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  〃He was on the launching pier with us the whole time。〃
  Blaise; sick with knowing; opened his mouth to speak; but the priestess was before him。
  〃Leave off wrangling now;〃 she said。 〃We must take him to a temple。 Will someone find a way to carry him?〃
  Of course; Blaise thought。 This was Arbonne。 Valery of Talair; even though he was a coran; would not find his end in the sanctity of the god's house。 He would pass to Corannos amid the dark rites of Rian。 With a distaste that was akin to a fresh grief; Blaise turned away from the priestess; she had covered her head with a wide hood now。 He saw that Valery's eyes were upon him again; and Blaise thought he understood the expression this time。
  Ignoring the others; even Bertran; he knelt on the wet dock beside the dying man。 〃Be sheltered ever in the god;〃 he said huskily; surprised by the difficulty he had in speaking。 〃I think I know who did this。 I will deal with him for you。〃
  Valery of Talair was pale as parchment beneath the moons and the torches。 He nodded his head once; and then he closed his eyes。
  Blaise rose。 Without looking at anyone or staying for further words he strode from the dock。 Someone made way for him; he realized only later that it had been Quzman; the Arimondan。 Others also fell back before him but he was scarcely aware of any of them。 There were those ashes in his throat and a queer blurring to his sight。 Syvaren on the arrow。 White feathers; white…and…black shaft。 Blaise reached inward for the rage he needed; and it was there; but he could not ride it。 There was too much grief; cold and clammy; coiled in tendrils as a mist in winter: half for Valery behind him and half for what he walked towards now; tall and grim as an image of the Ancients on a frieze; amid the flurrying torches and the smoke and noise and masks and; yes; in the distance; still the laughter of Carnival。
  I will deal with him for you。 Last words to a dying man; fellow coran of the god's long; hallowed brotherhood; a friend very nearly; here amid the goddess…shaped strangeness of Arbonne。 And they were likely to have been a lie; those last words; the worst sort of lie。
  Lisseut; if asked in the midst of that swirling; suddenly horrific night; or even after; with time and a quiet place to think things through; would not have been able to say why she slipped free of Bertran de Talair's telltale blue cloak; ignored Alain's urgent cry behind her and followed the man named Blaise away from the torchlit pier and into the warren of dark; twisting lanes that led away from the river。
  It might have been something about the way he had left the dock; the headlong ferocity; brushing past the Arimondan as if the man did not exist。 Or something perhaps in the stricken expression she saw in his face as he went blindly past them all and plunged into the crowd。 She had heard the word poison ripple back like a snake from where Valery lay。 They were taking him to the largest temple of Rian。 Men were hastily readying a sail canvas; slinging it between poles。 They would move him on that。 The crowd would make way in silence until they passed; bearing death; then it would be loud again; wilder than before; with flamboyant murder suddenly added to the intoxicating mixture of Carnival…something else by which to remember the night。
  The troubadours and joglars would go to the temple; she knew; to wait and watch in a vigil outside the walls; many for Bertran's sake and some for Valery's。 Lisseut had been part of death…watches before。 She didn't want to join one tonight。
  She followed the coran from Gorhaut。
  She had to force her way against the press of the crowd。 People were hurrying towards the river; drawn by rumours of some excitement or disaster; the coinage of festival time。 Twisting past bodies; Lisseut smelled wine and cooked meats; roasted nuts; sweet perfumes; human sweat。 She knew a brief; flurrying panic when she was trapped for a moment in a cluster of drunken merchant seamen from Gotzland; but she twisted free of the nearest of them and hurried on; looking for the man she was following。
  His height made it easier。 Even in the thronged laneways she could make him out ahead of her; moving against the crowd; his hair a bright red when he passed under the torches set in the walls of the dilapidated old warehouses。 This was not the choicest part of Tavernel。 Blaise of Gorhaut plunged onwards; taking turnings seemingly at random; moving more quickly as the crowds thinned out away from the water。 Lisseut found she was almost running in order to keep him in sight。
  Incongruous in one dim; crooked laneway; she saw a woman; gowned magnificently in green silk; furred and bejewelled; with an elaborate fox mask; reach out for Blaise; he didn't even break stride to acknowledge her presence。 Lisseut; hurrying along behind him; was made suddenly aware of her own damp; straggling hair and ruined shirt。 Trivialities; she told herself sternly; a white…feathered arrow had been launched tonight with poison on its head; and it had been meant…it took no brilliance of insight to know…for the duke of Talair and not the cousin who had quietly taken his place in that small boat on the river。
  Blaise of Gorhaut stopped abruptly at a crossing of lanes and looked around him for the first time。 Lisseut quickly ducked into a recessed doorway。 She almost fell over a man and a woman leaning back against the wall in the darkness beside the door; locked in an embrace。 The lower part of the woman's gown was pushed up about her waist。
  〃Oh; good;〃 the woman drawled sensuously; glancing languorously at Lisseut; a ripple of amusement in her voice。 Her mask had slipped back from her eyes and hair; dangling loosely down her back。 The man laughed softly; mouth at her throat。 Both of them reached out in the same instant; slender fingers and strong ones; to draw Lisseut into their embrace。 〃Good;〃 the woman said again; a whisper; half…closing her eyes。 There was a scent of wildflowers about her。
  〃Um; not really;〃 Lisseut said awkwardly; stirred against her will。 She spun free of both of them。
  〃Then farewell love; ah; farewell ever; love。〃 The woman sang the old refrain with an unexpected plaintiveness marred by a giggle at the end as the man whispered something in her ear。
  Back in the street; in the wavering; uneasy shadows between wall torches; Lisseut quickly donned the woman's mask。 It was a cat; most of the women chose cat masks tonight。 Ahead; she saw Blaise throw out a hand to stop a trio of apprentices。 He asked a question。 Laughing; they answered and pointed; one of them offered a flask。 Lisseut saw Blaise hesitate and then accept。 He squeezed a jet of dark wine down his throat。 For some reason; watching; that made her uneasy。
  He took the lane forking right; where they had pointed。 She followed; passing the apprentices with quick sidelong steps; prepared to run; it was too dark here; not enough people。 She reached the fork and looked along the lane to the right。 It was even quieter there; running up and away from the river and the market square。 The houses became steadily more impressive; more evidently prosperous; the roadway better l
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