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  〃I concluded as much;〃 Blaise said mildly。 But he was delaying now; evading; there was an issue still buried here; waiting like a trap。
  And so; naturally; it was the High Priestess who finally spoke; almost on cue with his own thought; 〃Is there more we should know?〃 As she spoke; the white owl lifted suddenly; wings briefly spread; and alighted gently on the shoulder of the countess。 Who was Beatritz's mother; Blaise suddenly remembered。 Signe de Barbentain reached up and gently stroked the bird。
  They would learn; he knew。 They were going to find out soon enough; when the whole world did。 He didn't want it to happen that way。 He turned from the countess back to Bertran de Talair; who was; after all; the man who was to have been killed; and the man he was working for。
  〃There are two more things that matter。 One is the fee。〃 He drew a breath。 〃Rudel Correze was to be paid two hundred and fifty thousand in gold for killing you。〃
  It was a matter of some real satisfaction to see that En Bertran; the worldly; infinitely sophisticated duke of Talair; was no more able to conceal his shock at the size of the figure than Blaise had been in the Correze garden earlier that night。 Ariane de Carenzu put a hand to her mouth。 The countess was behind Blaise。 The High Priestess did not move; nor did her face show any expression at all。 He hadn't expected it to。
  〃Who; then?〃 Bertran asked finally; his voice showing strain for the first time。 〃That is the second thing?〃
  Blaise nodded。 The old anger was in him again; the difficult; continuous pain that seemed to be endlessly rising from this source as if from an underground spring that never dried。 He was blunt; because he could not be anything else。
  〃My father;〃 he said。 〃In the name of the king of Gorhaut。〃
  And was undone; he later realized; looking back; by the next words spoken in the room。
  〃But that must be terrible for you;〃 said the countess of Arbonne with passion。
  They all turned to her。 She was looking at Blaise; the magnificent dark eyes wide。 〃He used your own friend for this? Amongst all the possible assassins? How he must hate you! What could you ever have done to make your father hate you so?〃
  There was; it seemed to Blaise; a lifetime's worth of passion in those eyes。 And some of it now was for him; remarkably。 It was less than two years; he thought suddenly; as a stray piece of the story came back; since her husband had died。 And theirs was said to have been that rarest thing; a true love match。 He turned; on impulse; to look at the niece; Ariane; with her own dark eyes and a suddenly wistful expression; and then at the daughter; the priestess; whose eyes were gone and whose face showed only an intense concentration。 There had been another daughter; he vaguely remembered。 She was dead。 There was a bitter tale there; too; one he probably should know but did not。 Affairs in Arbonne had not occupied him greatly in his growing years or his time among the armies and the tournaments。
  He turned back to the old woman whose beauty had been the talk of the world in her bright day; and he saw that now; at the late twilight of her time; she had another kind of splendour to her; shaped of sorrows and hard…learned things。 For all the staggering import of what he had just told them; it was of his own most private pain that she had first spoken。 Not even Rudel; who knew him so well; and who had subtlety and cleverness to spare; had thought through to what Signe de Barbentain had immediately understood。 It was quiet in the room; distantly they could hear the late; lingering noises of Carnival。 Blaise wondered if she really wanted an answer to the question。 He said; roughly; 〃Some men do not like being denied。 In anything。 I suppose a son's denial will cut deeper than most。 I was to enter the clergy of the god; follow my father among the Elders of Corannos。 It began with that。 There have been other things。 I am not blameless。〃
  〃Are you excusing him?〃 She asked it gravely。
  Blaise shook his head。 〃Not that。〃 He hesitated。 〃We are a hard family with each other。 My mother should not have died。〃
  〃At your birth?〃
  It was strange; to be talking to the countess of Arbonne about these things; and yet; in another way; it seemed unexpectedly apt。 He nodded。
  She tilted her head slightly to one side; a distinctive gesture。 〃Would she have made a difference; do you really think? In Gorhaut?〃
  〃I like to believe so;〃 Blaise said。 〃It isn't the kind of thing we can know。〃
  〃The dead;〃 said Bertran de Talair quietly; 〃can drive you hard。〃
  Blaise and the women turned to him。 The duke looked oddly unfocused; inward; as if he'd not really meant to say that; as if it opened him more than he wanted。 Blaise had another memory in this night of inexorable; unbidden remembrance…that dark stairway in Castle Baude very late at night; a flask of seguignac passing back and forth; the weary sadness in the face of the man who'd just seduced a woman he hadn't even known a fortnight before。
  〃They can drive you away from the living; as well;〃 said Beatritz the priestess; and in her voice Blaise heard an asperity that told him this was not a new matter between her and the duke。 These people had all known each other a long time; he reminded himself。 Bertran's mouth narrowed。
  〃A loving; sisterly thought;〃 he said coldly。 〃Shall we discuss families again?〃
  〃Twenty years and more down the road; I would name it an adult thought;〃 the High Priestess replied; unperturbed。 〃Tell me; my lord; what heir would be governing your lands tonight if that arrow had killed you? And if Ademar of Gorhaut chooses to bring an army south; would you say we are stronger or weaker for the hatred between Miraval and Talair? Pray share your thoughts。 You will forgive me;〃 she added with sharp sarcasm; 〃for asking questions about today's world; not requesting sweet verses from two decades ago。〃
  〃Enough;〃 said Signe de Barbentain sharply。 〃Please。 Or you will both make me feel that I have lived too long。〃
  It was Ariane who took them past the moment。 〃More than enough;〃 she murmured; reaching for her wine。 She took a sip and set the goblet down; not hurrying。 〃This is a tiresome; ancient wrangle; and there seem to be new matters that require our consideration。 First of all; our bearded friend。〃 The dark eyes turned to Blaise; appraisingly。 〃Are you?〃 she asked bluntly。 〃Are you a friend?〃
  He had actually been ready for this。 〃I am a hired coran in the service of the duke of Talair;〃 he replied。 The correct answer; the professional one。
  〃Not good enough;〃 said Ariane calmly。 〃Not any more。 Your father paid a quarter of a million in gold to kill your employer。 You will; I am afraid; have to elect to be more than you say; or less。 Just as Rudel Correze is not merely another assassin among many; just as his name and lineage create dilemmas out of the ordinary; so; too; do yours。 Under the circumstances; rather more so。 There may be a war。 You know the implications of Gorhaut having ceded lands in the Treaty of Iersen Bridge at least as well as we do。 The son of Galbert de Garsenc cannot remain in Arbonne as an ordinary coran any more tha
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