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 door behind her; entering the room in a pale night…robe; with a sure tread that belied her blindness。 The white owl lifted and flew to one of the bedposts。
  Signe remembered the first time she'd seen Beatritz after her daughter's eyes had been sacrificed。 It was not a memory she cared to relive。 Even knowing the ancient; most holy reasons and the power gained; it was hard for a mother to see her child marred。
  Beatritz came to stand beside the bed。 〃Did I wake you?〃
  〃No。 I'm thinking too much to be able to sleep。〃
  〃And I。 Chasing too many thoughts on Rian's night。〃 Her daughter hesitated。 〃Is there room for me; or will I disturb you? I'm troubled and fearful。〃
  Signe smiled。 〃Child; there is always room for you beside me。〃 She pulled the coverings back and her daughter lay down with her。 Signe lifted one arm to enfold her and began to stroke the greying hair; remembering how soft it had been; how dark and shining and soft when Beatritz was a child。 There had been two brothers and a sister and a father then。 There are only the two of us left; Signe thought; humming a tune she'd almost forgotten。 Only the two。
  Walking back from the chapel of the god to Bertran's city palace; Blaise made a determined effort to empty his mind。 There would be time in the morning and the days to e to think; to try to deal with the revelations of this night and the improbably; treacherous pathways that seemed to have been opened up before him。 It was very late now; and he was bone…weary。
  The streets were quiet; only occasional couples or small groups of apprentices went by; carrying wine and crumpled masks。 Both moons were over west and the clouds were gone; chased by the breeze。 It was still some time before dawn though; even on this shortest night of the year; overhead the stars were bright。 They were said to be the god's lights in Gorhaut; Rian's here; Blaise wondered; for the first time; how much that difference mattered in the end。 They would still be there; still as remote and coldly bright; whichever power mortal man linked them with。 There were said to be lands…fabled and mysterious…far to the south beyond deserts and seas where different gods and goddesses were worshipped。 Did the same stars shine there; and as brightly?
  Blaise shook his head。 These were late…night thoughts and useless ones。 He was ready to fall into his bed and sleep for hours。 In fact; he could probably drop off here in the street like the figures he could see sprawled in doorways。 Most of those figures were not alone; and he could guess what had preceded their slumbers。
  He had gone earlier to the largest of the domed temples of Rian; his first time ever inside such a place。 He'd wanted to see Valery before the night was done。 They'd let him in without demur; he'd expected to have to offer blood or some such ritual; but nothing of the sort took place。 Valery had been sleeping。 They'd let him stand in the doorway of the coran's room and look in by candlelight。 Blaise could see that the shoulder had been carefully bandaged; as for the other healing thing that had happened here; that he had no way of judging; or even prehending。 In his experience syvaren had always killed。
  On his way out he had seen an assembled pany of people; both men and women; gathered in the largest part of the temple under the high dome。 A priestess in a white robe was leading them through a service。 Blaise hadn't lingered。 He'd gone from there to the nearest house of Corannos; washing his hands ritually at the entrance; with both the supplication and the invocation spoken; and had knelt on the floor in the small; bare; stone…walled coran's chapel in front of the frieze。 He'd been alone there; for the first time in a long time; and he'd tried to let the deep; enveloping silence lead him back into the presence and serenity of the god。
  It hadn't happened though; not this night。 Even in the chapel his mind had kept on circling back; like a hunting bird above a field where a hare has been seen; to that room in the Carenzu palace when he had said what he had said。 He hadn't been serious; not even remotely so; the words had been meant to make clear to them all how helpless he truly was; whatever he might feel about what his father and King Ademar had done in Gorhaut。 But they hadn't heard it that way; and in the silence that followed his outburst; when the white bird had lifted itself and settled on his shoulder; Blaise had felt the knock of his heart like a fist on the door of destiny。
  He felt it again now; walking home through the quiet disarray of the streets; and he tried to force his mind away from such thoughts。 He was too tired; this was too large。
  Young Serlo was on guard under the lamps burning at the entrance to the duke's city palace。 He nodded at Blaise from inside the iron gates; looked to left and right up the street and moved to open the gates。 They hadn't been locked…one of the traditions of Midsummer here…but after an assassination attempt; a guard at the main entrance had seemed appropriate。 Bertran's corans; led by Valery of Talair; were very good; there had been no training needed here; and even some things for Blaise to learn。 The ongoing skirmishes with the corans of Miraval had had more than a little to do with that。 A long…simmering feud among neighbouring castles shaped its own rules of conflict; very different from the clashes of armies。
  〃I looked in on Valery;〃 Blaise said as he entered。 〃He's sleeping easily。〃
  Serlo nodded。 〃I'll sleep more easily myself when we've found out who shot that arrow;〃 he said。 〃I only hope the goddess and the god have decreed an eternal place of pain for men who use syvaren。〃
  〃I've seen worse things in war;〃 Blaise said quietly。 He had another thought; but he was too tired to shape it properly。 〃Good night;〃 he said。
  〃Good night。〃
  He heard the gate swing shut behind him。 He would have felt better himself if a key had turned in the lock; he had his own views about the traditions of Arbonne。 On the other hand; knowing what he knew about Bertran de Talair; it was unlikely in the extreme that the duke was in the palace tonight。 Blaise shook his head。 He went across the courtyard; through the inner doors; up the stairs and then down the corridor to the small room his status as a mercenary captain had earned him。 Not a minor benefit; most of the corans slept together in dormitories or the great hall of Talair; with seniority merely placing one nearer the fire in winter or the windows in the summer heat。
  He opened his door; almost stumbling with fatigue。 He was aware of the scent of perfume an instant before he saw the woman sitting on his bed。
  〃You may remember;〃 said Ariane de Carenzu; 〃that we had a number of matters to consider; you and I。 We seem to have only dealt with the most public ones。〃
  〃How did you get past the guard?〃 Blaise said。 His pulse had quickened again。 He didn't feel tired any more。 It was odd how swiftly that could happen。
  〃I didn't。 There are other ways into this palace。 And into mine; if it es to that。〃
  〃Does Bertran know you are here?〃
  〃I rather hope not。 I doubt it。 He was going out himself; I think。 It is Midsummer
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