fear behind it; are never far from her。
  She sees the High Elder react for the first time。 She wasn't even thought to have been aware of this aspect of things; she realizes。 It is almost amusing: women are imagined to troop like so many sheep through the court; eyes down; dull minds shuttered; oblivious to whatever nuances might be passing about them。 She could laugh; were her fears not so tangible。
  Galbert de Garsenc's smile deepens now; the smooth…shaven; fleshy face creasing into something truly unpleasant。 〃You are hungry for that moment; I see。 You are already in lust。 You would prefer to kill the child that you might e panting and hot to Ademar's bed the sooner; would you not? You have all the vile corruption of women in you; especially those of your lineage。 I knew it when first I ever saw you。〃
  Rosala stiffens。 She feels dizzy suddenly。 The walk uphill; the bright sunlight overhead; and now this foul; streaming torrent of abuse。 She actually wishes Ranald were home; his presence might have served to temper or at least deflect onto himself some of Galbert's viciousness。 She has brought this upon herself; she thinks shakily。 Better to have swallowed pride; to have meekly gone within。 How can she; alone and at his mercy; possibly fight this man?
  She looks up at him; a sickness within her。 Her family is as good as this one; she tells herself fiercely; or so very nearly as to make no difference。 She knows what has to be said now。 Fighting for self…control; she speaks。
  〃Hear me。 I will kill myself before I let him touch me。 Do not ever doubt that this is so。 And do not try to deny that you have encouraged the king's shameful thoughts; contemptuous of your son or any true sense of family honour; seeking only to bind a weak man more tightly to your use with whatever tools you may find。 My lord; I am not a tool that will ever fit your hand。 I will die before Ademar ever lies with me。〃
  She watches his face narrowly; and adds; 〃Or you; my lord High Elder of Corannos。 I will end my life before I suffer you to lay a hand or a lash upon this white flesh you dream about in the dark of the god's house at night。〃 A shaft loosed wildly that one; but she sees it hit; squarely。 Galbert's ruddy face goes suddenly white; his eyes creasing to slits and flicking away from hers for the first time。 Rosala feels no triumph; only a renewed wave of nausea。
  She turns abruptly away and begins to walk across the drawbridge into the forecourt。 The corans have stopped their duelling; their attention caught by something in the manner of the two of them here outside the walls。 She holds her head high and walks with what posure she can achieve。
  〃My lady Rosala。〃 Galbert says from behind her; his voice raised slightly。 She had known he would call her。 He would need to have the final word。 His nature will not permit otherwise。 She thinks of not turning; of continuing on; but the corans have heard him call her。 What she might do at some risk privately she dares not do in public: she might defy him to a certain point; but 
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