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  There was a short silence; then:
  〃We all know who you are; Blaise de Garsenc。〃 Bertran laid down the crystal as he spoke。 His voice actually held a faint irritation。 〃Did you honestly think you were travelling in such secrecy? That you entered my service without my knowing whom it was I was hiring?〃 The candlelight on the clever; cynical face exposed his old white scar。
  Blaise swallowed。 Events were moving very fast。 Abruptly; he recalled something。 〃But you asked me。 You wanted to know who I was when first we met。 If you knew; why ask?〃
  Bertran shrugged。 〃I learn more sometimes from questions I know the answers to。 Really; Blaise; whatever you…or I; for that matter…may think of your father; he is one of the powers of our world today; and his younger son has been; for a number of years; a coran of some reputation of his own。 It was no secret…among certain circles; at any rate…that Galbert de Garsenc's son left Gorhaut immediately after the Treaty of Iersen Bridge was signed。 And when a distinctively tall; reddish…bearded Gorhaut coran of considerable skills was reported to be in Castle Baude some time after 。。。 it wasn't difficult to make an obvious guess。 At which point I went to investigate matters for myself。 Incidentally; I've never seen another man match arrows with my cousin at that distance before。〃
  Feeling bludgeoned by the increasing pace of revelations; Blaise shook his head。 〃I didn't match him。 And as it happens; the man who shot Valery tonight may well be better than either of us。〃 He wasn't sure he'd actually meant to say that。
  〃Ah; well now;〃 murmured Ariane de Carenzu; the words like a slow caress in the stillness of the room。 〃This brings us somewhere; finally。〃 Blaise looked at her。 Her lips were parted slightly; her eyes bright with anticipation。
  〃I had intended to tell the duke in the morning;〃 he said carefully。 〃I undertook to wait until then。〃
  〃Was such an undertaking yours to give?〃 The caressing note was gone as swiftly as it had e。 She had spoken this way in the tavern; to Talair and Miraval。 Blaise hadn't liked it then; and he didn't now。 He let his eyes grow wide; holding and challenging her。 It was curious; and something he would have to think about afterwards; but with his identity out in the open he felt rather more equal to these people now。 He had a suspicion that when he considered the matter he wouldn't be happy about it; since any feeling would be derived; ultimately; from being his father's son; but it was there; it was undeniably there。
  〃You will remember;〃 he said quietly to the duchess of Carenzu; 〃that I was under the impression that En Bertran would be mourning the death of his cousin this evening。〃
  〃How solicitous of you。〃 It was Bertran。 〃And was that the reason for your undertaking?〃
  〃In part;〃 Blaise said; turning back to him。 〃There were others。〃
  〃Which were?〃
  Blaise hesitated。 There was danger here。 〃The desire to avoid an extremely delicate political problem for us all; and another reason which is private to me。〃
  〃I am not certain we can value that privacy; tonight; and I rather think the people in this room can shape their own judgments and responses to any political problems; however delicate; that might emerge from what you say。 I think you had best tell me who this person is。〃 The duke's posture and voice were as lazy as ever; but Blaise had been with him long enough now not to be fooled by that。
  〃Don't be obtuse; Bertran。 We know exactly who this person is。〃 A fifth voice in the room; from one of the two chairs before the fire; assured; quite unpromising。 Blaise wheeled swiftly around but saw no one at all; until the speaker rose; with caution; and he finally understood。 The others; he noted grimly; had not been surprised。
  He had looked over at those chairs when he first entered the room; of course; they were wide; richly upholstered and straight…backed; facing the fireplace; but not so large as to conceal a man。
  But this was Arbonne; and a woman was another matter。 Particularly a small; fine…boned; white…haired woman whom he knew to be…for he had seen her before; bestowing honours at tournaments…Signe be Barbentain; countess of Arbonne。
  She was looking at the duke。 〃If you have been listening at all carefully; Bertran; then this should be one of those questions you already know the answer to。 If so; you should not shame a coran who tells you he has given an undertaking not to speak。 We do not behave that way here; whatever may happen elsewhere in this decaying world。〃
  She was clad in blue and a pale cream colour with pearl buttons; close set; running up the front of her gown。 Her hair was held back with a golden diadem。 She wore no other ornaments save for two rings on her fingers。 She had been celebrated; Blaise knew; as the most beautiful woman in the world in her time。 He could see it; even now。 Her eyes were astonishing; so dark they were almost black。
  He bowed; a straight leg forward; one hand brushing the carpet。 His coran's training would have had him do so; even if his instincts had not。
  She said; 〃Mine cannot be the only source of information that reported last year that the younger son of Galbert de Garsenc spent a season in Mignano and Faenna at the palaces of the Delonghi。 Nor can I be the only one to have heard certain rumours…which we need not now pursue…concerning the unfortunate death of Engarro di Faenna。 But the name to be linked with all of this…a name that indeed would give rise to plexities in affairs of state; as well as eliciting a personal response from our friend here…is surely that of Rudel Correze。 Who is; I am reliably informed; much sought…out as an assassin; in good part for his skill with a bow。 You need not;〃 she added calmly; looking directly at Blaise for the first time; 〃reproach yourself for an undertaking breached。 You did not tell me this。〃
  Blaise cleared his throat。 It sounded harsh in the silence。 〃Evidently I did;〃 he said。
  She smiled。 〃You didn't even know I was here。〃
  Blaise found himself; unexpectedly; smiling back。 〃Then I should reproach myself for that。 It was unprofessional; and careless。〃 He drew a breath。 〃My lady; I advised Rudel Correze to take ship tonight because I was going to inform the city authorities of his identity in the morning。〃
  〃City authorities? You meant me; I dare assume。〃 Bertran had walked around the divan now to stand by Ariane。 Beatritz; the High Priestess; had not moved or spoken for some time。
  Blaise shook his head。 〃He thinks he killed you。 I did not disabuse him of the notion。〃
  After a moment Bertran threw back his head and laughed aloud。 〃So he will sail away to claim whatever fee it was; from whoever paid him。 Oh; splendid; Blaise! The embarrassment will be with him a long time。〃
  〃I thought so too。 And for using syvaren it is the least he should suffer。 But I think you will agree it would have been impolitic to seize the favoured son of the Correze family。 At this juncture of affairs。〃
  Ariane de Carenzu was nodding。 〃Extremely impolitic。 It could have been very awkward to have him in custody here。〃
  〃I concluded as much;〃 Blaise said mildly。 But he was del
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