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  Blaise took a step forward and the two men clasped hands。 For a moment Lisseut thought they would embrace but they did not。 She moved silently back along the wall; felt below in darkness with her feet for the wooden crate and slipped down into the odours of the alleyway。 She heard the rats again as she moved quickly back towards the street。 As she left the alley; she picked up her mask; discarded on the street; and put it on。 She wanted some sort of barrier between herself and the world just then; and what she still wanted; even more than before; was a quiet time and a clear head that would let her think。
  She didn't think she was going to get either tonight。 She went back down the empty street away from the square at the top; past the massive iron doors that were the entrance to what she now knew was the Arbonnais palace of the House of Correze。 She knew the name; of course。 Everyone knew the name。 She had stumbled into something very large and she didn't know what to do。
  A little further down she came to the arched doorway she'd watched from before; when Blaise went down the alley。 She slipped back into it; looking out from behind the elongated eye…slits of her mask。
  She didn't have long to wait。 Blaise of Gorhaut came striding out of the alleyway a few moments later。 He stopped in the street and looked up at the stern; square tower of Mignano。 She knew why now; she knew more than she should; or even wanted to know: Mignano was controlled by the Delonghi family; it had been for a great many years; and the only daughter of Massena Delonghi was a woman named Lucianna; twice married; twice widowed prematurely。
  Three times married; she corrected herself。 To Count Borsiard d'Andoria now。 She wondered; briefly; why a man of power and means would marry her; knowing her family's ambition; knowing her own reputation。 She was said to be very beautiful。 How much could beauty excuse or pel? Blaise had turned away from the tower and was ing back down the street; walking quickly。 The lantern light burnished his hair again; and the full beard。
  She didn't know; until the moment she actually called his name; that she was going to do so。 He stopped; a hand moving swiftly to his sword; then wavering before it dropped to his side。 A woman's voice; he wouldn't fear a woman。
  Lisseut came out from her archway into the light。 Her mask was on。 She reached up and removed it; the makeshift coiling she'd done with her hair came undone as she did; and she felt the tangled tendrils ing down about her face。 She could imagine what she looked like。
  〃Ah;〃 he said。 〃The singer。〃 Some surprise in his voice; not a great deal。 Not a great deal of interest; either。 At least he recognized her。 〃You are a long way from the Carnival here。 Do you want an escort back to where there will be people?〃
  His tone was courteous and detached; a coran of the god doing his sworn duty by someone in need。 It hadn't even occurred to him why she was here; she realized。 She was merely an Arbonnais female; presumably in need of assistance。
  Her mother had always said she did too many things on impulse and that it would cost her one day。 It already had; more than once。 It was probably about to do so again; she thought; even as she opened her mouth。
  〃I followed you;〃 she said。 〃I was on the garden wall under the plane tree。 I heard what you both said; you and Rudel Correze。 I'm trying to decide what to do about it。〃
  She was briefly gratified at the level of astonishment that showed in his face; even behind the beard…as much a screen in its own way as all the masks were tonight。 The feeling didn't last long。 It was entirely possible; she realized; that he might kill her now。 She didn't think so; but it was possible。
  She braced herself for his fury。 She thought; in the uncertain light; that she saw it e; a lifted head; a narrowed gaze upon her。 He had stabbed Remy; she remembered。 He had killed six men by Lake Dierne。 His hands remained still; though。 She saw him working out implications; surprise and anger giving way to a flatly professional appraisal。 He was quick to control himself; had she not watched him earlier in the garden spilling wine in response to a woman's name spoken she would have thought him a cold; grim man。
  〃Why?〃 was all he said finally。
  She'd been afraid of that question。 She still didn't have an answer。 She wished her hair was pinned properly; that her clothing was clean and dry。 She felt like a street urchin。 Her mother would be so ashamed。
  〃You seemed to be hurrying somewhere;〃 she said hesitantly。 〃The way you left the pier。 I think I was very 。。。 irritated with you in the tavern; I wanted to 。。。 know more。〃
  〃And now you do。〃 He sounded more tired than angry; actually。 〃So; what will you do?〃 he asked。
  〃I was hoping you would tell me;〃 Lisseut said; looking down at the cat mask in her hands。 〃I heard you say that you were going to stay instead of leaving with him。 I heard him say there might be a war; and I 。。。 I heard who paid for the killing。〃 She forced her head up to meet his gaze。
  〃My father;〃 he said bluntly。 〃Yes; go on。〃
  She felt her brow knit with concentration。 〃I'm not famous for my self…discipline; but I don't want to go charging into something that is out of my depth。〃
  〃Oh; really;〃 he said with mild sarcasm。 〃How restrained of you。 More people should think that way。 But the obvious question is: why trust me? Why are you telling me this on a dark street when no one in the world knows we're here together or knows what you just heard? Why are you asking Galbert de Garsenc's son what to do? You know who he is; you know who I am now。 You know that Rudel Correze; my friend; is the man who killed Valery。 You spied; you learned things that are important。 Why are you standing with me now? Do you care so little for your life; or are you simply ignorant about what happens in the real world to people who do things like this?〃
  She swallowed。 He was not an easy man; not at all。 She pushed her hair back from her eyes again; it was snarled; miserably。
  〃Because I believe what you said to him。 You didn't know I was there; you had no reason to lie。 You had nothing to do with this killing。 And you said you would not leave Arbonne and 。。。 and then you didn't tell him he killed the wrong man。〃 She felt her forehead smooth as she realized the truth of what she was saying。 These were her reasons; she was discovering them as she spoke。 She even smiled。 〃I think you are an uncivilized northerner upon whom the better things in life are wasted; but I don't think you're evil and I do think you meant what you said。〃
  〃Why;〃 said Blaise of Gorhaut in an odd; musing voice; 〃am I so pletely surrounded by sentimental people tonight?〃
  She laughed aloud。 A moment later; as if surprised by himself; Blaise grinned crookedly。 〃e on;〃 he said。 〃We shouldn't be seen in the neighbourhood。 Connections will be made。〃 He began walking back down the wide street。 His long strides made no concession to her size and she had to take quick; skipping steps to keep up。 It was; in fact; irritating again; and after a short while she grabbed his sleeve and with a vigorous tug forced him to 
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