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  〃How spectacular?〃
  〃You don't want to know。 You'll be jealous。 e; Blaise; take your wine; I feel silly standing with my hand out like an almsman。 Are you angry with me?〃
  Slowly; Blaise of Gorhaut walked forward over the grass and took the offered goblet。 The Portezzan laughed and returned to his seat。 Blaise remained standing beside the table。
  〃In the tavern;〃 he said slowly; 〃you would have seen that I was with the duke; one of his men。〃
  〃Of course I did; and I must say it surprised me。 I'd heard a rumour at the Aulensburg tourney…you were missed in Gotzland; by the way; you were talked about…that you were in Arbonne this spring; but I doubted it; I really didn't know you liked singing so much。〃
  〃I don't; believe me。 But it isn't important。 I'm employed by the duke of Talair; and you saw as much in the tavern。 Didn't that mean anything to you?〃
  〃A few things; yes; but you won't like them and you won't want to hear them from me。 You are angry with me; obviously。 Really; Blaise; what was I supposed to do; abandon a contract and payment because you happened to be on the scene trading insults with an Arimondan catamite? I gather you killed his brother。〃
  〃How much money were you paid?〃 Blaise asked again; ignoring that last。 〃Tell me。〃
  The fair; handsome head was in shadow again。 There was a silence。 〃Two hundred and fifty thousand;〃 the Portezzan said quietly。
  Lisseut suppressed a gasp。 She saw Blaise stiffen in disbelief。
  〃No one has that much money for an assassination;〃 he said harshly。
  The other man laughed; cheerfully。 〃Someone does; someone did。 Deposited in advance with our Gotzland branch; in trust for me on conditions。 When word es of the musical duke of Talair's so sad demise the conditions are removed。 Gotzland;〃 he said musingly; 〃is a usefully discreet place sometimes; though I suppose it does help to have a family bank。〃
  The man still seemed amused; eerily so; as if there was some private jest he was savouring at Blaise's expense。 Lisseut was still reeling inwardly; unable to even prehend the size of the sum he had named。
  〃Payment in Portezzan coinage?〃
  Laughter again; on the edge of hilarity now; the sound startling in the quiet formality of the garden。 A slow sip of wine。 〃Ah; well now; you are fishing for information; my dear。 You were never good at that; were you Blaise? You don't like poison; you don't like deceptions。 You aren't at all happy with me。 I've clearly gone to the bad since we parted。 You haven't even asked for news of Lucianna。〃
  〃Who paid you; Rudel?〃
  The question was blunt; hard as a hammer。 Blaise's wine glass was set down on the table; untouched; Lisseut saw that it shook a little。 The other man…who had a name now…would have seen that too。
  〃Don't be stupid and tiresome;〃 the Portezzan said。 〃When have you ever revealed who hired you? When has anyone you respected done so? You of all men know I've never done this for the money in any case。〃 A sudden; sweeping gesture enpassed the house and the garden。 〃I was born to this and all it represents in the six countries; and I'll die with it unless I'm more stupid than I plan to be; because my father happens to like me。〃 He paused。 〃Drink your wine; Blaise; and sit down like a civilized person so we can talk about where we're going next。〃
  〃We aren't very civilized in Gorhaut;〃 said Blaise。 〃Remember?〃 There was a new note in his voice。
  The man in the chair cleared his throat but did not speak。 Blaise did not move from where he stood。
  〃I see it now; though;〃 he said softly。 Lisseut could barely hear him。 〃You've had too much wine too quickly; haven't you? You didn't mean to say all of that did you; Rudel?〃 He spoke Portezzan extremely well; much better than Lisseut did herself。
  〃How do you know? Perhaps I did;〃 the other man replied; an edge to his tone now。 〃Lucianna always said that good wine at night made her…〃
  Blaise shook his head。 〃No。 No; we aren't talking about Lucianna; Rudel。〃 He drew a breath and; surprisingly; reclaimed his own goblet and drank。 He set it down again; carefully。 〃You told me too much。 I understand now why you find all of this so diverting。 You were paid in Gorhaut coinage。 You were hired for that insane amount of money to assassinate the duke of Talair in the name of Ademar; king of Gorhaut。 But on the orders and doubtless the instigation of Galbert; High Elder of Corannos in Gorhaut。〃
  In shadow the other man slowly nodded his head。 〃Your father;〃 he said。
  〃My father。〃
  Lisseut watched as Blaise turned away from the table and the lights on the patio and walked back towards the fountain。 He stood gazing down at the rippling waters of the artificial pool。 It was difficult to see his face。
  〃I didn't know you were with Talair when I accepted the contract; Blaise。 Obviously。〃 The Portezzan's voice was more urgent now; the amusement gone。 〃They wanted him killed for some songs he wrote。〃
  〃I know。 I heard one of them。〃 Blaise didn't look up from the pool。 〃There's a message in this。 My father likes sending messages。 No one is safe; he's saying。 No one should think about crossing him。〃 He turned with a harsh gesture。 〃You're meant to tell the fee; you know。 If you don't; believe me they will。 It'll get out。 That's a message in itself。 How far he'll go if he has to。 The resources they can mand。 You've been used; Rudel。〃
  The other man shrugged; unruffled。 〃We are always used。 It is my profession; it's yours。 People hire us to serve their needs。 But if you're right; if they really intend to make sure everyone knows who paid for this and how much; then you had better think seriously about ing away with me。〃
  〃Think about it。 In your clever vein; Blaise。 What happens to you here when your own secret's broached? When people learn who you are…and that your father killed the duke of Talair while you were supposed to be guarding him。 I have some idea why you came away to Arbonne in the first place…and now; we don't have to talk about it…but you can't stay here now。〃
  Blaise crossed his arms over his chest。 〃I could deal with that problem。 I could turn you in。 Tonight。 I am employed by the duke of Talair; I'd be doing my duty。〃
  Lisseut couldn't see his face clearly; but from the voice that emerged from shadow she knew the man named Rudel was amused again。
  〃The late; lamented; poetical duke of Talair。 He wrote one song too many; alas。 Really; Blaise。 Your father ordered the killing; your old rade…in…arms performed it? Stop being stupid。 You are going to be blamed for this。 I'm sorry if what I've done makes things briefly awkward for you; but the only thing to do now is figure out where we'd like to go and leave。 Have you heard; by the way? Lucianna is married again。 Shall we visit the newly weds?〃
  There was another silence。 〃Where?〃 Blaise asked quietly。 Lisseut had a sense that the question came against his will。
  〃Andoria。 To Borsiard; the count; a fortnight ago。 My father was there。 I wasn't invited; I'm afraid。 Neither; evidently; were you; though I would have thought you'd have heard。〃
  〃I hadn't。〃
  〃Then we must visit them and plain。 If he hasn't been cucko
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