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so; being honest; Blaise was forced to say there was really no sin at all; only a doorway offered…and with a warning; as well…through which he himself had walked; scarred by wounds from a winter battle when his king had died; into the seeming warmth of a firelit; candlelit; scented sequence of rooms; from which he'd emerged a season later with wounds that went deeper by far。
  The peacocks were arrogantly unafraid。 One of them seemed inclined to challenge their right to cross the courtyard before it turned and strutted away; opening the glorious panoply of its tail。 Under the moons and in the blaze of torches there was something extravagant and profligate about the fan of colours on display。 In his memories of Lucianna; too; there was little daylight; it all seemed to have happened in darkness or by candlelight; extravagant; profligate; in one palace or another; and once; on a steaming; airless summer's night not to be forgotten; with Rudel in Faenna when they had killed her husband on a contract for her father。
  As they approached the end of the courtyard a pair of doors were opened by a footman in the dark red livery。 Behind him; in a wide hallway; bearing flame in a slender candlestick; a lady…in…waiting stood; in the same colours; with white at wrist and throat and binding her dark hair。 The footman bowed; the woman sank low in a curtsey。 The candle in her hand did not even waver。 〃Will you honour me by following?〃 she asked。
  Blaise was still under no illusions。 Two of the guards had remained; he noted; waiting just inside the doorway。 He was almost inclined to berate them all; to demand an end to this protracted charade of courtesy; but something in the perfection; the gravity of it; made him hold his peace。 Whoever it was who had sent for him very clearly placed an exaggerated value on such things; it might be a useful piece of information。
  And it was with that thought; following the woman's neat…footed progress down a corridor and up a wide; curving flight of stairs; with two guards in careful step behind him; that Blaise understood where he had to be; and something the singer had said; at the end; became belatedly clear to him。
  They stopped before a closed door。 The woman knocked twice and opened it; she stepped aside; gesturing with easy grace for Blaise to pass within。 He did。 They closed the door behind him; leaving him in that room without attendant or guard。
  There was a fireplace; not lit。 Candles in sconces on the walls and on tables placed around a richly furnished and carpeted room done in shades of dark blue and gold。 Wine on one table; he saw; goblets beside a flask。 Two; no; three doorways opening to inner rooms; a pair of very deep; high…backed chairs facing the fire。 The windows on the outer wall were open to the breeze; Blaise could hear noises of revelry from below。 There was a familiar; hard bitterness in him now; and a curiosity he could not deny; and a third thing; like the quickening hammer of a pulse; beneath both of these。
  〃Thank you for ing;〃 said Ariane de Carenzu; rising from a divan on the far side of the room。 Her black hair was still down about her shoulders; as it should not have been。 She was dressed as before; jewellery upon her like fire and ice。
  〃I would accept the thanks if I had had a choice in the matter;〃 Blaise said grimly。 He remained just inside the doorway; assessing the room; trying not to stare too intently at the woman。
  She laughed aloud。 〃Had I been certain you would elect to e I would have been happy to grant you that choice。〃 Her smile made it clear she knew exactly what she was saying。 She was very beautiful; the dark hair framing and setting off flawless white skin。 Her dark eyes were wide…set and serene; the mouth was firm; and in her voice Blaise heard the note of control he had registered in the tavern when she had issued a mand to the dukes of Talair and Miraval; and both had accepted without demur。
  The women of Arbonne; he thought; trying to summon anger like a shield。 He folded his arms across his chest。 A little more than a year ago; on a spring night with the god's thunder outside on the northern hills; he had answered a different kind of summons to another black…haired woman's chambers。 His life had been changed that night; and not; in the end; for the better。
  There is wine by the fire; Lucianna Delonghi had said then; lying across her bed beneath the canopy of coupling figures。 Shall we begin with that thirst?
  There was no bed here; no lit fire; and the woman with him now poured the wine for both of them herself; and then neatly; without artifice; walked over to offer him a goblet。 He took it without speaking。 She did not linger beside him but turned and walked back to the divan。 Almost without knowing he was doing so; Blaise followed。 She sat and gestured with one hand and he took the chair she indicated。 She was wearing perfume; a subtle scent; and not a great deal of it。 There was a lute on a table at one end of the divan。
  She said; without preamble; the dark brown eyes steady on his; 〃There are a number of matters we might wish to consider; you and I; before this night is over; but do you want to begin by telling me what happened after you left the river?〃
  He was tired; and his mind and heart had been dealt double blows tonight; but he was not so far unmanned as that。
  He even found himself smiling; though he could not have said why。 Perhaps the pure challenge of it; the directness of what she seemed to be trying to do。 〃I might;〃 he murmured。 〃I might possibly want to tell you; but until I know who else is listening at the door behind you I would prefer to keep my own counsel; my lady。 You will forgive me。〃
  He had expected many things; but not delight。 Her laughter chimed with her two hands clapping happily together; the long fingers momentarily obscuring the rubies about her throat。
  〃Of course I will forgive you!〃 Ariane de Carenzu cried; 〃You have just won me a wager of twenty…five silver barbens。 You really shouldn't work in the service of men who undervalue you so much。〃
  〃I object to that;〃 said Bertran de Talair; entering the room from the door behind her。 〃I did not underestimate Blaise。 I might possibly have judged your charms to be rather more distracting then they seem to be of late。〃
  〃I know your lute;〃 Blaise said briefly。 〃I may not think much of your music; but I know the instrument。〃 He was making an effort to keep his posure。 He wasn't really looking at Bertran; either; because another woman; very tall; had walked in behind the duke。 This one had grey in her dark hair and she was blind and there was a white owl on her shoulder。 The last time he'd seen her was on an island in the sea when she'd told him the secrets of his own heart in the night dark of a forest。
  〃You might at least have tried;〃 Bertran went on plaintively; addressing Ariane。 〃I'm minded to renege on our wager。 You were about as seductive as a wet goat in a cave。〃
  〃Spare us a recitation of your preferences;〃 Ariane replied sweetly。
  It was the High Priestess of Rian; her blank eye sockets turned unerringly to where Blaise had risen from his chair; who told him the thing he most 
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