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  He had a flashing memory of a path by Lake Dierne; six dead men in the spring grass。 The crowd had fallen well back; leaving a cleared space around the two parties by the door。 Blaise was aware that the slim; brown…haired woman; the one who had accosted him; was still standing just behind him。
  〃I will not banter with you;〃 Bertran said quietly。 His back was still to the door; to the huge man standing there with malice in his flint…grey eyes。 〃One more time; why are you here; my lord of Miraval?〃
  Urté de Miraval; framed massively in the doorway of The Liensenne; did not reply。 Instead his heavy gaze; eyes deep…hooded in his face; swung over to look at Blaise。 Ignoring Bertran's question as if it had been asked by an importuning farm labourer; he fixed Blaise with an appraising scrutiny。 He smiled then; but there was no lessening of the malice in his expression。
  〃Unless I am greatly wrong;〃 he said; 〃and I do not think I am; this will be the northerner who is so free with his bow to shed the blood of other men。〃 The corans beside him shifted slightly。 The motion; Blaise noted; freed space for their swords to be drawn。
  〃Your corans shot my pony and my horse;〃 Blaise said quietly。 〃I had reason to believe they were minded to kill me。〃
  〃They would have been;〃 Urté de Miraval agreed; almost pleasantly。 〃Should I forgive you six deaths for that reason? I don't think I shall; and even if I were minded to; there is another aggrieved party in the case。 A man who will be exceedingly happy to learn that you are here tonight。 He might even join us later; which will be interesting。 So many accidents happen amid the crowds of Carnival; it is one of the regrettable aspects of the celebration; wouldn't you agree?〃
  Blaise read the transparent threat; what he didn't know was its origin。 From Valery's stiffened posture he sensed that the other man did。
  〃There is a law passed regarding killings between Miraval and Talair;〃 Bertran's cousin said sharply from Blaise's side。 〃You know it well; my lord duke。〃
  〃Indeed; I do。 So; if it es to that; did my six slain men。 If only our beloved countess in Barbentain could pass laws that guarded against the mishaps of a riotous night in the city。 Would that not be a pleasant thing; a reassuring thing?〃 His eyes swung back from Valery to Blaise and settled there; with the predatory quality of a hunting cat。
  And with that; Bertran de Talair finally turned to confront the man in the doorway。
  〃You frighten no one;〃 he said flatly。 〃There is nothing but sour rancour in you。 Even the grapes on your land taste of it。 A last time; my lord of Miraval; for I will not permit this exchange to continue: why are you here?〃
  Again there was to be no reply; or not from the man addressed。 Instead; a woman; hooded and cloaked; stepped around him and into the room from where she'd been hidden behind his bulk。
  〃Oh dear; oh dear; oh dear!〃 she said。 〃This isn't at all what I wanted to happen。〃 The words were contrite and distressed; the tone was as far from such feelings as it could possibly be。 In that lazy drawl Blaise heard boredom and vexation; and more than a hint of power。 Not another one; he thought。 Not another of these women。
  Astonishment and a different kind of anger flashed in the eyes of Bertran de Talair。
  〃Ariane; what; precisely; do you think you are doing? Is this a game? If so you have overreached yourself。〃
  Ariane。 Ariane de Carenzu; who was queen of the Court of Love。 The woman so sharply addressed brought up one elaborately ringed hand and cast back her hood; shaking free her hair with an unconcerned motion。
  She's married; though; Blaise thought stupidly。 Her hair is supposed to be bound up; even in Arbonne。 It wasn't。 Her hair was thick and raven dark; and as he watched it fell in waves down her back; liberated from the transitory confines of the hood。 There was a confused; excited murmur in the room。 Looking at the woman standing beside Urté de Miraval; momentarily unable; in fact; to look away from her; Blaise thought he understood why。
  〃Overreach?〃 she said now; very quietly。 〃I don't think I allow language like that even from a friend; Bertran。 I wasn't aware that I needed permission from you to visit The Liensenne。 〃
  〃You need no such thing。 But you also know that…〃
  〃I know only that the duke of Miraval was kind enough to invite me to join his pany this evening to observe the delights of Carnival; and I was happy to accept。 I would also have thought; evidently wrongly; that two high lords of Arbonne might; for tonight at least; lay down a petty feud they carry; at least enough to be civil in the pany of women and on the night dedicated to the goddess。〃
  〃A petty feud?〃 Bertran echoed; incredulity in his voice。
  Urté de Miraval laughed。 〃This is being tedious in the extreme;〃 he said。 〃I came to hear what passes for music this season in Tavernel; not to bandy words in a doorway with a choleric degenerate。 Whose songs are we hearing tonight?〃
  There was a stiff; short silence; then:
  〃Mine;〃 said Alain of Rousset clearly。 〃We will hear my songs; if you like。 Lisseut; will you be good enough to sing for us?〃
  It was; she thought much later; when she had space for calmer reflection on the turbulent events of that night; not so greatly surprising when looked at in a certain light。 Remy and Aurelian were both out of the room; and Bertran was certainly not going to have his own verses sung at Urté de Miraval's request; of the troubadours who remained; Alain had more ambition than most and as much right to step forward as any; and since she'd just finished a season of touring with him it was perfectly logical that he ask her to perform。
  All such clear thinking came afterwards; though。 At the moment; Lisseut was aware only that she had just been humiliatingly inverted in a tub of Cauvas gold wine; that there was a spreading puddle beneath her feet; that her clothing was ruined; her hair soaked; and in such a resplendent condition she was now being asked to sing…for the first time … in the presence of three of the most powerful personages in Arbonne; one of whom also happened to be the most celebrated troubadour of their day。
  She made a small; gulping sound in her throat; hoping immediately after that no one had heard。 The big coran from Gorhaut turned; though; and favoured her with an ironic scrutiny from behind his thick; reddish beard。 She glared fiercely up at him; and that brief surge of anger; as much as anything else; calmed her momentary attack of fright。 With what she hoped was a casual gesture she tossed the towel she was still holding to the bearded man and turned to Alain。
  〃I would be honoured;〃 she said; as calmly as she could。
  Alain's face; visibly contending with anxieties of his own; didn't much help her to relax。 She understood; of course: the troubadour was boldly seizing an unexpected chance to make a bid for wider renown…and was handing her the opportunity to do the same。 A moment such as this; singing in The Liensenne at Midsummer Carnival before the dukes of Talair and Miraval and the reigning queen of the Court of Love 。。。 Lisseut blinked and swallowed。 If
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