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  〃I hadn't。〃
  〃Then we must visit them and plain。 If he hasn't been cuckolded yet you can take care of that。 I'll create a distraction of some kind。〃
  〃How? By poisoning someone?〃
  The man named Rudel stood up slowly。 In the light now; his features could be seen to have gone still; no trace of amusement remained。 He set down his cup of wine。 〃Blaise; when we parted a year since I was under the impression we were friends。 I am not certain what has happened; but I don't have the same impression at the moment。 If you are only angry for tonight; tell me; and explain why。 If you are more than that; I would appreciate knowing as much; so I can act accordingly。〃
  Both men were breathing harder now。 Blaise uncrossed his arms。 〃You took a contract from my father;〃 he said。 〃Knowing what you knew; you took a contract from him。〃
  〃For two hundred and fifty thousand Gorhaut gold coins。 Really; Blaise; I…〃
  〃You have always said you don't do this for the money。 You just said it again here。 Your father likes you; remember? You're going to inherit; remember?〃
  〃And are you jealous of that? As jealous as you are of any other man who is close to Lucianna?〃
  〃Careful; Rudel。 Oh; please be careful。〃
  〃What will you do? Fight me? To see which one of us can kill the other? How stupid are you going to be about this; Blaise? I had no idea you were with the duke of Talair。 By the time I knew I could not withdraw from a job I'd accepted。 You are as much a professional as I am。 You know this is true。 I took your father's contract because it was by far the largest sum of money ever offered in our time for a killing。 I admit it; I was flattered。 I liked the challenge。 I liked the idea of being known as the man who was worth that much as an assassin。 Are you going to try to kill me for that? Or are you really wanting to kill me for introducing you to my cousin; who decided not to change her nature just because you appeared on the scene and wanted her to? I told you exactly what Lucianna and her family were before you ever saw her。 Remember? Or do you prefer to just hide within your anger; hide away from everyone you know; down here in Arbonne; and forget such painful things? Be honest with yourself; what is my sin; Blaise?〃
  Lisseut; flat on the wall; screened by the leaves of the plane tree with a bird now silent in the branches above; heard what she should not have heard and felt her hands beginning to tremble。 This was too raw; too profoundly private; and she was sorry now that she had e。 She was spying on this garden exactly like one of the evil; envious audrades who spied on the lovers in all the dawnsongs; bent on ruin and malice。 The steady; quiet splashing of the fountain was the only sound for a long time。 There were usually fountains in the songs; too。
  When Blaise next spoke it was; surprisingly; in Arbonnais。 〃If I am honest with myself and with you; I will say that there are only two people on earth; one man and one woman; it seems I cannot deal with; and you are linked with both of them now; not just the one。 It makes things 。。。 difficult。〃 He took a deep breath。 〃I'm not going to leave Arbonne。 Among other things; it would seem an admission of a guilt I do not bear。 I will wait until morning before I report to the appropriate people who it was who shot that arrow。 You should have no trouble being out to sea on one of your father's ships before that。 I'll take my chances here。〃
  The other man took a step forward into the full light of the candles on the table and the torches。 There was no levity or guile in his face now。 〃We have been friends a long time and have been through a great deal together。 If we are enemies now I will be sorry for it。 You might even make me regret taking this contract。〃
  Blaise shrugged。 〃It was a great deal of money。 My father tends to get what he wants。 Did you ever ask yourself why; of all possible assassins in the six countries; he hired the one who had been my closest friend?
  Rudel's face slowly changed as he thought about this。 Lisseut saw it happen in the glow of the light。 He shook his head。 〃Truly? Would that have been it? I never even thought of that。〃 He laughed softly again; but without any amusement now。 〃With my pride; I simply assumed he'd judged me the best of all of us。〃
  〃He was buying a friend I had made for myself in the world away from home; away from him。 Be flattered…he decided your price would be very high。〃
  〃High enough; though I confess I'm less happy now than I was a moment ago。 Tell me one thing; though。 I think I do know why you left us all and came away by yourself; but why stay now? What has Arbonne done to buy you and hold you? What was Bertran de Talair that you will cast your lot in this way?〃
  Blaise shrugged again。 〃It has done nothing; really。 Certainly not to buy me。 I don't even like it here; truthfully。 Too much goddess for me; as you might have guessed。〃 He shifted a little; from one foot to the other。 〃But I have a contract of my own; just as you did。 I'll wrap that up as honestly as I can; and then see where I end up。 I don't think I'm casting any lots; really。〃
  〃Then think again; Blaise。 Think harder。 If your father was sending a message to the world by killing the duke of Talair what shall we take that message to be? What is Gorhaut telling us all? My father says there is a war ing; Blaise。 If it es; I think Arbonne is doomed。〃
  〃It is possible;〃 said Blaise of Gorhaut; as Lisseut felt the colour leaving her face。 〃As I say; I will see where I am in a little while。〃
  〃There is nothing I can do for you?〃
  Lisseut heard a tired amusement in Blaise's voice。 〃Don't let the wine make you sentimental; Rudel。 I am going to report you as an assassin at sunrise。 You had best begin making your own plans。〃
  The other did not move。 〃There is one thing;〃 he said slowly; as if to himself。 He hesitated。 〃The factors in all of the Correze branch houses will be sent a letter from me ordering them to receive and conceal you should the need ever arise。〃
  〃I will not go to them。〃
  It was Rudel's turn to sound amused。 〃That much is out of my control。 I can take no responsibility for your pride。 But the letter will be written。 I take it you are leaving your money with us?〃
  〃But of course;〃 said Blaise。 〃With whom else should I trust it?〃
  〃Good;〃 said Rudel Correze。 〃The one thing my father most hates is investors withdrawing their accounts。 He would have been deeply unhappy with me。〃
  〃I would regret being the cause of such unhappiness。〃
  Rudel smiled。 〃If I had not seen you; Blaise; I should be an extravagantly pleased man tonight; flushed with my great success。 I might even go out and join the Carnival。 Instead I am rendered curiously sad and forced to take a night voyage; which never agrees with my digestion。 What sort of a friend are you?〃
  〃One who is not an enemy; at any rate。 Be careful; Rudel。〃
  〃And you。 That Arimondan will kill you if he can。〃
  〃I know。 If he can。〃
  There was a silence。 〃A message for Lucianna?〃
  〃None at all。 The god guard you; Rudel。〃
  Blaise took a step forward and the two men clasped hands。 For a moment Lisseut thought they w
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